Sorry SixxBach but your missing her action that is getting a REaction each and every post..... My Offer Restated....

Whispers's Avatar
[paraphrased-sixbach]nobody has ever received points for insulting whimpers[/paraphrased]

except me Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29

Taylor has every right like any other member to post a thread without worry of having past issues being dragged into it. You said that Taylor is welcome to play as long as she plays nice and that she is doing. So let's stand behind what we said before or not make statements as such.

This thread has been closed per OP request....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach

You closed another thread with the above comments.....

What you are missing is her signature line which I take to being instigating the exchange in each and every thread she posts on.

maybe it's Petty however I will not ignore her veiled attacks on friends or myself or her calling me or others names..... It's Whispers. Not Whimpers.... But she opens the door.... I just oblige.....

Since before her banning, Taylor was announcing her retirement, has a habit of posting "no longer seeking suitors, and was supposedly off to other places... I wished her well and was willing to send her off with a party.....

But since then she has continued to attack friends as well as myself and after the last major fiasco I promised to pay her nonstop attention each and everytime she steps out of line and her signature line is out of line.... just as her other veiled remarks have been.....

What others don't know that you and I as well as many more do know is the true pettiness and backstabbing this lady is capable of.... People THINK you are letting me get away with things but KNOWING the whole story you really get your hands tied up......

There are really 2 choices here...... Both will lead to my leaving her alone....

1) Taylor can go away as she claimed she was doing... She no longer advertises, professes to no longer take new clients and does not contribute here except as a way to sneak in her attacks on others.

2) Taylor can acknowledge she needs to stick around in some fashion, go back to advertising, flirting and being a decent board member.....

In either of the above scenarios, you won't hear or see me taking shots at Taylor or giving her a hard time

But if she continues to seek negative attention with her attacks on others or attempts to bring personal issues between her and other girls to the board..... I'm going to continue to shine the light on her and remind everyone of the backstabbing, manipulative wench she has a history of being......

Taylor likes control.....

Taylor has the ability to control this exchange....

I've offered multiple times to leave her be.....

But we are nearing a point where MORE of the story needs to be told so that people can truly understand what this individual is capable of..... Her recent actions have been despicable.....

There are a lot of people pushing for that story to come out.....

"Once upon a time there was a lass they called FairYoungMaiden......"

It's a fairy tale naturally...... But it is a damn interesting read and has many characters that will be recognized although all names have been changed to protect the innocent.....

it's almost ready..... One of my most detailed works actually...... I would bet more views than anything else I have ever written..... It's that good a read.....
LadiesFan's Avatar
How about option #3

-- You act like a grown ass man, and just let it go.

My personal opinion is that you are coming off as a whiny teenage girl lately.


You can't play both the villain role and the victim... choose one and stick with it.

Option #4... You and TM are playing a game where you fuck with her in public so that guys that dislike you spend money with her out of spite for you. If this is the case, then I applaud you both.

Whispers's Avatar
I'm not the victim..... She's just giving me the opening to continue.....

I'll sharpen up the villain aspect as you suggest.....

Option number 4 was something she claimed at one time..... If so she's one smart cookie
Texasquest's Avatar
I said i would Play Nice...But ....And I am Definantly No WK for TM...But the Truth of the matter is Her Sig line was in REsponse to Six's Post that No one was given points for Name calling..Which she just openly called him on it and proved him Wrong...Like Whispers is so eloquntly fond of Saying Sometimes the TRuth Hurts !!!
sixxbach's Avatar
I said i would Play Nice...But ....And I am Definantly No WK for TM...But the Truth of the matter is Her Sig line was in REsponse to Six's Post that No one was given points for Name calling..Which she just openly called him on it and proved him Wrong...Like Whispers is so eloquntly fond of Saying Sometimes the TRuth Hurts !!! Originally Posted by Texasquest
The truth does not hurt. I made a mistake. Shit happens, get over it. I have pointed Whispers before for name calling. Maybe he should add that to is sig line too. Taylor also left something out of of her sig line and she knows exactly what I am talking about.

Texasquest, you sure seem to know alot about how things should be running on the site. Why don't you throw your hat for a mod spot? We could always use someone. I think you have the time for it these days. You are posting even more than I do. PM me if interested.....

Whispers's Avatar
I said i would Play Nice...But ....And I am Definantly No WK for TM...But the Truth of the matter is Her Sig line was in REsponse to Six's Post that No one was given points for Name calling..Which she just openly called him on it and proved him Wrong...Like Whispers is so eloquntly fond of Saying Sometimes the TRuth Hurts !!! Originally Posted by Texasquest

More than one person has been pointed in exchanges with me just as i have been pointed for getting out of line.....

Taylor is not the only one.... She just likes playing the martyr.....

Her sig line is not the issue lady......... her referring to me by other than my name is..... name calling is juvenile but it opens the door for me to respond.....

Guess it's about time for a new story.
sixxbach's Avatar
You closed another thread with the above comments..... Originally Posted by Whispers
You are right. I closed it per OP's request. It is rare to not honor someone's request. I have honored yours a time or two as well.....

Whispers's Avatar
Look Smiles......

I have no issue with the closing.....

Just the comment "Taylor has every right like any other member to post a thread without worry of having past issues being dragged into it. You said that Taylor is welcome to play as long as she plays nice and that she is doing. So let's stand behind what we said before or not make statements as such."

My response was in response to the name calling response to your explanation response........

Your probably a Cheese Head right?

78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 02-06-2011, 03:41 PM
You can't play both the villain role and the victim... choose one and stick with it. Originally Posted by LadiesFan

I vote villain.
rCoder's Avatar
Look Smiles......
My response was in response to the name calling response to your explanation response........ Originally Posted by Whispers
Name calling? WTF? I don't know about you, but I use a handle here, not my name. Guess that makes it "handle calling". LMAO
Whispers's Avatar
Name calling? WTF? I don't know about you, but I use a handle here, not my name. Guess that makes it "handle calling". LMAO Originally Posted by rCoder

Yeah,,, What he said!
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
WhiSpers: Please stop filling my inbox with pm's from folks, men and women alike. I only log on once or twice a day and that's only if I have a message to check. Today, yesterday, and the day before I logged on to find several (like at least 4). Fuck, why'd I retire now when you make me so damn desirable?! BTW, I'm not fat, wasn't fat the night we met, Wyldeman I'm sure would agree, but keep telling yourself that and maybe, just maybe, it'll come true, someday, like, when I am old. I know, as far as you are concerned, old is, like, 27, but I mean, OLDER than 32 which is how old I am now. And slim, not just "curvy" which can mean a range of sizes, but, size 6 slim. So, please don't tempt me to UN retire because of all of the press you've been giving me. Like I said, my inbox is filling up again and I just cleaned the fucker out. Logging off for the night. I'll see you tomorrow night but only if someone messages which, because of you, is bound to happen. You make it so hard to leave when you make me feel so loved and supported by the community.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Alright am I gonna have bitch slap the both of you!

I am sure as shit not a WK TM is not fat she just is not a stick! Anyone that knows Whispers he likes skinny anything other than that is to big for him so if you wear a size 2 that is a little thick for him.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
ewww I always say "I like my girls w/ curves... not angles". Prepubescent boy/girls don't do a thing for me. But... in the end, it's all about the sexual chemistry and attitude or Kattitude, as I like to say.

Everyone should remember that arguments bring out the best in some or worst in others. Those petty shots aren't even heartfelt all the time, but give momentary gratification when you're frustrated. In this case, noone has ALL the details but the players in the feud, so it's pointless to continue posting about the situation. I mean, biz is great as far as I've seen, but for the rest of us looking in, it's just annoying to see the S.O.S.

Put it behind you & move on already! What's next? A NEW ATTITUDE!

Peace OUT!
Whispers's Avatar
And slim, not just "curvy" which can mean a range of sizes, but, size 6 slim. Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
Well the night I saw you, you were like a just busted open roll of Biscuit Dough..... Wearing a size 10 when a 14/16 was in order....

Congrats on losing weight though.... So what are you doing with the excess skin? And what can Spackle the cottage cheese thighs?