Virginia Dept. of Education website promotes CRT despite McAuliffe claims it's 'never been taught' there

  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2021, 07:17 AM

Virginia promotes pro-critical race theory book, contradicting Terry McAuliffe claim

Chief Washington correspondent Mike Emanuel has the latest on a Fox News investigation showing a book promoted by the Virginia education department instructs teachers to 'embrace' CRT

The phrase "Critical Race Theory" appears on the Virginia Department of Education website despite Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe’s repeated claims the curriculum is not taught in Virginia.
On the Virginia Department of Education website, several examples of the department promoting Critical Race Theory can be found, including a presentation from 2015, when Terry McAullife was governor, that encourages teachers to "embrace Critical Race Theory" in "order to re-engineer attitudes and belief systems."
Additionally, superintendent memo 050-19 can be found on the site from February 2019 promoting both Critical Race Theory and the idea of "white fragility."
Also in 2019, under Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam, Superintendent of Public Instruction James Lane sent a memo to Virginia public schools endorsing "Foundations of Critical Race Theory in Education," as an important "tool" that can "further spur developments in education."
City Journal’s Christopher Rufo detailed the revelations in a Twitter thread Saturday taking issues with McAuliffe’s claims that Critical Race Theory is a "racist dog whistle" that has "never been taught in Virginia."
Rufo also posted screenshots from the department’s website citing Critical Race Theory in Education" as a "best practice."
"It's not taught in Virginia and it's never been taught in Virginia," McAuliffe said earlier this month about the controversial curriculum which teaches that the United States is fundamentally racist. "And as I've said this a lot, it's a dog whistle. It's racial, it's division and it's used by Glenn Youngkin and others, it's the same thing with Trump and the border wall, to divide people. We should not be dividing people in school."
The McAuliffe campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the presence of Critical Race Theory in Virginia public schools.
Additionally, the Virginia Department of Education did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
This week, the Virginia Department of Education drew criticism for promoting a book telling teachers they "must embrace theories such as critical race theory."
In June, officials in Loudoun County, Virginia education officials acknowledged that Critical Race Theory influences their work and in July it was revealed that a Virginia school district spent over $30,000 on Critical Race Theory training for administrators.
Education has been a major focal point of the gubernatorial race between McAuliffe and his GOP opponent businessman Glenn Youngkin who has drastically narrowed and even erased McAuliffe’s lead in some polls and a recent Fox News poll shows that a strong majority of parents support Youngkin.
Voters will decide between McAuliffe and Youngkin on Tuesday, November 2.

Tomorrow is Decision Day in virgina
Mcauliffe Lies , Lies, adn Lies, - just as his lying DemocratiCommunist party Lies.
They are teh largest Purveyor of Racism and marxism EVER in America.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands
American Marxism aka CRT

Levin describes it as "Louis Farrakhan dressed up as scholarship"

it substitutes race and gender for the class struggle of marx and engels

it depicts the present times as mean and miserable while working to make it even more so to use the lies of its claims for its own power and sake to subjugate all liberty and freedoms

it provides no place for personal responsibility but finds blame everywhere else
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You need to get your isms straight, dude.

Whining about progress - especially in the reversal of racism - is Trumpism.

Outrage over teaching children to think is Neanderthalism

You need to get your isms straight.
its too difficult given the space and time and student intransigence to provide you an education
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Of course!


  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2021, 11:08 AM
Thank you for v erifiying the truth adn Facts of teh topic of teh thread, valued poster.
  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2021, 11:09 AM
American Marxism aka CRT

Levin describes it as "Louis Farrakhan dressed up as scholarship"

it substitutes race and gender for the class struggle of marx and engels

it depicts the present times as mean and miserable while working to make it even more so to use the lies of its claims for its own power and sake to subjugate all liberty and freedoms

it provides no place for personal responsibility but finds blame everywhere else Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

NGUT - thank you - good sir
you describe teh democraticommunist party and its racist, marxist ideology well.
They do love their Louis farrakhan - a major force in keeping Black Peoples on teh plantation of teh democraticommunist party.
  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2021, 01:35 PM
Sad - the democraticommunists are too dispiritied by their internecine warfare over Trillions of dollars they will confiscate from teh poor - to pay any attention to their education fiasco of CRT - and the public reaction to their ham-handed jackboot attemtps to force this down teh minds of the 'educated'.

Parents are Revolting - Justifiably.

and only One democraticommunist chose to post.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands
And - it is likely coming to just that due to teh democraticommunists attempts to impose marxist Rule on America!
a child's question to her mother

"are you an evil person because you were born white?"
FatCity's Avatar
i don't know what your problem is
its not like this is forced on employees or anything

FatCity's Avatar
and its not like American corporations are purposely pushing whites out of their company and forcing minorities to leadership positions just because of the color of their skin and zero merit

FatCity's Avatar
HEH....such a conspiracy theory
Why on earth would EVERY American corporation be doing the same thing?

  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2021, 03:20 PM
FC - are you quoting fiden, repeatedly???
Seems so.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
and its not like American corporations are purposely pushing whites out of their company and forcing minorities to leadership positions just because of the color of their skin and zero merit

OH SHIT Originally Posted by FatCity
your image pyramid is truncated
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-02-2021, 03:56 AM
a child's question to her mother

"are you an evil person because you were born white?" Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Is that what you asked your mother?