
Any of you been to Tijuana recently? I am making a trip down next month and wanted to know if its safe to go alone and if the women are worth the risk.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
good luck...
Boltfan's Avatar

Do you not watch the news? It wasn't safe to go alone 18 years ago when I would go. It sure as hell isn't safe to go now.

Sorry but no strange is worth losing your life.
Sent PM, I think Tijuana is great! Safe too.
Johnny Ringo's Avatar
You got to be fucking kidding me! Safe shit, they are looking for white boys to shoot or better yet kidnap for money. Make sure and take a permanent marker and put your name on the bottom of your feet so when they find you in a ditch they know who you are.
You got to be fucking kidding me! Safe shit, they are looking for white boys to shoot or better yet kidnap for money. Make sure and take a permanent marker and put your name on the bottom of your feet so when they find you in a ditch they know who you are. Originally Posted by Johnny Ringo
Maybe they should require one of those implant things like you do for dogs so if it disappears, the vet can run a wand over you and identify you. You know, gringo crosses border, it is an automatic requirement, so they know who to return the body to.

Now, I never have been to Tijuana, but at least across the Texas border with Mexico, you must be nuts. I felt nervous 25 years ago, now, I even question the tourist areas like Colzumel.
From the pms i am getting it seems to be safe as long as you are not acting a fool and walking where you are not suppose to be walking. If you stay in the red light district it seems to be pretty safe. thanks to those who sent pms and i will let you guys know how it went...hopefully lol
Tijuana is not like Texas border towns. I've vacationed in San Diego 4 times in the last 2 years for a week at a time and have crossed the border a couple dozen times to the Hong Kong Club in the RLD alone at night and have felt perfectly safe. Just take a cab from the border to the clubs and cab back when you are done. Don't get drunk and don't deal with drugs and you will be fine.
gptxman's Avatar
Tijuana is not like Texas border towns. I've vacationed in San Diego 4 times in the last 2 years for a week at a time and have crossed the border a couple dozen times to the Hong Kong Club in the RLD alone at night and have felt perfectly safe. Just take a cab from the border to the clubs and cab back when you are done. Don't get drunk and don't deal with drugs and you will be fine. Originally Posted by huskerdude
BTW Texas border towns are not safe anymore either. My wife is from a town south of Eagle Pass Texas and we use to visit a lot. Now we don't have to because her family that was there said fuck it, left everything and got the hell out of Mexico. They find bodies in the streets every day there now and many more are never found.

Think about it, if the Mexicans don't want to be there why should we want to?
Ashphuckems01's Avatar
Tijuana is fine as long as you DON"T GIVE ANYONE A REASON TO FUCK W/YOU(meaning the cops). I would recommend going w/a friend, but if you go alone take a taxi and stay in well lit areas and you will be fine. When I lived in San Diego, I would go weekly on "hunting" trips and I never ran into trouble. Just tell the cabbie to take you to Adelita's or Chicago Club. They know exactly where to go and most speak some English. If Adelita's is the same as it was 5 years ago, you can spend $60 and bang an absolutely beautiful Mexican chica for half an hour. Stay away from the streetwalkers though...Enjoy!!
What was safe five years ago, even 2-3 years ago, may no longer be safe today.

I guess the thrill of the hunt drives a guy to do some crazy things.

Having dealt with the authorities in Mexico for many years back in the 90s, I can't imagine anything has changes to make me want to go there for a hobby. The corruption at so many levels was so rampant that I actually took part in bringing manufacturing back to the states.

(While no experience along the California border, my experience included the Texas border [El Paso, Laredo, Eagle Pass] and several places in the interior)

Good luck, hope you bring home all of your body parts but no lead or micro-organisms.
Dranonymous's Avatar
It was safe when I was there last year. See my review, if you haven't already. Go across, get in a cab, go straight to a club, get out of the cab, step into the club, and get the hell back to the border when you are done. No muss, no fuss, and you will be fine. There are tons of TJ resources out there too. Just take your passport.
needingmilking's Avatar
I am mexican, and I am not getting anywhere close...
If I were you, I would stay in the American side.
Just got back from a Mexico trip to Monterrey, while hobbying didnt really work out for me while there, It was not the gunfights all over the news atmosphere. Like any other city, you gotta watch your ass, but I mean how safe is Dallas? If you are looking for trouble it will find you ANYWHERE. When I was in Atlanta last year, there was almost no doubt I was in a BAD spot I barely made it out of, and I wasnt even off the beaten path. It was alot scarier there than Mexico.

My advice would be to take a cab, dont walk streets by yourself and dont look like someone who could pay ransom or make the robbery worthwhile.

I would be MUCH more scared of Texas border towns like Nuevo Laredo where the cartels concentrate their activities/shoot it out/act like its the apocolypse on controlling bigger smuggling routes than a tourist trap like TJ.
needingmilking's Avatar
budbowl55, let us know when you leave, if after a month we do not hear from ya', well, we know what probably happened...
Or maybe we follow your lead, who knows? maybe we are too careful fat fucks!
Happy hunting, and good luck.