The big, bad "billionaire" is out of money

trump can't afford any of his appeals

Too bad, so sad... and just to reiterate, he's not now, nor has he ever been, a "billionaire". His entire existence has been built upon people believing his bullshit. And this proves it, once and for all.

Welcome to reality, fuckface...

I love how trump keeps thinking he can "negotiate" his way out of this legal ass whoopin'. If he really was a billionaire, this wouldn't be a problem for him.

Welcome to reality, fuckface...
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s called net worth, 1% of which is more than you’ll save in 10 lifetimes.
bambino's Avatar
Wrong again Tommy. Dropping F bombs in every post doesn’t make it true.

Trumps not worried about money. He keeps making billions more.
DNinja69's Avatar
Trump is asking for more time and that is 100% reasonable.

As for what percentage of his 'worth' the NYC judgement represents... well that continues to be the question
It’s called net worth, 1% of which is more than you’ll save in 10 lifetimes. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
And I'm pretty sure I'll never need to pay $464 million to the state of New York for being a fraudulent piece of shit either. It's all relative.

By the way, a substantial portion of his "net worth" is based on fraudulent bullshit. That's the whole point of this
Trump is asking for more time and that is 100% reasonable. Originally Posted by DNinja69
At this point, no it's not. He's had plenty of time. Now's the time for him to squirm and pay the piper.
trumps not worried about money. He keeps making billions more. Originally Posted by bambino
If he wasn't "worried about money", he'd post the bond. Like an adult. His counter offer wasn't even 25% of what's necessary. He's fucked.
winn dixie's Avatar
So trump says he's a billionaire when bragging but is not a billionaire when faced by authorities!?
He's broke on many levels
Jacuzzme's Avatar
And I'm pretty sure I'll never need to pay $464 million to the state of New York for being a fraudulent piece of shit either. It's all relative. Originally Posted by tommy156
Neither will Trump.

By the way, a substantial portion of his "net worth" is based on fraudulent bullshit. That's the whole point of this
The whole point is election interference, aka an attack on democracy.
The whole point is election interference, aka an attack on democracy. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Nothing at all to do with election interference.
So trump says he's a billionaire when bragging but is not a billionaire when faced by authorities!?
He's broke on many levels Originally Posted by winn dixie

Yep. It's exactly what got him in trouble to begin with. Lying about his wealth. He lies about everything, all the time, so par for the course, I suppose.
Neither will trump. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You're right, he won't have to pay. They'll just come take his shit. trump tower first.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
We know you guys with this weird Trump obsession would love that, but it’s not gonna happen.
Oh, it's going to happen. Lil donnie diaperload is fucked. And he never even got to be a billionaire. SAD!