Chris Mathews: Obama "Perfect American"

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Do you think that FastGoon is actually Chris Mathews?

Listen to this bullshit from the article:

MATTHEWS: He’s never not only broken any law, he’s never done anything wrong? He’s the perfect father, the perfect husband, the perfect American. And all they do is trash the guy. And it’s impossible for me to believe they would have said the same things about a Walter Mondale or a Jimmy Carter or a Bill Clinton. There’s an ethnic piece to this. It’s very hard to nail it down because they always cover it in ideology. But I’ve never heard anybody in this country call its opponent regularly anti-American or non-American.

Never broke a law? What about the possession and distribution of controlled substances like he admitted to in the autobiography he didn't write? And of course, Obama is being treated worse than Walter Mondale, Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton, only because he's "black".

Mathews is a disgrace. Anyone here who rants against Rush, had better be ready to apologize for Mathews.

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joe bloe's Avatar
MSNBC is the lowest of the low. Their hosts and commentators are the lunatic fringe of the Democrat party. Rachel Maddow used to be on the, now defunct, radical leftist Air America. Al Sharpton is a congenital idiot, who should have gone to jail for his participation in the Tawana Brawley rape hoax. Ed Shultz is trying to be the left's version of Rush, but has only succeeded in becoming a bloviating windbag. Joe Scarborough used to be a fairly conservative Republican. Now it seems, he has come down with a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome. Scarborough's views are becoming more socialist every day. I wonder if castration wasn't a condition of his employment.

When you compare Chris Mattews with the rest of the losers at MSNBC, he seems almost normal.
yeah and muhammed is the perfect man
Race card! Please Dave, it's because he's black he's done a shitty job or because he's black no one's called him on his shitty job? I'd give the Devoted more credit if they didn't constantly bring up race. If a black man can get elected POTUS then a black man can be a good president. Either we are a nation of raving bigots that hate blacks or we are not. Clearly a majority of American's aren't.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Race card! Please Dave, it's because he's black he's done a shitty job or because he's black no one's called him on his shitty job? I'd give the Devoted more credit if they didn't constantly bring up race. If a black man can get elected POTUS then a black man can be a good president. Either we are a nation of raving bigots that hate blacks or we are not. Clearly a majority of American's aren't.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Clearly, a number of the posters in this forum are, Olivia. In fact, I think they ought to rename this forum, the HATE BOX!
joe bloe's Avatar
yeah and muhammed is the perfect man Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
That's exactly what the Muslims believe. They believe Mohammad is the perfect role model for human behavior. Mohammad married a six year old and started having sexual relations with her when she was nine. Any religion that could worship someone so evil is worthless.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's exactly what the Muslims believe. They believe Mohammad is the perfect role model for human behavior. Mohammad married a six year old and started having sexual relations with her when she was nine. Any religion that could worship someone so evil is worthless. Originally Posted by joe bloe
And what do you believe?
The libs have MSNBC think it is just NBC now,and the wing nuts have Fox,it all evens out.LOL
Clearly, a number of the posters in this forum are, Olivia. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

And how is that? Because people disagree with him? Are you saying I'm a bigot because I am sick to death of hearing about his race from his supporters every time there is something negative said about him or his policies? He and his spin doctors do the same nonsense that the Bush administration did. If you are against Bush or the wars you were anti-American and hated our soldiers. If you are against Obama, you are a racist. Either way, it's beyond unproductive and that's not what we need right now.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-18-2012, 12:03 PM
They are both the perfect

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Double post
Yssup Rider's Avatar

And how is that? Because people disagree with him? Are you saying I'm a bigot because I am sick to death of hearing about his race from his supporters every time there is something negative said about him or his policies? He and his spin doctors do the same nonsense that the Bush administration did. If you are against Bush or the wars you were anti-American and hated our soldiers. If you are against Obama, you are a racist. Either way, it's beyond unproductive and that's not what we need right now.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
No that's not what I'm saying at all. And certainly not about you Olivia.

In the short time I've been back on this board, I've seen a number of rife with racial slurs. None from you.

Latest greatest comment was about how evil Mohammed was. WTF?

In fact, I'm agreeing with your disdain of those who continually play the race card in these forums. It's an indication of ignorance, xenophobia, religious fanatacism and self-loathing. Same kinda paranoia that was prevalent in Europe around the time of the Depression.

Obama is President of the United States. That kinda makes him Red White and Blue in my book.

And I, too, wish some of the less refined members of this forum would lay off the racial shit.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Obama does not give a shit about black America or black Americans.
If you have to pander to a race when you claim to be that race, you hve nothing in common with that race.
joe bloe's Avatar
No that's not what I'm saying at all. And certainly not about you Olivia.

In the short time I've been back on this board, I've seen a number of rife with racial slurs. None from you.

Latest greatest comment was about how evil Mohammed was. WTF?

In fact, I'm agreeing with your disdain of those who continually play the race card in these forums. It's an indication of ignorance, xenophobia, religious fanatacism and self-loathing. Same kinda paranoia that was prevalent in Europe around the time of the Depression.

Obama is President of the United States. That kinda makes him Red White and Blue in my book.

And I, too, wish some of the less refined members of this forum would lay off the racial shit. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'd be willing to bet you don't know anything about Islam and it's origins. Yes Mohammad was an evil man and he founded an evil religion. Mohammad was a pedophile. If you don't consider a fifty three year old man having sex with a nine year old to be evil, then you are a real sicko.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I was wondering how a reference to Mohammed was racist. Assup, could you explain that, in your typical civil and thoughtful fashion?