Peyronie's Disease-Serious Question

hittingcoach's Avatar
Does anyone have any experience with this? It's basically a hardening of cartilage in the penis which causes "Banana Dick". It starts with a sudden onset and can make intercourse painful. Manual or oral stimulation are fine and everything works, it's just a big curve in your penis.

This isn't something that can be caught or is contagious and not really a disease, more like an injury. Have any of the ladies seen this or any of the guys experienced it? PM if you want.
Lexxxy's Avatar
I actually have a friend that broke his member while having sex. He showed everyone and it was all black and stuff. After he was all healed up for a year he ended up developing it. So he got a nice upward curve but lost an inch in length. The curve felt amazing! Total Gspot heaven! I know a fetish site that actually has a few curved penis fan clubs
Can I be in your fan club HC?
hittingcoach's Avatar
Unfortunately, I don't have the inch to spare!!

Since I'm already in your fan club it is only fair you be in mine.
rooster's Avatar
Here is a link with what seems to be a good summary of the basics:

Interesting that it mentions exactly the type of event that Lexxxy describes.

Don't confuse this with a slight "bend" or "twist" in your bone. That is pretty common.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
My ex-lover developed it and frankly, it's pretty awful.

He was an older man but just very aggressive and wonderful in bed. And one day, he woke up and his cock started to curve and it happened pretty quickly.

His penis was fairly big, not huge but slightly larger than average, and it does affect the size because your muscles are cramping in there. It's like arthritis, in a weird way, in your dick.

Also, intercourse is possible but after the disease sets in, you have to be with a partner who is understanding.

You'll be able to swive but your partner is probably not going to feel your cock like she once did because you're cock will be hitting the side of her pussy, not the base. Remember, this is my ONE experience, only, in this situation.

What happened to him was his sensation was fine at first, in terms of being able to orgasm. But as his disease progressed, he only had feeling on one side of his cock. We had already broken up as lovers but still remained friends. Still are.

But the few times that we got together (in the past couple of years), it was very difficult to get him to orgasm. But he's also in his mid-60's now and that could be part of it.

My heart goes out to you.

My friend's situation was pretty bad, though. He's always had a normal sex life but when this happened, his libido changed and well ... I can only imagine. His doctor recommended different creams and meds and then, as a final recommendation, surgery.

But the surgery has only a limited success rate. He had no luck with the medications. So far, he's not opted for the surgery and so I don't know about that.

The last time I saw that once gorgeous cock, it had the shape of a candy cane. Well, almost like a candy cane. The head of his penis really is bending down. (I'm thinking that more than a few men are wincing right now!)

I'm sorry to sound like such a downer. I'm not sure what else to share. Feel free to ask, or PM, me anything. I can answer your question from a limited female viewpoint, only.

I DO know that I've suggested to men to post in the National Men's Lounge about certain medical issues and problems with medications that can affect a man's libido and sex life.

It seems as if in those male-only walls that men will step forward and be more open about discussing something that is just so life altering.

Sending you my VERY best.

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 09-13-2012, 04:45 PM
If I remember correctly, I think Bill Clinton suffers from this. Since he is probably on this board, we should ask for his input.
taggert's Avatar
If I remember correctly, I think Bill Clinton suffers from this. Since he is probably on this board, we should ask for his input. Originally Posted by GP
hittingcoach's Avatar

Thanks for the pep talk! Seriously though, thanks for the information. This just happened and it is right at the very base. Nothing I've read talks about loss of sensation, so hopefully that was an age factor with your friend. I know this is a different subject for the board, but I figured this community may have some experience with this.
Don't delay and see a urologist. Don't mess around with your equipment.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Thanks for the pep talk! Seriously though, thanks for the information. This just happened and it is right at the very base. Nothing I've read talks about loss of sensation, so hopefully that was an age factor with your friend. I know this is a different subject for the board, but I figured this community may have some experience with this. Originally Posted by hittingcoach
When I wrote what I wrote, I went back and thought of deleting it because well, it was so negative. Thank you for understanding that what my friend is going through, I think, is a worse case scenario.

At least that is what he told me his doctor said.

GOOD LUCK and have a wonderful weekend!

jakesbreak's Avatar
Don't confuse this condition with natural curves...I'm not an expert, perhaps the ladies can give their opinion. Many guys have a natural curve to the left/right/up/or down. Elisabeth...thoughts?
rooster's Avatar
Don't confuse this condition with natural curves...I'm not an expert, perhaps the ladies can give their opinion. Many guys have a natural curve to the left/right/up/or down. Elisabeth...thoughts? Originally Posted by jakesbreak
Well.... MY thoughts are that the "natural curve" is caused by jerking off with the same hand all of the time. If you switch to the other hand, maybe over time the curve will "reverse" and straighten itself out.

(sorry, I know this is a serious topic, but I couldn't resist)
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Don't confuse this condition with natural curves...I'm not an expert, perhaps the ladies can give their opinion. Many guys have a natural curve to the left/right/up/or down. Elisabeth...thoughts? Originally Posted by jakesbreak
Oh, I've seen a lot of curve! But this is completely different. Completely.

A little curve is nice. This type of curve isn't at all. It's good that the OP isn't experiencing what my friend has. Thank God!
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Does anyone have any experience with this? It's basically a hardening of cartilage in the penis which causes "Banana Dick". It starts with a sudden onset and can make intercourse painful. Manual or oral stimulation are fine and everything works, it's just a big curve in your penis.

This isn't something that can be caught or is contagious and not really a disease, more like an injury. Have any of the ladies seen this or any of the guys experienced it? PM if you want. Originally Posted by hittingcoach
I was younger. He was young.

I wished he had explained it! I was so undereducated! I was not afraid of stds, as he was a solid catch. I was afraid of how I may (physically) react.

I was shocked. He gave up seemingly because I didn't t put out. Maybe young frustration of real l life??
I had it. Took Potaba and Vitamin E. Extreme pain in the beginning. Better now, but still a bit of a curve. As others have said, see a Urologist immediately.