BBQ Cook-Off @ Reliant

Any of y'all headed out to the cook-off this weekend ?
How does someone get in if they are not part of a group?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-18-2013, 07:15 PM
Gotta get some tickets to booths or have tits and ass and get in free. If you have no tickets it's lame as hell. And you can't just buy tickets there to the booths they are all private. People get them from work or buy online. Like I said tits and ass gets in free, penis pays. Was talking to a provider about it and she couldn't understand why I said it sucked as she and her girls just straight walked in places, had to explain tits and ass.
DaChef's Avatar
I will be out there.
Every year!
Can't wait
stickitinyou's Avatar
Ill be there as well...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Depends on the weather.

Not so lame depending on when you go. Some good bands on the stages around the area.
It's $5 to get in the gate. I agree that it is more fun if you're "in" with a cooking group, but I guess it's personal taste how lame it is without it. I could kill a day just walking around looking at the hundreds of pits.

And there is free music most of the day (from 3PM on Friday, from 1PM on Saturday) at the main stage. I'll probably go see Gary P Nunn on Saturday afternoon even though I've seen him so many times that I know which joke he's going to tell between which songs. My kids were excited about some of the other acts, but their names didn't mean much to me. Full schedule is at

From the perspective of the booths / cooking teams, after dark we have to enforce the "private party" concept or you'll be covered up with mooches and drunks. But earlier in the day, before it gets crazy, if you are polite and friendly, a lot of folks are interested in talking about their pits and their cooking (let'em brag) and every once in awhile someone may offer you a beer and/or a bbq sample.
Im takeing me and the kiddos,Im also going to the Rodeo on Mary J.Blidge night! Maybe Brunno Mars as well!
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-19-2013, 01:50 PM
I just don't find it fun I'm all for paying for some BBQ, but what they got there is a joke. I have no love for it at all. It's not what you think it is, it's not what they try to sell it as. If you have no booth tickets, you can get a free sloppy joe. I went to our booth and tried one guys BBQ, just not at all what I wanted. It's not a cook off if you can't try different people's BBQ. I shouldn't have to try and kiss ass to get a plate. I could buy some tickets online but its like 50 bucks each and the last booths BBQ really wasn't that good. If you like it cool, obviously many do. But it's kinda a sell out cook off, just corporate run bullshit.
I agree that it is a very different vibe than smaller cook-off's where free samples are common (but not universal). Those are fun. And I will take your word on what they serve at the concession stand, I've never tried it.

But last year they ran 260,000 of the general public through there in three days, including 137,000 on Saturday alone. Ain't nobody signing up to provide that many free plates, whether they're "corporate" or "just folks" like my bunch.

Your point is well taken though, that the "championship" BBQ is not on the menu for most folks who go out there. Its a plus for folks to understand that.
RGB93's Avatar
  • RGB93
  • 02-19-2013, 02:45 PM
I just don't find it fun I'm all for paying for some BBQ, but what they got there is a joke. I have no love for it at all. It's not what you think it is, it's not what they try to sell it as. If you have no booth tickets, you can get a free sloppy joe. I went to our booth and tried one guys BBQ, just not at all what I wanted. It's not a cook off if you can't try different people's BBQ. I shouldn't have to try and kiss ass to get a plate. I could buy some tickets online but its like 50 bucks each and the last booths BBQ really wasn't that good. If you like it cool, obviously many do. But it's kinda a sell out cook off, just corporate run bullshit. Originally Posted by trey
Trey I totally agree with you, I get a couple invites to the private booths each year, last time I went I told my self NEVER AGAIN. You have to park a mile away, the bus is a joke on wait time. I don't think the food is that good for what you have to go thru to get there. I guess I am just getting to old for that crap. If you are a sexy lady with your boobs hanging out and a nice ass you have a free pass. Many Years ago it was fun, now it is as Trey said it nothing but just corporate run bullshit.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I just don't find it fun I'm all for paying for some BBQ, but what they got there is a joke. I have no love for it at all. It's not what you think it is, it's not what they try to sell it as. If you have no booth tickets, you can get a free sloppy joe. I went to our booth and tried one guys BBQ, just not at all what I wanted. It's not a cook off if you can't try different people's BBQ. I shouldn't have to try and kiss ass to get a plate. I could buy some tickets online but its like 50 bucks each and the last booths BBQ really wasn't that good. If you like it cool, obviously many do. But it's kinda a sell out cook off, just corporate run bullshit. Originally Posted by trey
You have to bring some pussy with you if you want to into the booths and I don't mean just any ole pussy. I mean some table
kerwil62's Avatar
I've worked there the past five, six years. The shit is wild every year. I expect this weekend to be no different. Every year lots of drunk muthafuckas and fine bitches in western gear walking around and folks getting arrested art the end of Saturday night. Oh, lots of traffic too!
DaChef's Avatar
Love it every Year.
But it comes down to Who you know.
Trey I totally agree with you, I get a couple invites to the private booths each year, last time I went I told my self NEVER AGAIN. You have to park a mile away, the bus is a joke on wait time. I don't think the food is that good for what you have to go thru to get there. I guess I am just getting to old for that crap. If you are a sexy lady with your boobs hanging out and a nice ass you have a free pass. Many Years ago it was fun, now it is as Trey said it nothing but just corporate run bullshit. Originally Posted by RGB93
It's not bad if you pay the nine thousand dollars to pay at Astroworld's dirt lot and walk across on the overpass.

I'm going Thursday night with a girl friend. I love going. Good music and dancing. I was told once that Thursday is mistress night and Friday is wife night. Don't know if that's true or not. but I have plans this weekend.