:) :) !!!!!!!

Guest062813-1's Avatar
Gonna be mobile again in less than two weeks! I am sooooo excited!
That is good girl I love being Mobile too....
Where are you going first? ice fishing in the Alaskan Tundra. Ride Al Paca through the mountains of Puru...
Where are you going first? ice fishing in the Alaskan Tundra. Ride Al Paca through the mountains of Puru... Originally Posted by beechguy
Lol, I just got this! I was wondering where you came up with this until I read the ops showcase. Good one
@aceysexyazz, you will feel so ecstatic when you become mobile again. Lol, I hella appreciated my car when I replaced my stolen car. Now, I think my car sucks, the excitement is long gone!
Guest062813-1's Avatar
Where are you going first? ice fishing in the Alaskan Tundra. Ride Al Paca through the mountains of Puru... Originally Posted by beechguy
Hmmm they all sound so enticing! Maybe if I have time... I'm just so glad to be driving again!
Guest062813-1's Avatar
@gemma&&Mona Very sexy ladies ^_^ meow
LoveWomen's Avatar
Well Darlin', put some gas in that new car and head your sweet lil self

Back to Kansas City

before you take your world travels.