posted new pics on my site today (link here)

new pics put up today.. more to come over next few days

one to get u started !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luv it! ; )
An apple a day Awesome, looks like I should hurry up and take a bite of that apple
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
They're beautiful....the lil' kinkster in me esp loves that paddle pic .
Ha ha thanks..

Mocha thats one of my favs too.. Must be the naughty in us.. Lol..
U get my email ?
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I have had quite the day...will be getting to my emails shortly .
An apple a day Awesome, looks like I should hurry up and take a bite of that apple Originally Posted by victor72
Thats not all u should take a bite out of... Grrrrr
Amazing pics for the sexiest lady around. They look fantastic, I'm looking forward to seeing more.