Obama "Plants" Diners for Random Visit

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
On his way to a fundraiser in Oregon, President Obama stopped by a diner, and spoke to some customers, purely at random.

Except they were planted there by the Obama campaign.

But he "comes off" well on television.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is very revealing when you have to stage an impromptu visit. God forbid he would want to here or reveal the truth.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-26-2012, 06:56 AM
That's the only way they can afford to do it. There are so many people just flat fed up with this communist son of a bitch's lies, which is just about every time he opens his yap
If you are having a photo op why have dissenters there?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think pre-planned, managed random encounters are important for any campaign.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-26-2012, 12:49 PM
I think pre-planned, managed random encounters are important for any campaign. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

you rant about bigger fish to fry on a regular basis then throw a guppie like this in the grease?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think it's funny that the President has to manage every bit of publicity, even encounters he hopes will be perceived as "random".

"Hey, I ran into these guys at the diner, and they supported me. Yeah, they just happened to be there. Well, yes. They happened to be there because we asked them to be there, and to show their support for me, but otherwise, they were just random, planned supporters."

It's funny.
I B Hankering's Avatar
"Plants" is the operative term. "Plants" are always receptive to fertilizer such as Odumbo throws around.
I wonder if the plants had to buy their own dinner? Now that would be funny.
Taxpayer expense..
BigLouie's Avatar
And Romney was caught using bots to add fake followers to his twitter account.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In 2008 at so many Obama events (including here in KCMO) someone fainted. Obama dutifully noticed and called for the paramedics. He came across as caring. Do you know that we don't know the names of any of those people (lets be honest, they were women). I called our local rag and asked. I was told that it wasn't important and why did I care. Paramedics responded and we have video of the women being taken outside in a stretcher! No one made a report? Smells like plants to me.

Ragging on our local rag again, about five years ago three, dark skinned men were found dead, shot in the back of the head, near a hidden marijauna field. I called the reporter who wrote the story and asked if she knew their legal situation regarding citizenship. She said she didn't know and it wasn't important. That seems to their position on everything at the Star. I kept at her and eventually she did tacitly admit that they were not in this country legally. Smack down on the KC Star.
JD you see conspiracies every where have you got a tinfoil hat?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Get me the name of the woman who fainted at Bartle Hall and then we will talk.
Get me the names of the ones who fainted at rock concerts some women just get worked up....LOL