TSA Hiring Sex Offenders to do Patdowns

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-25-2012, 03:59 PM
Why even bother.


Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
now you can go to the airport and really enjoy checking in
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-25-2012, 04:13 PM
I thought they did right off the get go. Whenever i've flown, I've sort of expected to get a quick hand job, before I board the flight....LMFAO
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-25-2012, 04:32 PM
unzip, sit down on the floor, lean back on both elbows and tell em to frisk away
"accused statutory rapist" That could easily be a 18 year old kid who pissed of the parents of his 17 year old GF, whom he had been dating for 2 years and was only 3 months older than. COG, I think you really need to either rethink your titles for your posts or clearly state that you are just waiting to have someone call you out so you can beging the name calling posts.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Those cavity searches aren't that bad once you learn to relax.
pyramider's Avatar
Who better to pat someone down ...
joe bloe's Avatar
Those cavity searches aren't that bad once you learn to relax. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

They should dim the lights and put on a Johnny Mathis record.
joe bloe's Avatar
I hear Bill Clinton might be interested in some part time work. He can provide references.
I hate flying,but heck a free hand job.....may have to reconsider.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-25-2012, 09:57 PM
They should dim the lights and put on a Johnny Mathis record. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I hate flying,but heck a free hand job.....may have to reconsider. Originally Posted by ekim008
I don't think it is the ladies at TSA getting frisky , it is the guys. Not sure if you boys want a hj from a guy or should we call down to the airport and tell them that joe blow is cumming and to cue up Johnny Mathis!
"If it wasn't for pick-pockets and frisking at airports I'd have no sex life at all."
Rodney Dangerfield
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
"accused statutory rapist" That could easily be a 18 year old kid who pissed of the parents of his 17 year old GF, whom he had been dating for 2 years and was only 3 months older than. COG, I think you really need to either rethink your titles for your posts or clearly state that you are just waiting to have someone call you out so you can beging the name calling posts.

LOL Originally Posted by fetishfreak
Yes. And I realize I call more names on here than anyone else. In fact, I think I'm the only one. You know, no one called names on here until I started. You're right, FF.

Still, I have to wonder how Grampa will feel when he learns he has been patted down by a convicted sex offender, "But don't worry, he wasn't one of the bad ones."

Does the TSA have any standards?
joe bloe's Avatar
"If it wasn't for pick-pockets and frisking at airports I'd have no sex life at all."
Rodney Dangerfield Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

I miss Dangerfield.
My point was that a convicted sex offender could be a high school senior. You state that you are libertarian. I would like to know why, as a libertarian, you are for ruining the life of someone in the example I gave.

What if a state makes solicitation an offense that requires you to be placed on the sex offender registry would that make it not ok to get a job as an airport screener?

I do not think that getting patted down by a male is ok under any circumstances. Your argument is based on the assumption that the person doing the pat down enjoys it. What about homosexuals should they be allowed to work as airport screeners? The assumption that just because you are a man that a homosexual will be attracted to you is no more valid than to assume all women are attracted to you.

Like I said the TSA has its issues but making a mountain out of a molehill does not solve the problem.