Good Looking Providers but....RANT

It totally amazes me that p411 providers will come down to our southern market, show a few pics, no eccie reviews, no websites, CBJ, non-GFE.... and expect to charge $350 per hour. Are ya'll crazy, who is patronizing these providers and supporting that type of fee...we need to drive these prices back down to market norms of $250-$300. Girls, do it in volume, the phone will ring alot more at $250...believe me...and don't be ashamed to post a few pics and get a cheap ass website so we can make an informed decision...LAZY

Guys...start thinking with your big heads...for $350... I better know I'm gettin a full menu including BBBJNQNS...otherwise your just helping there cause.
If someone is outta your price range, they are outta your price range. Man up, quit cryin, whinin & bitchin and move on back to USA.

You TCB your biz & let everyone else TCB theirs.
Oh yeah NQNS at 350/ Thanks - I'll be bumping my fee up a 100. TN guys - thank your compadre for looking out for ya.
wildcat4fun's Avatar
+1 babee
Babee gee. He said that,not us. He is being ridiculous. To me, it is the quality of overall interaction. Not how hot a lady is (of course that is a plus), and not what act she does (again I won't hold it against you). I just look for someone who has a great additude and organic sexiness. And certainly, shopping for the lowest price is the LAST thing anybody with any common sense - or any taste for that matter - will do.

So you could raise your price, it that is the price point you want. But I hope you won't.
big boi terry's Avatar
The one thing that i've learned over the years is that if those of us that hobby don't visit a traveling lady, she won't lower her prices, she will just avoid your area. I've never knocked anyone for their prices, but it's getting to the point that i'm being priced out of the hobby. IMHO what you do is set your max, those that exceed it, you don't see them, and then choose from those that are in your range. Do I wish that I could afford some of these $350 and plus ladies, yes I do, but since I know that I can't, I will welcome them to our city and state and leave it at that. I understand the OP's frustration, I get it from two areas, I want to see some but because of these two areas I can't, but I just move on, believe me, if we were in their shoes, if we could get it, we would. BBT.
Babee gee. He said that,not us. He is being ridiculous. To me, it is the quality of overall interaction. Not how hot a lady is (of course that is a plus), and not what act she does (again I won't hold it against you). I just look for someone who has a great additude and organic sexiness. And certainly, shopping for the lowest price is the LAST thing anybody with any common sense - or any taste for that matter - will do.

So you could raise your price, it that is the price point you want. But I hope you won't. Originally Posted by JackBlackTn
Hell, I should. Not beating my own drum, but I think I am as good (if not better) -in many, if not all areas -as the over 300 ladies. Not knocking anyone else, but I've met many of those 300+ ladies. And their clients.

When I raised my rates to 250 - I lost a few clients and got flack: but I got that 250+ rate. I'm notorious for not "cutting deals" and I have run 2 specials in over 3 years. Yes, my regulars get treated like Kings and get treated very very well - but they treat me very very well.

But posting "Guys let's band together & drive prices down" - thats just an ahole stupid thing to do. Amazing to me that every other industry or good can price as they choose and the most you hear is "Damn, wish I could afford that" but when it comes to escorts - which escorts are luxury items not necessities - some guys (esp on boards) immediately sink to the bottom with all the rest of the crud and go immediately to disparaging, belittling, aggressive "let's control the ho's, skanks, hooktards" type mentality.

I am grateful that its not publicly Okay in TN. (Publicly) So thank you Jack.

And bbt, you know you're gonna miss me when I
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Ditto on everything said above!! 'Nuff said! LOL

I am a 250 girl because it meets my needs. What is funny is that I get 300 a lot of times without asking!

"Let's ban together..." is one of the more dumb things said for two reasons... most guys will pay what they think someone is worth or they won't set an appointment. The other reason that it is a dumb statement is that implies to some ladies that the OP will try to haggle a deal, which will get him on a DNS list fast...

He certainly has a right to voice his opinion... but one should think it through before posting.


London Rayne's Avatar
If someone is outta your price range, they are outta your price range. Man up, quit cryin, whinin & bitchin and move on back to USA.

You TCB your biz & let everyone else TCB theirs. Originally Posted by babee
Gotta love it!

Dude, I charge 400 and always have done extremely well in EVERY part of the southern states...why do you care so much what another woman does to feed her children, get through school, or pay her mortgage?

I admit I am bbbj, cim, and all that jazz, but the rate is not for that. It's for having to listen to some of you guys bwahahaha!

You giving escort advice on volume is simply ludicrous. Perhaps you don't give a flip where you put your thing, but many other guys don't want to fk a girl who has been with 3 others that day! If I see 2 a day even 2 days in a row, I am lucky! I don't want to screw that many guys so that is WHY I charge more. I would venture to guess that's the same philosophy the girls you are whining about adopted as well.
My frustration is with Ladies who have few pics or no pics, no eccie reviews, no explanation of whats on the menu....BS reviews from other BS review sites and expect to charge $350 or intent was to make guys understand they are reinforcing bad business practices by entertaining these visiting girls. I did not mean to offend reputable providers that run their show the right way...
London Rayne's Avatar
Well..I can certainly understand that. I started in the biz a lot lower and worked way up to the rates I have now. I just thought the suggestion of "doing it in volume" was a bit ludicrous, when many of us want the exact opposite. I see your point about an unknown wanting to charge those kinds of rates, but if she has no reviews or credibility it should not matter if she were only asking for a hundred bucks. No rep, is no rep. You basically suggested you would settle for crappy service if the rate were lower lol. Why would you accept that at ANY rate? You would still lose whatever money you invested if she was a rip off.
My frustration is with Ladies who have few pics or no pics, no eccie reviews, no explanation of whats on the menu....BS reviews from other BS review sites and expect to charge $350 or intent was to make guys understand they are reinforcing bad business practices by entertaining these visiting girls. I did not mean to offend reputable providers that run their show the right way... Originally Posted by ram7424
I get ya and I do apologize (see? yes I do know how to do that too) for slamming so hard, but that "let's band together & drive the pric e down" BS flies right the hell all over me. Can you tell?

Simple fact is every lady starts somewhere. No telling where and I think very few start at the top of TER, TBD etc.

Some sites are big in certain areas and completely unknown in others. Research is your friend.

I have no zero zip issues with ladies upgrading themselves. It takes time to get - and maintain - a local rep, much less national.

Do agree - some of these tertiary sites - well be careful. Look at the advertising section/escorts join and see what each sites requirement is to join/advertise/add profile. If it's username & email then you're an "escort'...well .......your choice.

We know Nash LE is running vice BP ads as well as running a non-LE CI. Adding their BP persona to a fkton of lesser sites goes a long way to establishing their credibility.

Keep in mind; public posts never go away. All these posts on Nash issues then add some guy yelling lets drive the prices down and TN will become like the Mojave - deserted.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
babee I love you in only a way another provider can love another lol. I figured I'd say well right that instead of hitting the like button haha