Democrats Lawfare is American Fascism.

berryberry's Avatar
Democrats Lawfare is American Fascism. It is using raw political power to crush the political opposition. Freedom is dying before our very eyes.

FAR LEFT New York Judge Arthur Engoron has ruled that Trump defrauded banks by inflating his worth to acquire loans, he has ordered Trump to pay the State of New York $364 Million

This is despite the fact that the bank Trump supposedly defrauded testified in support of him

This case should fall apart on appeal. There's no crime, no victim, and no damages.
DNinja69's Avatar
Are the Democrats just superior politicians? More gifted legal minds? Have more power and wealth than the Republicans? You continue to proclaim their victories I wonder what do you attribute their success as you put it to if not simply being better at the game currently than the other side?

For the record I do not feel Freedom is dying but do think both parties need a refresher course in what it actually means as well as what role government should really be playing in our daily lives

And I agree the case will crumble upon appeal. When though.. how long to get to that point is the quesiton
berryberry's Avatar
These are the far left idiots trying to destroy America

They even look like fucking wimpy weasel losers

berryberry's Avatar
We've reached the point where your political beliefs combined with what venue your case is heard are the primary determinants of the outcome; not the facts of the case.

It’s truly sad what leftists have done to destroy our country and I hope others see it before it’s too late to fix because if not, we are in the last stages of decline
Are the Democrats just superior politicians? More gifted legal minds? Have more power and wealth than the Republicans? Originally Posted by DNinja69
Makes you wonder...
berryberry's Avatar
New York deserves everything it has coming to it. This outrageous ruling will chill even the most liberal execs in the financial district.

People and companies have been fleeing the shithole already - this will just accelerate things
lustylad's Avatar

Judge Orders Trump To Pay Whatever Amount It Takes To Bankrupt Campaign

Feb 16, 2024

NEW YORK — Former President Trump's civil trial in New York has concluded with Judge Arthur Engoron ordering that Trump pay whatever dollar amount is necessary to bankrupt his Presidential campaign.

"I, Judge Engoron, hereby rule that President Trump must pay -- hang on, let me google what his campaign raised last quarter," said Judge Ergoron. "Oh forget it, whatever it takes to crush Trump's re-election, that's how much Trump owes. Case closed!"

The civil trial was initiated by New York Attorney General Letitia James who argued that Trump received good terms on bank loans, thus endangering democracy. "Trump receiving a slightly better interest rate on a loan fifteen years ago was the death rattle of America," said James. "At last, with using Trump's conviction on a victimless crime to bankrupt one of the two major Presidential candidates, democracy has been saved."

According to legal scholars, the case hinged on whether Trump had inflated the worth of his real estate holdings in order to secure more favorable loan rates. After careful review, Judge Ergoron ruled that Trump's 63,000 square-foot mansion at Mar-A-Lago, including multiple beaches, was worth approximately eight dollars. As such, Judge Ergoron declared that banks had been nice to Trump, which clearly caused people living in New York terrible distress, and that could only be assuaged by Trump being forced to pay enough money to destroy his campaign.

At publishing time, Judge Ergoron had also ruled that Trump had to also pay off the national debt and go pick up his dry cleaning.
rmg_35's Avatar
354.8 Million. Yet another loss for the insurrectionist treasonist traitor and sexual abuser tRump. Overwhelming evidence of lying, cheating, and overwhelming fraud.

Love watching the insurrectionist treasonist traitor and sexual abuser tRump and his ill-informed maga followers lose their minds yet again. Whining, crying, and bitching. Way more to come in the coming months.

Are the Democrats just superior politicians? More gifted legal minds? Have more power and wealth than the Republicans? You continue to proclaim their victories I wonder what do you attribute their success as you put it to if not simply being better at the game currently than the other side?

For the record I do not feel Freedom is dying but do think both parties need a refresher course in what it actually means as well as what role government should really be playing in our daily lives

And I agree the case will crumble upon appeal. When though.. how long to get to that point is the quesiton Originally Posted by DNinja69
... G'day D'Ninj, glad to see you back-about the forum.

Yes, I also agree this case will crumble upon appeal.
And the Judge is well-aware... Hence the 3 year ban....

But - no matter how long it takes... The Truth Social merger
and "CIA fakery" will net Trump a few more Billion. $$$$

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Breaking: President Trump becomes first man fined by a court for paying back loans on time with interest to banks that want to do more business with him.
berryberry's Avatar
Kevin O’Leary slams Trump’s civil ruling as ‘un-American’ and a shock to the entire real estate industry

In a scathing rebuke of a New York Judge’s decision to fine Donald Trump a staggering $355 million, the entrepreneur and media personality Kevin O’Leary minced no words, denouncing the ruling as “unjust,” “appalling” and ultimately “un-American.

Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron’s Friday ruling not only slapped Trump with that hefty fine, but also with a temporary ban from conducting business in his native New York.

O’Leary, known for his role on “Shark Tank,” lambasted the decision, arguing that it sets a dangerous precedent for the entire real estate industry.

O’Leary had previously been critical of the months-long fraud case in the media, saying on CNN recently that, “I don’t think this thing will ever survive appeal regardless of what the fine is. This doesn’t even make sense.”

“That fact that he was found guilty, you might as well find guilty every real estate developer on Earth,” O’Leary said in an exclusive interview with The Post.
Predicting an overturn on appeal, O’Leary cautioned against the lasting repercussions this ruling might have on American business.

“It’s not healthy for the country,” he emphasized. “I want this reviewed and appealed and turned over because it’s wrong for everybody that participates.”

He later added, “If this judgment sticks. Every developer must be jailed. They must be found guilty. They must be put out of business. You can’t do this to one another. It’s not about Trump.”

"It’s appalling. It’s unjust. I would go as far to say it’s un-American,” O’Leary added.

Dubbing New York “a loser state” in the wake of the ruling, O’Leary also pointed out the potential exodus of businesses from the state if the decision holds.

“We’re just stunned. You have no idea. The shock wave sent through the real estate industry. Insane,” he said.
berryberry's Avatar
Democrats are fascists

An Associated Press analysis of nearly 70 years of similar cases showed Trump’s case stands apart: It’s the only big business found that was threatened with a shutdown without a showing of obvious victims and major losses.

Some legal experts worry if the New York judge goes ahead with such a penalty in a final ruling expected within the next couple of weeks, it could make it easier for courts to wipe out companies in the future.

“This sets a horrible precedent,” said Adam Leitman Bailey, a New York real estate lawyer who once sued a Trump condo building.
DNinja69's Avatar
If you believe Trump did nothing wrong then it could seem extreme the efforts to hold him accountable but as we know his hands are not clean. Is he deserving of all the legal action brought against him? No. Definitely not.

As for these 'never happen before' well neither has much of what Trump did just before and especially after he took office as President.

A quick look at the evidence presented compared with what the former Apprentice host and star said publicly via social media or directly we can see there are some things that would be best decided in a courtroom so we can try and establish what was and was not legal in the moment.

I am sure we can evaluate these issues without using terms like wimpy weasel losers and focus on more relevant elements of these cases if in fact justice is our goal.
berryberry's Avatar
The Senile Biden regime is no different than a third world dictator

They are both fascists and as lawless as they can get away with, and choose the maximally authoritarian options available to them to attack their opponents
berryberry's Avatar
by Steven Calabresi, a vocal Never Trumper

Ms. James and Judge Engeron have essentially turned a vaguely worded New York State law into a modern day Bill of Attainder targeted at Donald Trump both for political gain and because they despise his political views and desperately want to call his truthfulness into question as he runs for President of the United States inn 2024. In doing this, the have violated Trump's First Amendment right to freedom of speech and of the press; his Fifth Amendment right not to be deprived of liberty or property without due process of law; his Fifth Amendment right not to have property taken away from him except for a pubic use with just compensation being paid; his Eighth Amendment right not to be made to pay an excessive fine; his Article IV, Section 2 right as a citizen of Florida to do make and enforce contracts in New York on the same terms as are other New Yorkers; and his Fourteenth Amendment right to be free to pursue an occupation without unnecessary and burdensome regulation.

The civil fraud judgment against Donald Trump is a travesty and an unjust political act rivaled only in American politics by the killing of former Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton by Vice President Aaron Burr. If the New York State appellate courts do not reverse this judgment, the U.S. Supreme Court MUST grant cert on this case and reverse Judge Engeron's outrageous decisions. National, presidential politics will be permanently altered if a local State's legal system can be used in this way against candidates for President of the United States. This case raises a national issue of profound importance and if the New York State appellate courts do not address it, the U.S. Supreme Court MUST!