Are you proud of your Austin Police?

Cooper Barrett's Avatar
Bad day for the Austin Police they paid out another $877K cash for tackling and restraining an inocent man causing him what appears to be permanent damage even though he had $330K worth of surgery. Nice job POPO
  • $164,000: Medical expenses for past treatment
  • $13,000: Medical expenses for future treatment
  • $300,000: Past physical pain and suffering
  • $150,000: Future pain and suffering
  • $30,000: Physical impairment in the past
  • $220,000: Future physical impairment
  • Total: $877,000

They also shot and killed an naked 18 YO black man who charged an officer who's partner was close by. This should be a reason to charge an officer for unreasonable force when he shot instead of spraying him or tazing him. I am so glad to be relocating to Austin, TX.
nuglet's Avatar
The deadly shooting of an unarmed, nude, 18 yr old is even more impressive. Couldn't the cop simply back off, use a taser, or use his trained physical skills to disarm this kid?

Fine example of what's happened under the command of our leaders.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I am disgusted ...Poor kid he was only 17..they just released his identity ...
El Cid's Avatar
Cops are not paid to abuse people. Abusing an innocent person walking past a stolen car will cost the city of Austin $877,000 and deservedly so.

Cops are also not paid to let themselves be killed. The shooting of the naked teen will be investigated at length for a long time, but what is being reported now is that the teen charged the officer, which makes the shooting self-defense. The officer is not expected to fight bare hand against an opponent who might be high on PCP or a martial arts black belt or to hope that his partner will come and save him.
It's easy to Monday morning quarterback the actions taken by those in what they perceive to be a life threatening (either their own or someone else's) situation. Until such time that one is placed in such a situation themselves, then - and only then - will they come to the sobering realization that they will not have the time, the benefit of hindsight, nor the convenience of a playback reel/do over when it comes to the actions they may find themselves taking. They'll literally have to assess and take action in less than a blink of an eye.

Just because someone is unarmed does not preclude them from being the subject of lethal force. That decision rests with the individual being faced with said threat. Do I have a problem with someone taking lethal action toward an unarmed individual if said individual were attempting to impose a threat to one's person? Absolutely not.

I'll be the first to say that there are bad seeds in any organization. Law enforcement being no exception. I'd also follow that by saying that cops have one helluva difficult job to do. And it gets more and more difficult with each passing day as there are some seriously fucked up people out and about.
derek303's Avatar
Everybody assumes just because your a cop you can fight like Chuck Norris. These guys get scared too. Not saying there aren't bad apples but the total fuck cops attitude nowadays is disgusting. Unless they bust me with a hooker then fuck cops. LOL
nuglet's Avatar
What, if anything, precluded the cop from putting the car between himself and the suspect? or for that matter, getting IN his patrol car.. and of course there's the matter that it probably takes the same amount of time to pull the firearm as it does to pull the taser.. I don't know, just seems like some options were left out. I do understand about having to make a snap decision, but they have training and experience that most people don't have about how to de-escalate a situation.. not terminate it.
Taser's do not work on people high on some drugs or if they are having a mental meltdown. I have personally seen a police officer tase a naked person , he pulled out the wires, attacked the officer and tried to get his gun. The officer put three rounds in him before he tuned loose of him. Total time was about 15 seconds. Unless you work the streets don't judge or tell us what you would do, because you don't know. Tackling the wrong guy was bullshit .
endurance's Avatar
but, you don't have to micro-manage 2nd guess every move they make to understand that the militarized police culture jumps to deadly force pretty quickly these days and it is getting worse not better...
rocker's Avatar
Bad day for the Austin Police they paid out another $877K cash for tackling and restraining an inocent man causing him what appears to be permanent damage even though he had $330K worth of surgery. Nice job POPO
  • $164,000: Medical expenses for past treatment
  • $13,000: Medical expenses for future treatment
  • $300,000: Past physical pain and suffering
  • $150,000: Future pain and suffering
  • $30,000: Physical impairment in the past
  • $220,000: Future physical impairment
  • Total: $877,000

They also shot and killed an naked 18 YO black man who charged an officer who's partner was close by. This should be a reason to charge an officer for unreasonable force when he shot instead of spraying him or tazing him. I am so glad to be relocating to Austin, TX. Originally Posted by Cooper Barrett
No the tax payers paid $877,000. Very sad.

I truly have a deep hatred for the police because of the constant violations of the rights of citizens. There was a time in this country that the CONSTITUTION meant something. Cops are now creating situations to get people caught up. Its not about upholding the law anymore. They just assume we all are breaking it, I am sick of their shit.
pussycat's Avatar
It's easy to Monday morning quarterback the actions taken by those in what they perceive to be a life threatening (either their own or someone else's) situation. Until such time that one is placed in such a situation themselves, then - and only then - will they come to the sobering realization that they will not have the time, the benefit of hindsight, nor the convenience of a playback reel/do over when it comes to the actions they may find themselves taking. They'll literally have to assess and take action in less than a blink of an eye.

Just because someone is unarmed does not preclude them from being the subject of lethal force. That decision rests with the individual being faced with said threat. Do I have a problem with someone taking lethal action toward an unarmed individual if said individual were attempting to impose a threat to one's person? Absolutely not.

I'll be the first to say that there are bad seeds in any organization. Law enforcement being no exception. I'd also follow that by saying that cops have one helluva difficult job to do. And it gets more and more difficult with each passing day as there are some seriously fucked up people out and about. Originally Posted by TxHarleyGuy
The problem is that this used not to happen. What's gone wrong? For the last dozen years every year an APD officer has shot and killed an unarmed person. Everytime this happened the city would pay out $800,000 to the family and then it would be forgotten until next year when it happened again. Then two years ago this cycle was broken when an APD Detective chased down and executed a black man under the Koenig Lane bridge near Mopac. This time the officer was charged with manslaughter because the victim was shot in the back of the head and there was no defense for self preservation for fear of life. It's taken two years and now it's happened again. In times past if an unarmed kid would charge an officer the officer would just fight him. He's used his night stick or flashlight and the kid would be put down. Today they just panic and start shooting and usually don't stop firing until they've run out of bullets. In this case the family will be paid off and the officer will not be punished. Life goes on.
sunspots's Avatar
Despite all the stuff in the media.. From my experience, APD has better cops than most other places... Ive seen places in the US where half the cops seemed like malicious third world Barney Fifes
EastBayRay's Avatar
As bad as you think APD is, they're better than Cedar Park cops.

CP pigs are cocksukers.