Studio Dream???

Hi, I will be taking a business trip to Dallas soon which will allow me to finally pop my hobby cherry. In doing my research on Dallas providers, I came across a couple ads and reviews on here for Studio Dream but I also noticed that they advertise on Backpage which is a big red flag for me. Does anyone have any experience with Studio Dream and can vouch for them being safe? I would think that an establishment with the quality of girls they are advertising would have a lot more reviews on here than what they currently have.
Jarhead Ret's Avatar
Been there a bunch over the years. I recommend Adrianna and Sasha. It is safe and discreet. Never had less than a great time there.
Been there a problems
Thanks for the replys. This place sounds to good to pass up. I'm going to call and schedule an appointment today.
Thanks again for the replies. I went ahead and booked an appointment at Studio Dream with Payton and Adrianna. Now the waiting game starts. I don't think next weekend can get here fast enough.
Adrianna is my fav.she is a great choice.