Sex "facts"

It is on the internet, it must be true.
Some of those aren't that unusual. But, I understand why title it the way they did. There are still a lot of Americans with uptight views towards sex.
"sperm travels at 28 mph"

At one time maybe. Now it's like 5th class mail.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
TV blows my mind.

Shows will show extreme explicit gore but a nipple is taboo.
Funny vid, I thought it might be fun to see it from the other side. The little "facts" we heard or told when we were younger.

Probably the worst I ever did was a year after HS, and my buddy from school had a little sister that I always thought was kinda hot. He had left for the Army, and the sister and I started hanging out at summer parties etc. Anyway I asked if she wanted to hang out with me on a Sunday afternoon and we would go to Lincoln. She asked to do what, I responded with "Go to the Tubery". So we did, and once we settled in, we started messing around, she asked if I had a condom, I said "you cant get prego in a hot tub, the hot water will kill my sperm". She believed me and we banged, well, like teenagers.

That fall she left for some Liberal Arts college out east, and I didn't see her for years. She never told her brother what happened and, years later, I saw her she playfully slapped me and called me a liar, right in front of her bro and family. We both looked at each other and laughed, much to their confusion.

NOTE: For those who dont know "The Tubery" was a place where you could rent a hot tub for an amount of time. It was well known in the Lincoln area as the place to take a young lady. If you ever invited a person there it was pretty much a done deal you were having sex. Awesome concept at 19, kinda gross in hind sight.
It is on the internet, it must be true. Originally Posted by oldguy57
"The problem with quotes from the internet is it is hard to verify their authenticity"-- Abraham Lincoln.."
I just watched this. Holy Crap! I better start having more sex or my little guy is gonna shrink away to nothing!
oldmanoftheroad's Avatar
Funny vid, I thought it might be fun to see it from the other side. The little "facts" we heard or told when we were younger.

Probably the worst I ever did was a year after HS, and my buddy from school had a little sister that I always thought was kinda hot. He had left for the Army, and the sister and I started hanging out at summer parties etc. Anyway I asked if she wanted to hang out with me on a Sunday afternoon and we would go to Lincoln. She asked to do what, I responded with "Go to the Tubery". So we did, and once we settled in, we started messing around, she asked if I had a condom, I said "you cant get prego in a hot tub, the hot water will kill my sperm". She believed me and we banged, well, like teenagers.

That fall she left for some Liberal Arts college out east, and I didn't see her for years. She never told her brother what happened and, years later, I saw her she playfully slapped me and called me a liar, right in front of her bro and family. We both looked at each other and laughed, much to their confusion.

NOTE: For those who dont know "The Tubery" was a place where you could rent a hot tub for an amount of time. It was well known in the Lincoln area as the place to take a young lady. If you ever invited a person there it was pretty much a done deal you were having sex. Awesome concept at 19, kinda gross in hind sight. Originally Posted by Baconlover

OH my gosh the Tubbery!! Always wanted to go but never made it.. always heard about all of the sperm floating in the water!! LOL!!
"The Tubbery" I remember it well.
Never saw man gravy, but you pretty much turned blond from the excess chlorine.