Trump, the loud mouth hypocrite, is speechless over the ‘woke’ Bud Light transgender Tik Tok influencer marketing promotion! Why?

ManSlut's Avatar
Why is the anti-woke ex-president, Donald Trump, being silent and remaining on the sidelines about the right-wing boycott (which I am in total support) of Anheuser-Busch/Budweiser using a transgender (let’s just call these people what they are, mentally ill persons) Tik Tok Influencer in a Bud Light marketing ad?

Well, because he has a substantial financial invest in Anheuser-Busch stock!!

Care to explain this, Trumpers, without justifying the financial aspect?

Gotta love Trump Jr.’s brilliant input on the matter. Daddy doesn’t have the balls to explain his position, but boy blunder enlightens us all!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Why is the anti-woke ex-president, Donald Trump, being silent and remaining on the sidelines about the right-wing boycott (which I am in total support) of Anheuser-Busch/Budweiser using a transgender (let’s just call these people what they are, mentally ill persons) Tik Tok Influencer in a Bud Light marketing ad?

Well, because he has a substantial financial invest in Anheuser-Busch stock!!

Care to explain this, Trumpers, without justifying the financial aspect?

Gotta love Trump Jr.’s brilliant input on the matter. Daddy doesn’t have the balls to explain his position, but boy blunder enlightens us all! Originally Posted by ManSlut

substantial? 5 million for someone worth 2.5 BILLION isn't even pocket lint

Donald Trump/Net worth

2.5 billion USD

nice try.
ManSlut's Avatar
substantial? 5 million for someone worth 2.5 BILLION isn't even pocket lint

Donald Trump/Net worth

2.5 billion USD

nice try. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
^^^ You realize MAGA Trumper, you just made a case for why Trump could have and should have spoken against this ad campaign for Bud Light, if his stock investment isn’t valued much by him, because it’s just chump change?

MAGA Logic at it’s finest. Why?

Because I say so!
ManSlut's Avatar
Trumpers, ju got sum splaynin’ to do?….

Why is the anti-woke ex-president, Donald Trump, being silent and remaining on the sidelines about the right-wing boycott (which I am in total support) of Anheuser-Busch/Budweiser using a transgender (let’s just call these people what they are, mentally ill persons) Tik Tok Influencer in a Bud Light marketing ad?

Well, because he has a substantial financial invest in Anheuser-Busch stock!!

Care to explain this, Trumpers, without justifying the financial aspect?

Gotta love Trump Jr.’s brilliant input on the matter. Daddy doesn’t have the balls to explain his position, but boy blunder enlightens us all! Originally Posted by ManSlut
Trump probably saw this boycott coming and sold his stock. Besides it's not important for him to comment.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 04-30-2023, 09:14 AM
substantial? 5 million for someone worth 2.5 BILLION isn't even pocket lint

Donald Trump/Net worth

2.5 billion USD

nice try. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

If that's the case, why is he constantly begging for money and trying to push idiotic digital trading cards? Lord knows how much of his "fortune" is being spent for hush money and buying off endorsers/influencers. You gotta know those skeletons in his closet are greedy.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
People who are worth $2.5bln don't beg for money like Trump does. That dude is likely about as highly leveraged as you can get.

Are his properties worth that? Of course they are. But he owes so much damn debt on them that he is likely cash poor with his expensive lifestyle and debt obligations. He hustles for cash like a pauper for a reason.

I'm sure his cult followers would faint if they really knew what his working capital looked like at his businesses. Why do you think he doesn't pay taxes? I'm not going to go full CPA dork mode but to put it simply, dipshit loses a lot of money, and he simply carries the losses forward year after year for tax relief. BUT, there is nothing illegal about that so I can't fault him for doing what he should and for what the tax codes allow.

Anyway, to answer TWK directly, of course that beer money means a lot to him. It's liquid. It all can be immediately transferred to cash with a click of the mouse in any trading account in two seconds.
Trump probably saw this boycott coming and sold his stock. Besides it's not important for him to comment. Originally Posted by Levianon17
... Trump doesn't have to comment.

Trump KNOWS it was a BAD marketing decision.

I surely KNOW it was a BAD marketing decision.

YOU also KNOW it was a BAD marketing decision.

And of course AB knows it was a BAD marketing decision
- and is surely tryin' to CORRECT their mistake.

#### Salty
Redhot1960's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Care to explain this, Trumpers, without justifying the financial aspect?

Gotta love Trump Jr.’s brilliant input on the matter. Daddy doesn’t have the balls to explain his position, but boy blunder enlightens us all! Originally Posted by ManSlut
Quickie base line question: Why would one not consider the financial aspect of a stock investment, aka holding? Does one not purchase stock on the hopes that it will go up and create a return from it? Unlike many Millenials, I assume you do know that sometimes a stock price goes down. Right?

Maybe more of a question for your financial advisor: Do they or you, always recommend selling on the dip on trans-itory ripples in stock price? Or do they recommend holding on to the "units", aka shares for an eventual rebound? Yes, Virginia - stock price can go up or down over time. BTW: what is GEPOTUS' time frame for holding that stock?

Hey! What about your Boy George over at The Fairfax Bar and Grill in Bloomington, Indiana? He was sure flapping his gums against a boycott (which tanked the stock price). He was banning (it's also known as censoring speech) of whomever disagreed with AB-Inbev's moves. However, now that their own customer base (revenue) is tanking, they are trying to sing a new tune, aka groveling to get their customers back.

Next week, maybe we can discuss free market capitalism. Eh Comrade?
ManSlut's Avatar
^^^ Before I respond to your Financial Drivel, answer something for me, do you agree with Wacko Kids #2 post in this thread, basically that a $1-5M AB stock investment is chump change to #TheWorstPotusEver a.k.a The Orange Man or Donald J. Trump?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
^^^ You realize MAGA Trumper, you just made a case for why Trump could have and should have spoken against this ad campaign for Bud Light, if his stock investment isn’t valued much by him, because it’s just chump change?

MAGA Logic at it’s finest. Why?

Because I say so! Originally Posted by ManSlut

why does Trump have to speak on this issue? my bet is if asked he'd say it was a stupid fucking idea. yeah Don jr doesn't want a boycott yeah, money is involved. until Trump is asked it's neutral and he'd call it stupid.

someone will ask him

ManSlut's Avatar
If you say so MAGA Trumper.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
^^^ Before I respond to your Financial Drivel, answer something for me, do you agree with Wacko Kids #2 post in this thread, basically that a $1-5M AB stock investment is chump change to #TheWorstPotusEver a.k.a The Orange Man or Donald J. Trump? Originally Posted by ManSlut
You must live a droll existence. You probably don't have a net worth of >$1Billion. My guess? Trump spends close to $1M annually for his security detail. Let's try my own question; would you buy a house for $2M cash, tear it down and spend $2M cash to build a new one on the property? Let's make it 2 question Monday: Would you keep $3M in a savings account in the bank making 0.05% interest or put it into the stock market to make a 15% return? Would you keep it in the bank while bank #4 is getting picked up by the Feds for being bankrupt?

BTW: Obamma is the worst potus ever, but Slo-Joe is #2 and trying hard for the #1 slot and likely to get the top slot.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You must live a droll existence. You probably don't have a net worth of >$1Billion. My guess? Trump spends close to $1M annually for his security detail. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Well, you guessed wrong then. If you would have said the American taxpayers spend over $1m for his security detail (the secret service) you would have guessed right.

Anyway, investment/monetary value or not, Trump was smart to finally shut up for once. With the way this country is going, you don't want to turn off the younger voters by showing any type of disdain for any segment of society. There are way too many woke motherfuckers out there who will be immediately turned off by his usual snarky comments so might as well let a direct competitor like DeSantis say something derogatory about it and just be quiet.

On a side note, I'm surprised he lets his stupid ass son Jr. even near a microphone or a camera. That complete dipshit is even more unlikable than his dad to me and that's pretty hard to accomplish.