ISO info on NDS aka New Design Studio Photography- Reward for info

Looking for info on a lost photography studio.

New Design Studio or NDS Photography.

They were very popular with providers here in Dallas and possibly state wide or even national in 2007-2008ish. They were awesome. Any girl who did a shoot with them became an instant celebrity. They were that good. They really knew how to make an image really pop off the screen. The lighting, the colors, the backgrounds. To this day I still have a brightly colored image of a spinner in roller skates burned into my memory. It was electric sex you could smell. :P

I promised myself one day I would get a shoot with them and I never did. Now they're gone.

Please tell me someone knows where they went? I really want to hire them. If it was a team and they're no longer working together, I'd hire them separately as well. I want them so bad I'll even offer a reward for anyone who gets me in touch with them.

Honey Davis
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  • ~Ze~
  • 06-21-2014, 05:17 PM
Long gone from what I know. They were awesome.

However, if you make it up to Kansas City - BCD Studios has a similar shooting style.
I Loved their photos. I actually talked to them right before they shut down. Its ashame they did great photos.