Marcus Bullshitious

  • Tdot
  • 04-24-2013, 11:29 AM
Date: NOW
Provider: Lazy Forum Mod
Phone: ECCIE
Email Address: ECCIE
URL / Website:
City: who the fuck cares?
State: Nebraska
Address: this forum
Appointment Type: Other
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: wasting my extremely precious time contributing to a forum moderated by a lazy ass
Session Length: VERY LONG
Fee: priceless time
Hair Color and Length: who the fuck cares?
Age: juvenile
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: Mixed
Physical Description: wasting time on this stupid forum
Recommendation: No
12blue4u's Avatar
WTF????? Well having been tossed down the road a time or two by Mod Gods on here I am not surprised by anything. Total BS but thats just my worthless opinion.
Tdot, obviously things have not been going your way, and you seem to be frustrated. Hopefully you can find a way to get in a better mood, because your current mood doesn't leave much desire for anyone to join you for a beer or anything for that matter. Hopefully things will get better, your mood will improve, and things will be much better.
Gladiator69's Avatar
Marcus does not make the rules, he is only doing his job to enforce them. Unfortunately we do need rules and need them enforced on this forum. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it and IMHO Marcus does a great job. I agree..have a cool one and tomorrow will be a better day
mbinlincoln's Avatar
Originally Posted by cowboy_john
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 04-24-2013, 04:08 PM
Assuming this was about your multiple reviews from your OmaHorrible night? I have to say, they were a bit long winded, but I know how it goes, brother. You get pissed/worked up, and the words just come flying out of the ends of your fingers.

As has been said above, take a deep breath, have Melody stop by, and have a few of your favorite adult beverages.

This too, shall pass, and I also appreciate your contributions, and hope you don't stop.
Originally Posted by mbinlincoln
nwguy123ddd's Avatar
what am I missing here??
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Originally Posted by mbinlincoln
12blue4u's Avatar
The problem is all these "rules" are open to interpretation by the mods. One Mod may think interpret one way and another will do it another way. I once tried to get an appeal on one of there little slaps and never even got a response back from where I was told by mod to email. Yea real fair system here.
John Bull's Avatar
I think this has gone far enough. Thread is closed.
John Bull's Avatar
Thread is reopened after staff consultation. JB
Bigh1955's Avatar
I don't know what kind of sh*t storm I missed TDOT, but I've always appreciated your contributions. I've also appreciated what has seemed to be fair moderation by our mods. I've seen other boards turn to crap because there were zero rules enforced. Glad to see the rules are being enforced here, but sorry to see you get dumped beverage(s) are a good thing, if that doesn't work try a two-hour session with MissO and Malerie.

I gotta say I really liked the review approach - novel, and funny as hell! Sorry MA, but it was...
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Smoking Status: Smoker

I take issue with this though.
I don't smoke.
But I am smokin!