One Billion

berryberry's Avatar
Remember this blast from the past. Well turns out the Bud Light boycott cost Anheuser-Busch InBev over $1 billion in lost sales

DNinja69's Avatar
"The brewing giant's quarterly revenue increased 6.2% to $14.47 billion, slightly below the $15.66 billion expected. Higher prices were offset by its US performance, where the Bud Light brand is still trying to turn a corner. Full-year revenue rose 7.8% to $59.38 billion, compared with the $60.52 billion the Street estimated"

Unless the idea is to paint the current economy as robust in some way I believe a 6.2% increase in quarterly revenue would be a pretty solid gain. The figure for 2023 overall was growth of 7.8%. Wal-Mart just released their 4Q earnings with a revenue increase of 7.3% so its hard to argue that either company is not doing very well.

#1 Beer in America? Corona.

Mexican beer sold internationally by InBev and proudly LGBTQ+ friendly so while its true that the company did not meet expected earnings they are doing quite well despite a bunch of butthurt do-gooders calling for them to 'go broke' which of course did not happen. The ongoing effort to 'make gay go away' may create a few bumps in the road so let the cheers continue for those who need to be mad at light beer.

To me a number that reflects 0.009% of a companies net worth in an economy like we see today is not any kind of victory but I will let Trump's words from last months speak to what kind of company Bud Light is:

"Anheuser-Busch spends $700 Million a year with our GREAT Farmers, employ 65 thousand Americans, of which 1,500 are Veterans, and is a Founding Corporate Partner of Folds of Honor, which provides Scholarships for families of fallen Servicemen & Women. They’ve raised over $30,000,000 and given 44,000 Scholarships.”

“Anheuser-Busch is a Great American Brand that perhaps deserves a Second Chance? What do you think?”
eyecu2's Avatar
Most shareholders at BUD are used to some volatility. Stock has been bouncing from 56-64 regularly. The whole brand demo is changing and light beers are just a part of that. I'm not minimizing a drop due to a marketing snafu, but it's part of their industry.

I went to my local beer store the other day, and there are so many more choices each and every year that are presented, I'd say that has a lot to do with loss of market share as much as a marketing decision. Budweiser's never been my go-to beer, when it comes to light beer I like Miller, but I prefer other tastier beers like Southern tier products.
berryberry's Avatar
$1 billion in lost sales and continuing

And some thought it would blow over in a month
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s not even a money thing so much as branding. Bud light is now considered the drink of trannies, and it always will be. People at the register will now and forever give the guy buying a case the side-eye and chuckle to themselves.
DNinja69's Avatar
Bud Light is just a beer. If people let it twist them into a frenzy that is on them. “Anheuser-Busch is not a Woke company,” says Trump and I agree. Trying to use a beer brand to spread shame and inspire death threats and other unfortunate responses to Americans who have the same rights as the rest of us is a crusade whose time has come...and gone.

InBev is doing quite well ad like all the other 'the gon go broke jest watch' companies conntinue to support PRIDE efforts around our great nation.

Log live Freedom.

Fuck Oppression
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Laughing at freaks isn’t a frenzy or oppressive. If you’re a guy who pretends to be a girl getting laughed at comes with the territory. If you can’t handle it, it’s easy enough to just act normal.
DNinja69's Avatar
Advocating for the persecution of Americans because they choose a different life path is a despicable endeavor.

Feigning ignorance at the fallout caused by these holy roller attempts to squelch a group of people trying to dictate their conduct is also a personal choice.

So yes indeed InBev 2023 revenue fell a bit short (by percentage the total amount is irrelevant on its own) but the company continues to thrive and that is great news.

Freedom wins again.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Persecution? How snowflakey. If people want to behave in a way that invites ridicule, they shouldn’t be surprised when they’re ridiculed. It’s their choice to act like a weirdo, and mine to laugh at them for doing so. Simple cause and effect.
bambino's Avatar
Persecution? How snowflakey. If people want to behave in a way that invites ridicule, they shouldn’t be surprised when they’re ridiculed. It’s their choice to act like a weirdo, and mine to laugh at them for doing so. Simple cause and effect. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Fuck persecution, Trannies have a high suicide rate. If you don’t want to off yourself, don’t try to change yourself. Unless you want to excel in female sports.
DNinja69's Avatar
Snowflaky? Thats funny.

As individuals we open ourselves to ridicule but when people attempt to deny the group their rightful Liberty it becomes something else.

We don't have two sets of water fountains anymore.

Though one for water one for beer I would vote for!

History will remember the beer boycott posse in a similar way they do 'separate but equal' and ain't nobody going broke for appreciating Freedom the way Bud Light did.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Denied liberty? Yeah right, they’re fucking coddled. These freakazoids get their front holes kissed more than any group that’s ever existed. Much of society has decided to feed their delusions, a few of us still believe in truth and won’t play along.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-01-2024, 07:59 PM
You know, todays gay and trans communities feel the need to force their beliefs on us, not the other way around.

They never knew what it was like to be beaten around the head and shoulders by cops for being in a Gay bar, or, being caught in a car, etc, etc, etc.

The battle was won, long ago, and there is no need to fight another battle because you feel the need to indoctrinate others into your fantasy world, or, to push your agenda.

If any of the young pussies today had to stand up to half dozen cops today, they'd be going straight, quickly.

And, if you ask me, the hatred today is coming FROM the gay community, towards all straight folk.

I don't give a fuck, I never have, just do what you want, and leave me and mine the fuck alone, pretty much the Libertarian viewpoint I've had all my life.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-01-2024, 08:05 PM
Snowflaky? Thats funny.

As individuals we open ourselves to ridicule but when people attempt to deny the group their rightful Liberty it becomes something else.

We don't have two sets of water fountains anymore.

Though one for water one for beer I would vote for!

History will remember the beer boycott posse in a similar way they do 'separate but equal' and ain't nobody going broke for appreciating Freedom the way Bud Light did. Originally Posted by DNinja69
Jeebus, that last paragraph has to be the funniest goddamn thing I've seen this year.

So, what type of promotions did the creators of your fanstastic freedom act get?

You know, the Harvard Grad who felt it only sold to stupid, fat white people and Fraternities and took it upon herself to start the campaign?

Where is she now?

CEO Of what, working where?


What a success.
berryberry's Avatar
It’s not even a money thing so much as branding. Bud light is now considered the drink of trannies, and it always will be. People at the register will now and forever give the guy buying a case the side-eye and chuckle to themselves. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That's very true.

That said, it's a money thing from the perspective that a number of people wrongly stated that the boycott would have no effect and be over quickly

One billion dollars in lost sales later, they were clearly wrong
