ladies, do you distinguish between a "newbie" and someone who is an infrequent hobbyist?

  • fryec
  • 06-22-2014, 07:27 PM
Just curious. It seems like when I try and schedule with someone I really want to see, they say they can't see me bacuse my reviews or p411 oks are too old. So basically I am forced to see someone first that I don't really want to see just to get a "recent" reference.

I know it all comes down to safety and peace of mind. I however refuse to spend my limited time with someone I wasn't plannning on seeing jut to be able to see someone I wanted to see in the first place.

I guess my question is, do I still approach providers I want to see that have the recent references requirement or has the hobby gone to that nowdays?

Also wanted to add that I have to be very discreet due to me being in the public eye, so disclosing a lot of information about me isn't an option.

Maybe time to move on?
As an infrequent client, you will have to change your thinking to match the ladies who view you as a viable client.

There are three kinds of providers: there are newbie friendly ladies like myself who will screen you without the need for references, and will take the time to make sure she's comfortable with you. Then there are the ladies who need the reference/review/verification system for a quicker date who will not take the chance on meeting you if you're trying to meet them with little notice. Then there are the ladies who will take a chance on you because they'll take the chance on anyone, so you're not assured a safe or quality visit.

There's no surety in just being verified. The ladies who are skeptical of meeting you have every right to be. You will have to do your research, trust a lady to screen you, and be a reference for you. Especially if you plan on continuing to be an infrequent client.

Happy hunting!
I agree with Tiffani 100%....I used to be "newbie friendly" but there are way to many risks. Seeing as you have reviews here on eccie....I'd be more than willing to see you. Regardless of how old the reviews are....

But yea.....a lot of providers are very cautious...and rightfully so.

There are some crazy ppl out there in the world.....hobby world or not.
I agree with Tiffani 100%....I used to be "newbie friendly" but there are way to many risks. Seeing as you have reviews here on eccie....I'd be more than willing to see you. Regardless of how old the reviews are....

But yea.....a lot of providers are very cautious...and rightfully so.

There are some crazy ppl out there in the world.....hobby world or not. Originally Posted by curvesNmore
I'm glad you've remedied that situation. Once you've mastered screening, maybe you can give being newbie friendly a try.

Usually ladies don't meet men with old reviews because there have been situations where hobbyists have changed over 6 months, or have been compromised in some way. I know ladies who have been robbed by previous clients, and old clients' information being used to procure services by law enforcement.

If you haven't mastered being newbie friendly, I would be selective in who I relaxed this standard with.
  • fryec
  • 06-23-2014, 09:15 AM
This is all good to know stuff. Thanks for the input!

Explaining screening methods in public isn't always the best idea.. Then again, I sure have had worse ideas...

What I suggest to any guy who doesn't have a current p411 or whatever and wants to see someone, just role reverse for a moment. Write up a little application of sorts. You know, what you're like. What you're looking for and what you have to offer for screening.

It doesn't have to be long (actually, please don't make it long).. Just a basic outline. Then take it from there.