Beware of facebook phone app... it spies on you....

redhot11's Avatar
Today something really strange happened.

I have been a long time facebook user but I had never used their app on my phone.

Today I was getting bored and I decided to install the app on my phone.

Very surprisingly the phone showed me the picture of a provider in "people you may know". I had seen this provider many months ago.

I got totally surprised by this because the actual name of the provider and her eccie handle is totally different. I don't remember sending any emails to her other than eccie PMs and text messages. but still the facebook app somehow figured something out.....

Even more surprisingly the facebook web page in browser had never made this recommendation.... but the phone app it perhaps stole some data from my phone and made the recommendation....

Very creepy.... fucking spyware.... just be careful....

I unnecessarily found out the real name of the provider and I could have got caught if my SO would have used the same app....
Wow...that is creepy. Was her number saved in your phone? If I had to guess I would bet Facebook pulled the number from your phone and then matched it with the provider. If she posted any pics from her phone it saves the number so it might be there without her realizing it.
Might be time for a burner phone man.

Facebook on the phone tries to like phones that have numbers for each other..... Solution...Hobby phone.
WalkerTx's Avatar
She may have also done a search for your Facebook profile from the number that you gave her. As stated above, hobby phone and don't ever add your name for "security" to your facebook account.
Hobby phone/Google voice. Never use your real world number to hobby....Fortunately, I've not had that happen to me, yet. Anyone have some wood I can knock on? ; )
Boltfan's Avatar
Facebook, Amazon, all those apps data mine your electronic devices. You even gave it permission to do so.
billw1032's Avatar
On a related note, the latest update to Facebook Messenger wanted to become the default app for my SMS text messages. I don't even want that on my RW phone, and it took over by default. I had to manually turn it off. I tried to avoid Messenger for a long time, but its hard to do if you use FB messages at all.
RedRanger's Avatar
Yeah mine has done that too No big deal
Burner phone.
Burner phone used for a single purpose. No browsing. No apps.
I stay away from most apps like fb, and Twitter for these reasons... As well as others
FB also has voice recognition which allows FB to monitor keywords or phrases that might be advantageous in selling products and services
mrredcat43's Avatar
Same thing has happened to me. I just shrugged it off. My job gives me a phone and I have my personal phone, which nobody calls or texts because everybody outside the hobby calls/texts my business phone. If my personal phone is EVER compromised, remotely lock it down, or do a remote hard reset. I keep it close to the chest.
Yeah I saw my provider under friend's I might know on Facebook , anyone you text or call will show up .