Trumpy needs mucho mega money

Poor trumpy China putin Kim and the prince cut him off. No more classified docs no more money fucking moron.

Beg your stupid supporters for money you broke azz corrupt rapist fucker and porn stars too. The gop is gonna grab you by your dickless pussy
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The Grift

When we hear about confidence games, we think, “never me.” Welcome to The Grift, a show about con artists and the lives they ruin. Best-selling author and New Yorker writer Maria Konnikova takes us to the darker side of human nature and deceit. Ten stories about card sharks, cult leaders, art forgers, impostors, and more. Why do we fall for them time and time again?

Precious_b's Avatar
Don't worry about him.

He'll just release another batch of NFT.

There was at least one provider here begging for someone to get her one.