FBI can steal from we the people.

Ripmany's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
this is fucked up.

that shit (govt. theft) has been going on for a long time.

state & local police do it too.
Correct. The federal and local police can basically confiscate what they want with impunity. Good luck mounting a cost effective effort in getting it back.

BTW, they only apply it to non-cops. I remember about 20 years ago a 20/20 TV episode where the FBI confiscated a home from the owner's son was selling drugs out of without the owners knowledge. The guy went to the local FBI agent (a woman) to appeal. No dice. A few months later, the FBI agent's son was caught selling drugs out of HER home. Of course, the house wasn't confiscated.

If memory serves there are special carve outs to this rule. For instance, the FBI could confiscate any cruise ship it wanted for transporting drugs.