America's premier terrorist organization, The Department of Homeland Security, on Wednesday told airlines about a potential new shoe-bomb threat. Using their monkey henchmen in the media, Homeland Security urged the American people to be extra afraid and to pay special attention to flights from overseas into the United States. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
johnnycap....I read up on Richard Reid, not sure it was alert passengers that thwarted him, since he got on the plane with explosives despite several mistakes on his part. It had more to do with, why is this man lighting matches than Homeland Security or any news story.
considering a shoe bomber already tried and was thwarted by passengers being alert....the alert seems reasonable....
if you don't like it try greyhound.... Originally Posted by stevepar
America's premier terrorist organization, The Department of Homeland Security, on Wednesday told airlines about a potential new shoe-bomb threat. Using their monkey henchmen in the media, Homeland Security urged the American people to be extra afraid and to pay special attention to flights from overseas into the United States. Originally Posted by JohnnyCapDAMMIT!! I hate it when I agree with JC. +1