Polish Princess Karlie Gold

I met Karlie though Ariel Capri. We've all had some good times, As it turns out we were both in Dallas last week. I was there on Business. We decided to meet at my Hotel for some fun. Karlie is a very pretty girl, especially when she gets dolled up. I had ordered up a botte of win and we shared a glass and caught up. Sitting on the bed, we casually carressed each other, shared our wine and had a good conversation. we eventually stepped it up a notch and started kissing and caressing each other. Karlie excused her self to use the restroom. when she came out was just in bra and panties. then commented that i was way over dressed, she undid my belt and pulled my cock out , and gave a nice bbbj. she loves doing it, and it shows. i asked her to spit on it. she can talk dirty and its very hot. i soon had my clothes off and returned the favor to go down on her. She smells so wonderful. I can't get enough. We rolled aournd a little bit and put a cover on, i started in missionary so i coudl kiss her. proceed to let her ride me then finished in doggie. She has a great body to throw around a little bit. Loves it. I can't say enough about Karlie. She is fantastic.
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Dude, please read the excellent posting on how to write a review. Yours is a classic example how not to .