Client/ASP age disparity

Ms Elena made an interesting post in the alert section, and I wanted to respond but did not want to hijack that thread and its purpose. But this is a question I've had on my mind for a while. What is an allowable client/ASP age disparity.

MsE posted "I'm as open minded as one can be, but you have to admit that a 30 yr old and up guy having sex with a 17 yr old is wrong. I have a niece that age and I'd beat the crap out of a guy who would try that with her."

What is allowable? I have to admit I'd feel pretty icky seeing someone that young. But the age difference she lists is only 13 years.......less than the 22 years that separate Elena and me, and I just reviewed her recently. Other than her incessant whining about my walker getting in the way, and being able to figure out how to unclasp my colostomy bag, the session went pretty well.

I try not to see ladies who advertise their age at less than 28. I always figure they've shaved 5 years off.

Guys, whats the biggest age spread you allow. Ladies? Whats appropriate and whats gross?
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
My son (oldest child) is 25 so I add ten years to that making 35 and will not see anyone under that age. I still prefer older than that.
If they are young enough to be my kid its gross to me.
I did make exceptions to this in the beginning, but was uncomfortable.
How much older the man is than me doesn't matter as long as we are both comfortable.

Guess it just depends on what your comfortable with.

I do believe that being with someone under 21 and not being within 2 or 3 years of their age is nasty.
Psychologically speaking until a kid is around 21 their brains are not fully developed and they are not in control of their actions. Read up on it, interesting stuff.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Anything that take place between two consenting adults is their business. People can judge, stare, make fun of them, but really it is their business.

Personally, I prefer older providers. I try to stay away from those who might (you never know) be my daughter.
There are so many levels that I find this discussion interesting. First, the existence of under age girls in this marketplace makes it more difficult to deal with this markeplace. I, for one, do not wish to add Statutory Rape to anything I do as a hobbyist. And the discovery of an under age provider puts the whole world of this hobby under a LE microscope. Second, this problem is a Western Culture problem. Many cultures I have seen in my travels have no problems with a young teenager marrying a man in his 60's. I personally admit to a revulsion at having sex with a child. Third, in the places that providers are licensed, this does not happen. Maybe an argument for a form of regulation and a decriminaliizing of the entire line of work.
...if the age differential doesn't bother the 2 (or more) people involved.

I've lived most of my adult life outside the USA. In some societies, the older man/ younger woman (10 to 15 year differential) model is the norm or at a minimum, is not unusual. While living in Mexico, I hung extensively with a Chiquita who was about 25 to 30 years younger than me and enjoyed her youthful perspective and joy at experiencing new things, not to mention seeing her freshly budded 17 y/o body in a bikini. Many of my gringo co-workers would comment, "She's young enough to be your daughter." My smiling reply was, "Yes, but she's not." While the initial relationship was platonic, eventually she asked me to teach her the ways of a man and a woman...Worked for me and think it worked for her.

The age of sexual consent in Mexico is (I believe) 16 and it was not unusual for 14 y/o girls to give birth with their families helping to raise the offspring. A standard joke re age of consent was the 40 kilo rule....If they weighed 40 kilos+, they were legal and rocks in their pockets was permissible. That wasn't and isn't my standard but each to his own with the proviso that the elder has a responsibility to do no harm.

I have read of South seas societies where, upon reaching puberty, both males and females are introduced to the joys of sex by significantly older partners. In many ways, this system makes sense to me.

Re the original question, I generally frequent the 30 to 45 y/o range but am comfortable with both younger and older ladies depending on their perceived attitudes. I recently had 2 sessions with a 26 y/o lady that were very enjoyable for me and I believe were also good for her. Maturity is not always accurately measured in years.
burkalini's Avatar
I do believe its more about time to consider their choices than 17 bad and 18 good. Most very young providers while they maybe developed and good at sex I think they need more time to consider all their options before doing this profession. We all learn by mistakes and they just haven't had time for a lot of that. I personally like a more mature gal that not only knows what she is doing but is totally comfortable with it. Like Ms. lady for one.
I am well over 60 and have always tried to avoid ladies under 35 and prefer 40+ but it is getting more difficult all the time as older providers retire or, as my most recent fave did, get married again(#3) I tend to party in Topeka Ks because I travel through there regularly. Tried a 23yo last trip. Sweet lady but I have shoes older. The last time I was with a 23 yo I was 24. In Lincoln I am fortunate enough to see Y (Thank you Y, you have saved my sanity). I occasionally get to Omaha and see KKB and Brandy but I actually am in Topeka more often. Madison is not available the days I go through and M has left Manhattan for Wichita. I am open to suggestions. Thank you for this opportunity to whine.
But being with an older woman has always been young guys' fantasy :-D
CryptKicker's Avatar
Let's be careful with this discussion please... a couple of the comments are right on the line....

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.
What I wrote is my opinion and how I feel. I responded to what Burk had to say, but I can put it here too.

"I personally don't see the attraction of a guy wanting a gal under 21 and that's pushing it. The reason I say that is because most people that age don't know how to live their life let alone fuck properly or give head/DATY. Then you want that young gal to take care of business and treat you like a king for however long you hire her services for? That's if they decide to call you back, email you back, return your texts and if they decide to keep their appt with you. Some providers no matter the age are flaky, but the youngers gals, its a proven fact that there's more drama to deal with it. Hell, look at the board the last 4 months. lol

But, in the end.....its your money and your decision. As long as you choose wisely, you're good to go."
spinneraddiction's Avatar
I don't think it matters. I've slept with girls much younger and much older than I am. Its all about whether you are attracted to them or not.
The French use this formula:

Your age divided by 2, plus 10.

If you're 50, someone under 35 is too young for you.

Given the small number of providers in this area, that won't work too well here.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 05-07-2014, 08:36 AM
Just found this in the "Oldest Provider/Client you've seen" thread in the nat'l main discussion board. Seemed germane to this thread.

. . . I don't mind being old enough to be a providers daddy. At my age, that comes with the territory. But old enough to be their granddaddy starts to punch some creepy buttons for me. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
When I was 18 and doing this and I seen a guy that was over say like 30 I was disgusted. I didn't want some dirty old man on me, pawing me or touching me. I did it though and got through it with a smile on my face. Back then it was all about the money and nothing else.
Now that I am older its not all about the money, I look now beyond the looks and look more at personality, the gentlemen are more my age and we can talk. I pick and choose who I see, if our personalities don't fit I don't see them again.
It is completely different meeting with a gentlemen now then at 18. My skin doesn't crawl anymore and I don't find the men disgusting anymore.
Age and maturity do make a difference in the experience everyone will have!
I agree with Rafael. I prefer older (over 40) but "Given the small number of providers in this area, that won't work too well here." And I do most of my partying in an even smaller town. Oh to be a youth of 50 again.