Thank You and Im so Sorry

lexie423's Avatar
First I wanted to thank everyone that has helped me get started here on ECCIE. I have had a rough start because of computer problems, phone issues and then i got sick with this flu that has been going around. I am so SORRY that i have not been able to contact everyone that has been calling. I am new to this just leaning all the computer issues, but i am getting the hang of this and am finally felling better. Please hang in there and thanks to everyone that has helped me and i am sorry for the friends that i have not been able to contact yet. Hope to see you soon. Who Rox? Lexie Rox : )

DallasRain's Avatar
Take care babe...have fun!!!
lexie423's Avatar
Thank you Dallas Rain I will. I love to have fun. Being safe is a must. You do the same. I read alot of your post you have a great attitude towards things. Talk to you later.
Dragon_inc's Avatar
The Dragon is keeping a eye on you and will make a return visit as soon as some gold gets added to his horde...see ya.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar

Just keep in mind this lil OLD country mouse is here to help.

Lonesome's Avatar
I'm glad you're finally getting better, and I appreciate that you've been in touch even through sickness. See ya!
lexie423's Avatar
Thanks Guys!! See you soon Dragon for some more fun.
Who Rox? Lexie Rox : )
klassykallie's Avatar
Hey girlie! It's been awhile, lol!
lexie423's Avatar
Hey Kallie yes it has LOL
klassykallie's Avatar
Hmmm, any of you guys want to get me and Lexi together again? YUMMY, LOL!
lexie423's Avatar
Sound like fun to me!!! Im all about having some fun!!! Hope to see you soon Kallie.

Lexie Rox
klassykallie's Avatar
I'm ready! As always, lol!!