Poll on adding a new section

happyjack69's Avatar
I am proposing to the board adding anew section for TS reviews and questions. The Other section is over run with TS posts and I personally would like to not have to sift through them all while reading actually other posts and reviews that would be considered as truly other.

Basically I see the TS posts and reviews as so prevalent that I feel they deserve a dedicated section.

Please provide your thought and or opinions.

Thank you
TexTushHog's Avatar
Only if there is enough demand. Personally, I'd rather see Dallas separated from outlying areas and Ft. Worth. That seem more useful to me.
If any TS providers read this forum, please speak up.

Besides St. Chris, I don't know if any hobbyists have the balls to speak up as a patron of the fine art of TS/TG providing.
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
I am proposing to the board adding anew section for TS reviews and questions. The Other section is over run with TS posts and I personally would like to not have to sift through them all while reading actually other posts and reviews that would be considered as truly other.

Basically I see the TS posts and reviews as so prevalent that I feel they deserve a dedicated section.

Please provide your thought and or opinions.

Thank you Originally Posted by happyjack69
My thoughts exactly. Been feeling that way for over a year now.
josiecouture's Avatar
I Have been on the board for several years. I'm very well reviewed and well-known. I believe things are fine the way they are as is. there's not very many of them on the board so there's actually no point in wasting a space
Josie!! If you came to visit Dallas, THAT would be something to write about.

To all of you guys who "think", you are straight, Josie will confuse the hell out of you. She is a keeper.
josiecouture's Avatar
Josie!! If you came to visit Dallas, THAT would be something to write about.

To all of you guys who "think", you are straight, Josie will confuse the hell out of you. She is a keeper. Originally Posted by bengay
I am actually in Dallas at this moment have been visiting for about a week already
modus's Avatar
  • modus
  • 05-20-2014, 05:59 AM
It'd be nice if you could put flags on the reviews so you could filter based on certain criteria.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Not before there's a "West of 360" Reviews forum.
josiecouture's Avatar
Not before there's a "West of 360" Reviews forum. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
I Have been on the board for several years. I'm very well reviewed and well-known. I believe things are fine the way they are as is. there's not very many of them on the board so there's actually no point in wasting a space Originally Posted by josiecouture
theboss21422's Avatar
Y even separate ne reviews(strip club, amp etc.), I think they all shud be bundled together, I like modus ideal, even go far as filter locations, ethnicity n so on
walrusman's Avatar
They are mostly in the "other" review section now.
Practically a Ts section.
cubsoxbull's Avatar
Most people put TS in the heading so you can decide to read it or not. I would rather see a category for ladies that only allow a body rub type session like level 1 or level 2 service, I think that would be more beneficial. Sometimes I enjoy these type of sessions more than a fs provider.
happyjack69's Avatar
I appreciate the good conversation that is going on.

My opinion is that yes the TS reviews do have a the TS in the title 99% of the time, however my point was that there seem to be so many in the "other" section that it is not really that anymore. I enjoy the "Other" section for the off had UTR, SW and yes Other information and reviews. I would see it as helpful to break the TS reviews into their own section as it would allow the people interested in that area to focus on it.

As for space this is a Forum software so space is never an issue, if you mean organization I think separating it would add to the flow more and allow individuals to focus on areas the wish to.

As for separating Dallas out from Fort worth, the Metroplex has always been a collection of cities and I don't see the benefit of breaking that up as that would seem to create more confusion.

Granted these are only my opinions but I appreciate the conversation.
