Why not have a gent contact his lady to initiate her contacting his new interest?

Or rather,

Would it make y'all, as a provider, uncomfortable to contact another provider in an effort to head-off any confusion and/or delay that may occur with typical references and screening routines?

I routinely offer to vouch for my men, and the few that have asked me to, I have initiated contact with the ladies before they can respond, ONLY TO RECEIVE mostly negative responses. I have only had two ladies respond with thanks and appreciation.

Does anyone have thoughts on this?
I didnt take into account that my contacting another provider, who does not know me, to tell her that my regular would be contacting her in the future could be seen as suspicious.

I forget that bad things can happen, and that people arent always nice.
omakase's Avatar
I suspect that anything outside the norm (e.g. your suggestion) will be met with suspicion and skepticism. If a random hobbyist contacted me out of the blue with a recommendation, I'd wonder if there was a hidden agenda.