Is Ghislane Maxwell the Next to get Clintoned?

bambino's Avatar
Little Monster's Avatar
Trump is no longer president, so I wonder how he will go about trying to have her executed like he did Epstein?
  • oeb11
  • 07-02-2021, 09:59 AM
TDS -LM - as is typical of DPST's - you promote gross Lies - and provide no factual basis for your unfounded allegations.

the clintons executed Epstein.

Just as they have almost 40 other individuals.
Ed’s popular Clinton Casualties show aired on October 29, 2016, less than 2 weeks before Election Day. This special edition of The Main Event outlined the entire list of the alleged casualties in the “Clinton Body Count.” Whether you’re brand new to the Clinton Body Count theory or a longtime proponent, you’re bound to learn something new from this show!
Click the image to hear it on demand!

Clinton Casualties – Full List, by Popular Demand
This is the list of “Clinton Casualties” that Ed Hoffman covered in the popular October 28, 2016 episode of The Main Event. The full episode can be heard here. If you would like to share this page, simply copy and paste the link.
  1. Shawn Lucas – August 2, 2016
Shawn Lucas was the attorney found dead on his bathroom floor one month after serving the DNC with a lawsuit on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters who alleged that the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz rigged the Democratic primary for Hillary. His friends are said to be “completely freaked out” by his death because authorities refused to say how he died. A friend filmed Lucas serving the lawsuit papers at the DNC headquarters in Washington D.C. on June 28.
  1. Victor Thorn – August 1, 2016
An author of several books exposing the Clintons (the most recent of which is titled Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn’t be in the White House) was found dead of a gunshot wound on top of a mountain near his home in Pennsylvania. Thorn had appeared on the Internet-based Russell Scott Show in 2015; here’s what Scott said after Thorn’s death.
  1. Joe Mantano – July 25, 2016
Joe Montano, a close aide to Hillary’s running mate Tim Kaine, reportedly died of a heart attack after the Wikileaks DNC email dump. He was 47.
4. Seth Rich – July 10, 2016
27-year-old DNC staffer Seth Rich’s death was reported on extensively last summer, thanks to it happening right before the DNC convention. Rich was shot in the back of the head around 4 AM on July 10 in what authorities called a “robbery,” even though his wallet and cash were found on him. Some have said Rich may be the whistleblower who gave damning information on the DNC to WikiLeaks – specifically, that they sabotaged Bernie Sanders’ campaign so no one would stand in Hillary’s way. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange hinted this was a possibility.
  1. John Ashe – June 22, 2016
Ashe was the president of the U.N. General Assembly in 2013 and 2014. He died in an apparent “barbell accident” with a crushed windpipe the day before he was set to testify against the DNC and Hillary Clinton. Here’s the full report from One America News.
  1. Gareth Williams – Aug. 16, 2010
Williams, a transatlantic MI6 spy, was found naked, padlocked and stuffed in a 32-by-19-inch duffel bag in his London bathtub. According to the UK Sun, he had illegally hacked secret data on Bill Clinton. Scotland Yard called the death as a suicide, saying Williams “locked himself in the bag.”
  1. Charles Ruff, November 2000
Charles Ruff, a Clinton attorney during Bill’s Lewinsky scandal and impeachment trial, reportedly “died after an accident at his Washington D.C. home.” One report said he was found unconscious outside his shower. Other reports said he had a heart attack.
  1. Carlos Ghigliotti – April 28, 2000
Ghigliotti was a thermal imaging expert hired by Congress to analyze surveillance footage from the FBI’s 1993 raid on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. He was found dead in his Maryland home, his badly decomposed body sitting at his desk. His friend, attorney David T. Hardy, is quoted as saying, “I think he may have known too much. Carlos told me he had discovered things that were much, much worse than anything that had come out yet.”
  1. Charles Wilbourne Miller – Nov. 17, 1999
Miller was the VP of Alltel, the company that created the Clinton White House’s “Big Brother” data tracking system. He was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head in a shallow pit about 300 yards from his ranch house near Little Rock, Arkansas.
  1. Corporal Eric S. Fox – March 22, 1999
Fox was a Marine One helicopter crewman during the Clinton administration. He was found shot in the head, and his death was declared a suicide.
  1. David McCloud July 26, 1998
Lieutenant General David McCloud was Bill Clinton’s director for the Joint Chiefs of Staff Force Structure in 1996-97. He was killed while he piloted his personal aircraft in 1998. Some have speculated he was one of 24 flag officers who sought to arrest President Clinton for treason under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
  1. Johnny Lawhorn Jr. – March 29, 1998
Lawhorn, a mechanic, discovered a large check made out to Bill Clinton from Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan (the bank owned by Clinton friend James McDougal). The check was said to have been found in a car at his repair shop. He was later killed in a car accident. And guess who’s next on the casualty list? James McDougal, who died just two weeks earlier.
  1. James McDougal – March 8, 1998
James McDougal, a Clinton business partner and the brains behind their Whitewater Development Corporation, reportedly died of cardiac arrest in federal prison hospital at age 58. He was serving time, along with his wife Susan, on fraud and conspiracy charges connected to Whitewater and had been cooperating with independent counsel Ken Starr in the investigation. The day after his death, the Baltimore Sun reported: “His death appears to reduce the legal risks to President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton, and was a clear setback to Starr and his prosecutors, who huddled in their offices last night after McDougal’s death was announced.”
  1. Eric Butera – Dec. 4, 1997
Eric Butera was an informant who had information about the murder of Mary Mahoney, a White House intern who was also found dead; more on her in a moment. Butera was asked to help police with an undercover drug buy, during which he was beaten to death.
  1. Ron Miller – October 12, 1997
Miller was an Oklahoma businessman scheduled to testify against First Lady Hillary Clinton and White House Chief of Staff Thomas McLarty. The regulatory hearing was on money laundering and price gouging at the ARKLA corporation, a natural gas company that McLarty was previously chairman of. In the months leading up to the hearing, Miller received phone and in-person threats; he became ill on October 2 and died 10 days later, never able to testify. The Oklahoma medical examiner declared Miller’s death a “medical mystery.”
  1. Mary Mahoney – July 6, 1997
Mahoney was a White House intern until 1995. She later worked at a D.C. Starbucks, where she became friends with one of her customers: White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Mahoney and two co-workers were killed during what was supposedly a “robbery” of the Starbucks, even though there was $10,000 left in the safe. A man named Carl Cooper was charged with their murders in March 1999; he pled guilty but changed his story to the FBI during the trial. Mahoney was shot five times with the key to the safe in her hand. This happened during Paula Jones’ sexual harassment lawsuit against Bill Clinton, and three days after Lewinsky told Clinton she wanted to tell her parents about their affair (Clinton’s answer to her was “it’s a crime to threaten the President”). Friends of Lewinsky anonymously told investigators that “Monica didn’t want to end up like Mary Mahoney.”
  1. Ron Brown – April 3, 1996
Ron Brown, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, was killed in a plane crash after Hillary Clinton dispatched him on a dubious mission to a war-torn corner of Bosnia. Brown and 34 others died when their Air Force plane crashed into a Croatian mountainside. He had threatened to expose the White House’s Chinese fundraising scheme; just weeks before his death, he told friends he was scared for his life.
  1. John Hillyer – Nov. 29, 1996
NBC cameraman John Hillyer was investigating a drug-smuggling operation in Mena, Arkansas while Clinton was governor, and also worked on the Clinton exposé videos “Circle of Power” and “The Clinton Chronicles.” Hillyer’s filmmaking partner said that once they started interviewing people in Arkansas, they discovered the criminality and intrigue were far worse than they had imagined. “We were followed on a regular basis,” he said. When they temporarily moved in with some other journalists interested in exposing the Clintons, they discovered eight “bugs” in the house. They reported that someone tried to break in one night, and recognized the man as one of Governor Clinton’s security staff. During the filming, two of their sources were found dead before they could be interviewed. Hillyer called his partner in 1996 to say he had uncovered new information on Clinton, but they had to meet in person because he was scared. He died of a heart attack three days later.
  1. Barbara Wise – Nov. 29, 1996
Wise was a 14-year Commerce Department staffer appointed by Reagan who stayed on through Bush and Clinton’s administrations. It’s believed she knew of illegal dealings between Bill Clinton, the Chinese government, and Ron Brown (her boss who died in a plane crash in April). After she was suspected of leaking Commerce documents exposing the scandal, she was found dead, naked and bruised from head to waist in a locked Commerce Department office. President Clinton left for an unscheduled trip to Camp David that morning.
  1. Stanley Huggins – June 23, 1994
Huggins had been investigating the collapse of Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan, Jim McDougal’s bank. He died of viral pneumonia before his 300 pages of findings could be released.
  1. Bill Shelton – June 12, 1994
Shelton was the fiancée of Kathy Ferguson, the ex-wife of the Arkansas State Trooper who had been a co-defendant in the Paula Jones lawsuit (more on her in a minute). He had openly questioned whether Kathy Ferguson had actually committed suicide. He was found dead at her gravesite with a gun next to him. It was ruled a suicide.
  1. Kathy Ferguson – May 10, 1994
Ferguson was the ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson. Because she had escorted Paula Jones to Bill Clinton’s hotel room, she was a corroborating witness for Jones during the sexual harassment trial. She reportedly died from a suicide in which she shot herself in the head, although her packed luggage was found near her body (indicating she planned to leave home).
  1. James Bunch – Feb. 11, 1994
Bunch was a Texas state employee who ran a prostitution ring from his office in Austin. He was said to have owned a “little black book” of influential people from Texas and Arkansas who visited prostitutes. Bunch’s files contained descriptions of his high-profile clients, their sexual preferences, the amount of money they were willing to spend, and whether they were “good” or “bad” clients who might hurt the escorts. There were also rumors that underage girls were working under him. He was found dead of a gunshot wound, ruled a suicide.
  1. Gandy Baugh – Jan. 8, 1994
Baugh had been an attorney for Bill Clinton’s friend Dan Lasater, who owned a ski resort in New Mexico used for drug operations and money laundering; he was sentenced to six months in prison, but was later pardoned by Clinton. He reportedly killed himself by leaping from the window of a tall building.
  1. Ed Willey – Nov. 29, 1993
Ed Willey was the husband of Bill Clinton accuser Kathleen Willey. In her 2007 book Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Willey pointed suspicion at the Clintons for the death of her husband Ed, which had been ruled a suicide. Kathleen wrote in her book: “The possibility lingers, logical or not, that Ed was murdered.”
  1. Jerry Luther Parks – Sept. 26, 1993
Parks was head of security for Bill Clinton’s headquarters in Little Rock. He was shot through the rear window of his car while attempting to drive through an intersection; there was evidence the car had been stopped and seven shots were fired. Linda Tripp, who you might remember as the Pentagon employee who secretly recorded her phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky, told Ken Starr’s grand jury that she was “alarmed at the secrecy” surrounding his death, and that “the reaction of the White House” to his death caused her concern. When pressed for further comment, Tripp said, “I don’t know what else to say.”
  1. Dr. Stanley Heard – Sept. 10, 1993
Arkansas doctor Stanley Heard Arkansas had treated Bill Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother and served as chairman of Clinton’s National Chiropractic Healthcare Advisory Committee. He and his attorney Steve Dickson were both killed in a plane crash near Washington DC. Dickson flew his own plane from Topeka, Kansas, but it developed problems flying over St. Louis, so they landed and rented another plane, which proved fatal.
  1. Jon Parnell Walker – Aug. 15, 1993
Walker was investigating the Whitewater case on behalf of Resolution Trust Corporation. He fell to his death from the top of the Lincoln Towers building in Arlington, Virginia.
  1. Vince Foster – July 20, 1993
This is the one Clinton-related death that most Americans have heard of; you might remember how anyone who thought the Clintons were responsible for it were written off as crazy conspiracy theorists. Foster was Deputy White House Counsel, as well as Hillary’s friend and law partner; he had connections to both the Travelgate and Whitewater scandals. In 1993, he was found dead by a gunshot to his mouth in a Washington D.C. park. The FBI called it a suicide, even though a Ken Starr investigator said the crime scene was altered. The Washington Post reported federal investigators were not allowed to enter Foster’s office after his death – but for some reason, White House aides were. Linda Tripp also testified to the grand jury on Foster’s death, saying, “None of the behavior following Vince Foster’s suicide computed to people mourning Mr. Foster. It was far more ominous than that and it was extremely questionable behavior…I felt endangered.”
  1. Jim Wilhite – Dec. 21, 1992
Jim Wilhite, vice chairman of the natural gas company ARKLA, was killed when he skied into a tree on Snowmass Mountain in Aspen, Colorado. He died less than a week after ARKLA chairman Thomas McLarty resigned to become White House Chief of Staff.
  1. Victor Raiser – July 30, 1992
Victor Raiser was the finance co-chairman of Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign and knew the Clintons for 10 years. He was killed in a plane crash along with his son and three other passengers.
  1. Paula Grober – December 2, 1992
Grober was the White House interpreter for the deaf under Bill Clinton. She died in an auto accident with no known witnesses, with her body thrown 33 feet from the car. A very attractive woman, Paula had traveled extensively with Clinton since 1978.
So we’ve just listed 33 people on the Clinton casualties list. Now the next several people are all believed to have been killed because they had information on the murder of the “Boys on the Tracks,” two Arkansas teenagers named Don Henry and Kevin Ives who were murdered on railroad tracks in 1987. Their families believe it was because they witnessed a cocaine drop on the tracks that was part of Bill Clinton and his friend Dan Lasater’s drug smuggling operation. Here is the list of people (all of whom knew the boys somehow or claimed to have information on the case) who were killed mysteriously over the next two years while this case was being investigated.

  1. Jordan Kettleson – June 1990
  2. Gregory Collins – January 1989
  3. Jeff Rhodes – April 1989
  4. James Milan (not mentioned in the video)
  5. Booney Bearden
  6. Richard Winters – July 1989
  7. Keith McMaskle – November 1988
  8. Keith Coney – July 1988
  1. Judi Gibbs – January 3, 1986
Gibbs worked at an Arkansas bordello that blackmailed its clients with photos. According to her family, Bill Clinton was her regular customer and there were photos of them together. Her house was mysteriously burned down with her inside. In a sworn statement, Clinton bodyguard Barry Spivey said he had been with Clinton when the governor’s plane flew over her house and Clinton pointed out the house to him.
  1. Susan Coleman – Feb. 15, 1977
Coleman, who was pregnant at the time of her death, was rumored to have had an affair with Clinton while he was Arkansas Attorney General. She was also one of Clinton’s law school students at the University of Arkansas. Though she died of a gunshot wound to the back of her head, her death was ruled a suicide.
That’s 41 people, but there are at least 12 more that we know of – and all of them were bodyguards of the Clintons.
44 through 55 – Clinton Bodyguards
About a dozen Clinton bodyguards have died over the years. Four of them – Staff Sgt. Brian Haney, Marine Sgt. Tim Sabel, Maj. William Barkley and Capt. Scott Reynolds – died May 19, 1993 when their helicopter crashed in the woods near Quantico, Virginia. The head of the fire department on the scene said, “Security was tight” and there were “lots of Marines with guns.” Those Marines seized a videotape made by a firefighter. All four men had escorted Clinton on his USS Roosevelt aircraft flight shortly before their deaths.
In addition to these four, there are eight other Clinton bodyguards who have died:
  • Major General William Robertson
  • Col. William Densberger
  • Col. Robert Kelly
  • Gary Rhodes
  • Steve Willis
  • Robert Williams
  • Conway LeBleu
  • Todd McKeehan
Excerpted from The Main Event radio program with host Ed Hoffman – October 29, 2016 broadcast.
Please note: This information was derived from a variety of sources on the “Clinton Casualties” theory. Although it has not been independently confirmed, there are numerous other resources on this topic available for reference.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ That's all folks ^^ , sucks when you see to much ,,,, The elites "whata gonna do"
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
so some new names were added to the list; the ones from 2010 & 2016.

the clinton killing machine continues, but I'd have to say its sputtering.

epstein's not on the list. jury's out on that one.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
speaking of Ghislane Maxwell, the Cosby case may have an impact on her case.
how much of it remains to be seen....

when Epstein made a deal with the DA of FL, it was an agreement for the feds not to go after his co-conspirators in exchange for sentence under FL laws.

if this agreement applies to other Fed districts is an open question, whether this has legs remains to be seen. the DA of NY is prosecuting her.
Ripmany's Avatar
Clinton wouldn't not hurt a sole.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-03-2021, 07:37 AM
The Big Lies...or Conspiracy Theories as we sane folks call them, continue.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Big Lies...or Conspiracy Theories as we sane folks call them, continue. Originally Posted by WTF
if you say so.
I'm surprised BIll Cosby didn't make the list just in the name of "equity."
Little Monster's Avatar
so some new names were added to the list; the ones from 2010 & 2016.

the clinton killing machine continues, but I'd have to say its sputtering.

epstein's not on the list. jury's out on that one. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Far more evidence that Trump had something to do with Epstein's death than the Clinton's. That is nothing more than a conservative reach than anything else.

Who's property was used as a staging point for girls getting pimped out to Epstein. Trump's, not the Clinton's.

Keep trying conservatives, keep trying.
  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2021, 05:18 PM
LM - if you choose to asset "Far more evidence that Trump had something to do with Epstein's death than the Clinton's."

Please produce the citations/evidence.

Thank you for your participation - Good Sir!!
Please follow your axiom - "keep trying".
speaking of Ghislane Maxwell, the Cosby case may have an impact on her case.
how much of it remains to be seen....

when Epstein made a deal with the DA of FL, it was an agreement for the feds not to go after his co-conspirators in exchange for sentence under FL laws.

if this agreement applies to other Fed districts is an open question, whether this has legs remains to be seen. the DA of NY is prosecuting her. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
According to some learned Attorneys, this is true.

She just might be home free.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Far more evidence that Trump had something to do with Epstein's death than the Clinton's. That is nothing more than a conservative reach than anything else.

Who's property was used as a staging point for girls getting pimped out to Epstein. Trump's, not the Clinton's.

Keep trying conservatives, keep trying. Originally Posted by Little Monster
what evidence? let's see what you can dig up on that. shouldn't be hard for ya.

as for your claim about Trump's property i presume you mean Mar-A-Lago. why don't you post what happened next? you know .. after Epstein made inappropriate advances to a female staffer at Mar-A-Lago

you know what happened .. Trump banned him from Mar-A-Lago.

doesn't sound like an enabler to me ....

According to some learned Attorneys, this is true.

She just might be home free. Originally Posted by Jackie S

this article about Cosby supports that

Bill Cosby’s not free on a technicality. He’s free because his prosecutors cheated

But it’s also wrong to say that he escaped justice on a technicality. He escaped justice because a prosecutor’s office violated its previous agreement not to charge him. Go ahead and testify in a civil suit by Constand, they told him, because you’re not going to be charged.

That deal was incredibly stupid, but it was also binding. Yet after Cosby waived his rights and implicated himself, a successor to the DA who’d made that agreement decided to charge him anyway. Which wasn’t either fair or constitutional.

so if Jeffy brokered a similar deal then it's just as binding as this one. i think this is the reason she was in the US at the time. that deal gave her immunity to prosecution. the woman has French citizenship along with UK and US citizenship. if she thought she might be charged she would have been in France which rather famously refuses extradition. example .. Roman Polanski. France has shielded him for decades for his own sexual misconduct. and it should be noted that while Polanski did commit that crime he fled because the Judge in that case reneged on a plea deal.

and it was the victim's attorney that arraigned the plea deal.

Polanski was indicted on six counts of criminal behavior, including rape.[136][146] At his arraignment, he pleaded not guilty to all charges. Many executives in Hollywood came to his defense.[147] Gailey's attorney arranged a plea bargain in which five of the six charges would be dismissed, and Polanski accepted.[148]

As a result of the plea bargain, Polanski pleaded guilty to the charge of "unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor",[149][150] and was ordered to undergo 90 days of psychiatric evaluation at California Institution for Men at Chino.[151] Upon release from prison after 42 days, Polanski agreed to the plea bargain, his penalty to be time served along with probation. However, he learned afterward that the judge, Laurence J. Rittenband, had told some friends that he was going to disregard the plea bargain and sentence Polanski to 50 years in prison:[150][152] "I'll see this man never gets out of jail," he told Polanski's friend, screenwriter Howard E. Koch.[153] Gailey's attorney confirmed the judge changed his mind after he met the judge in his chambers:
He was going to sentence Polanski, rather than to time served, to fifty years. What the judge did was outrageous. We had agreed to a plea bargain and the judge had approved it.[153][154]

On 31 January 1978, the day before sentencing, Polanski left the country on a flight to London,[156][157] where he had a home. One day later, he left for France.[158][159] As a French citizen, he has been protected from extradition and has lived mostly in France since then

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-04-2021, 05:19 AM

as for your claim about Trump's property i presume you mean Mar-A-Lago. why don't you post what happened next? you know .. after Epstein made inappropriate advances to a female staffer at Mar-A-Lago

you know what happened .. Trump banned him from Mar-A-Lago.

doesn't sound like an enabler to me ....

[/INDENT] Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Instead of believing Trump's rewrite of history, you should do a little research.

The Players

Beginning in the late ’80s, the infamous sex trafficker and the future president (and their mutual friend Ghislaine Maxwell) palled around for almost two decades. In an excerpt from his new book, American Kompromat, the author exposes their shared tastes for private planes, shady money, and foreign-born models—many of them “on the younger side.”

JANUARY 21, 2021
Donald and Melania Trump Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell at the MaraLago in 2000.nbsp
Donald and Melania Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell at the Mar-a-Lago in 2000. FROM DAVIDOFF STUDIOS/GETTY IMAGES.
Ghislaine Maxwell saw Donald Trump as a vital connection for her then boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein early on. In the late ’80s, she had worked for her father, British media mogul Robert Maxwell, in London, first at Pergamon Press, then in another division that specialized in corporate gifts. Thinking Trump would be a great catch as a client for her venture, she realized she had a terrific connection through her father, who knew Trump fairly well as a rival, bidding unsuccessfully to buy the New York Post, inviting him to party aboard the Lady Ghislaine, and attending extravagant society soirees.

Naively assuming that her father would appreciate her initiative, Ghislaine Maxwell asked him to call Trump. However, according to Nicholas Davies’s Death of a Tycoon, even though she was his favorite daughter, Robert Maxwell erupted. “Have you got your bum in your head?” he said. “Why the fuck would Donald Trump want to waste his time seeing you with your crappy gifts when he has a multimillion-dollar business to run?”

But her father was wrong. In the end, Trump spent plenty of time with Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein. In fact, he fit in quite well with them. Arrivistes all—be it Epstein’s Coney Island, Trump’s Queens, or Robert Maxwell’s Eastern European shtetl—they had all come from the wrong side of the tracks. And at some point in their lives, Robert Maxwell, Trump, and Epstein all had ties to foreign intelligence agencies, arms dealers, and the sex trade.

It was a world of unimaginable decadence. The epicenter of the operation was Epstein’s enormously opulent Upper East Side townhouse. As a dwelling, it was less a home than a deliberately, extravagantly staged showcase, a calculated spectacle that declared to the world that Epstein, a college dropout from a middle-class Brooklyn family, had been embraced securely in the bosom of the powers that be.

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Epstein’s notorious “black book” of contacts, compiled largely by Ghislaine Maxwell, shows the rarefied circles in which he traveled—Nobel laureates, heads of states, British royals, Wall Street power brokers, and A-listers in every glamour profession. Trump had no fewer than 16 phone numbers beside his name in Epstein’s black book.

Trump later recalled Epstein in those days. “Terrific guy,” he famously told New York magazine. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

No one was more dazzled by the glamour of the Trump–Maxwell–Epstein axis than former Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz, who was so hypnotized by its lavishness that he professed not to see anything wrong with it. In fact, it was something you aspired to. “In those days, if you didn’t know Trump and you didn’t know Epstein, you were a nobody,” Dershowitz, who later served on Epstein’s defense team, told The New York Times.

Within the context of their highly transactional relationships, Trump’s friendship with Epstein struck onlookers as a significant mutually beneficial connection. In the ’90s, Trump needed friends. He had just gone belly-up in Atlantic City. In addition to helping Trump get back on his feet, Epstein seemed to be a latter-day Hugh Hefner—surrounded by gorgeous young women, bespoke private planes, and spectacular residences, all while Ghislaine Maxwell orchestrated a never-ending series of movable feasts at which Epstein would entertain and play courtier to presidents, movie stars, brutal dictators, world-class scientists, Wall Street billionaires, and the like. And he’d have sex with two, three, or more young girls almost every day.


Trump fit right in. Epstein and Maxwell invited him everywhere—and Trump reciprocated. At one highly selective party in 1992 at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, The New York Times reported, no fewer than 28 attractive young women were flown in to participate in a calendar-girl competition as entertainment. The organizer, George Houraney, who ran American Dream Enterprise, a small Florida company that staged a calendar-girl contest and other events, was appalled to learn that there were only two male guests—Trump and Epstein.

“Donald, this is supposed to be a party with VIPs,” Houraney told Trump, according to the Times. “You’re telling me it’s you and Epstein? … I know Jeff really well, I can’t have him going after younger girls.”

But Trump ignored Houraney’s warning and plowed ahead anyway. Houraney’s longtime girlfriend Jill Harth later told The New York Times that Trump groped her nonstop at a business meeting around the same time. “He was relentless,” Harth said, describing how Trump took the couple to dinner, sat beside Harth, and put his hands up her skirt all the way to her crotch. “I didn’t know how to handle it. I would go away from him and say I have to go to the restroom. It was the escape route.”

Trump was often the center of Maxwell’s attention, and women who entered Trump’s orbit sometimes ended up being associated with both Trump and Epstein, spending part of their time living in a Trump Tower condo and part in Florida, at Mar-a-Lago or one of Epstein’s homes.

Among them was Russian model and beauty-pageant contestant Anna Malova, whose journey from the world of beauty pageants and modeling to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago and Epstein’s island retreat is highly suggestive in terms of how Epstein and his associates began manipulating young women.


In the early ’90s, before coming to the United States, Malova had placed well in a number of beauty pageants—coming in second in Miss Russia 1993 and winning the 1994 Miss Baltic Sea title later that year. In 1995 she left Moscow, spent six weeks learning English in St. Petersburg (Florida, not Russia), and was profiled in The Tampa Tribune as “reigning Miss Russia.” And before long, she met Donald Trump. Notwithstanding the fact that Trump was still married to his second wife, Marla Maples, Anna moved into a 30th-floor condo in Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue.

There, according to an item in the New York Post, her lavish accommodations were taken care of “courtesy of an unidentified sugar daddy.” Not long afterward, in October 1996, Trump bought three beauty pageants from ITT Corp.: Miss Universe, Miss USA, and Miss Teen USA.

A little more than a year later, in 1998, Malova competed in the Miss Universe pageant representing Russia. According to the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Malova “faltered badly” when she was asked to compare Russia’s television and culture with Ghana’s. Malova was stumped. “She pulled a Chernobyl,” one observer told the outlet. “She’s history.”

Malova made the finals anyway, but, as New York magazine noticed, there was an anomaly in the very fact she had even entered the pageant. “Oddly, Anna Malova was allowed to compete in this year’s Miss Universe pageant [1998] even though she was Miss Russia in 1995,” the magazine reported. “According to beauty-world sources, it’s not a coincidence that the stunning Slav, who wound up a finalist in last month’s event, is a friend of Donald Trump, co-owner of the event. Did the Donald pull a few strings on an old friend’s behalf? … While the Miss Universe camp insists Malova won the Russian event honestly, Malova’s agent says, ‘I don’t think she was Miss Russia this year. She was Miss Russia several years ago.’”


When the magazine asked for documentation that Malova had won the title a second time, the Miss Universe pageant headquarters declined to furnish it. Trump could not be reached for comment, but a spokesperson told New York, “I haven’t heard about Trump giving any preferential treatment to Malova.”

In the meantime, however, she spent time with both Trump and Epstein. Flight logs released by a federal judge in New York in 2019 showed that in February 1999, Malova, then 27, flew on board Epstein’s Gulfstream, the so-called Lolita Express, with Maxwell and Prince Andrew, from Epstein’s Little St. James (a.k.a. “Pedophile Island”) back to Florida.

Over the next two decades, Malova cut an erratic figure. She was arrested in 2010 on charges of criminal possession of narcotics, forgery, and criminal impersonation of a physician. She also appeared in gossip columns as the love interest of men ranging from comedian Garry Shandling to hedge fund billionaire George Soros, more than 40 years her senior.

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Malova wasn’t the only woman who spent time with both Trump and Epstein. In 1997, Trump, who had just separated from Maples, was photographed with Maxwell at Ford Models’ 50th-anniversary party, where he ogled models throughout the evening.

At another event that year, according to the Sunday Mail, Trump, then 50, seemed to fall for a friend of Maxwell’s, 20-year-old London model Anouska De Georgiou, and flew her and Maxwell to Mar-a-Lago for the weekend, after which he installed De Georgiou in “one of Donald’s many apartments” in New York.

But before long, De Georgiou told NBC News, she was being flown to Epstein’s homes all over the world. More than 20 years later, in 2019, De Georgiou’s court testimony was cited in British tabloid The Sun, which alleged that she had been abused by Epstein when she was “young and idealistic.”


“Jeffrey Epstein manipulated me, corrupted me, and sexually assaulted me,” she said, adding that the abuse was “devaluing beyond measure” and “lasted several years.”

As Epstein’s operation continued into the 2000s, he began importing girls from the former Soviet Union. After the 1998 Miss Universe pageant, Anna Malova signed up with Karin Models, which had been founded by Epstein friend Jean-Luc Brunel. Known as “le fantôme” (the ghost), Brunel, who also owned MC2 Modeling Agency, was the subject of a 1988 piece that aired on CBS’s 60 Minutes in which several young models accused him of groping them sexually, drugging their drinks, and rape.

“I really despise Jean-Luc. … This is a guy who should be behind bars,” John Casablancas, the late modeling agent, told journalist Michael Gross, whose book Model: The Ugly Business of Beautiful Women alleges that Brunel repeatedly drugged and raped models. According to Casablancas, Brunel and his pals “were very well known in Paris for roaming the clubs. They would invite girls and put drugs in their drinks.”

And Casablancas, who married a 17-year-old when he was 50, would have known, having used his stature in the modeling business to indulge in similar activities with young girls at a Look of the Year modeling competition at the New York Plaza Hotel, with his friend Donald Trump, then the hotel’s owner. Trump was closely involved with the contest, in which the average age was 15, and, according to The Guardian, several of the models said that they were required by their agency to have dinner with Trump and Casablancas.

Trump’s behavior at such events is unclear, but, according to The Guardian, “The stories we have heard suggest that Casablancas, and some of the men in his orbit, used the contest to engage in sexual relationships with vulnerable young models. Some of these allegations amount to sexual harassment, abuse, or exploitation of teenage girls; others are more accurately described as rape.”

In addition to whatever legitimate careers Brunel may have fostered, as a “model scout” he also allegedly hired “scouters” to identify, procure, and transport underage girls, many 15 years of age and under, hire them to give “massages,” and train them to give sexual pleasure. Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre claimed she was forced to have sex with Brunel as well, and was forced to watch him engage in “sexual acts with dozens of underage girls.” (Brunel, who couldn't be reached for comment, has denied taking advantage of underage girls, and MC2 president Jeffrey Fuller has denied that Epstein had any ownership or involvement in the company.)

MC2 wasn’t the first company to do something like this, and when it came to determining how to structure such a company—what kind of contractual relationships MC2 would have with employees, and so forth—its management looked to someone who already had experience in the business. Though Brunel was its titular leader, Epstein was really funding the agency and took the initiative when it came to dealing with such issues. According to a sworn deposition in 2010 by MC2 bookkeeper Maritza Vasquez, Epstein wanted MC2 to use the same system of incentives that drove “model scouts” and models at Trump Model Management, the modeling agency Trump had founded as T Models in 1999. (Trump Model Management discontinued operations in 2017.)


As the Epstein operation chugged along, Trump, who had married three models—Ivana, Marla, and Melania—was very much part of Epstein’s picture. According to court records, message pads confiscated from Epstein’s home showed that Trump called Epstein’s West Palm Beach mansion a number of times.

Asked under oath in a September 2016 deposition whether he ever socialized with Trump in the presence of girls under the age of 18, Epstein punted. Rather than answer the questions, he took the Fifth.

Trump Model Management allegedly indulged in many of the dubious practices that MC2 did, such as violating immigration laws and illegally employing young foreign girls. Three former Trump models, all noncitizens of the U.S., told Mother Jones in 2016 that Trump Model Management profited by using foreign models who came to the United States on tourist visas that did not allow them to work here. And two of the former models said that Trump’s agency suggested they lie on customs forms about where they planned to live. All of which meant they were perpetually scared of getting caught and pretty much at the mercy of the agency.

All of which was ironic indeed, given Trump’s hard-line immigration policies as president and his assertions that undocumented immigrants are taking American jobs.

Trump became known for hosting parties in suites at the Plaza Hotel, which he owned at the time, where older rich men were introduced to young women and girls who assumed “they’d get somewhere” by joining the party, as one partygoer, a fashion photographer, told Michael Gross, writing in the Daily Beast. “Of course, it never happens.”

According to the photographer, the girls were as young as 15. “[They were] over their heads, they had no idea, and they ended up in situations,” the photographer added. “There were always dramas because the men threw money and drugs at them to keep them enticed. It’s based on power and dominating girls who can’t push back and can be discarded.”


Trump would “go from room to room,” said the photographer. “It was guys with younger girls, sex, a lot of sex, a lot of cocaine, top-shelf liquor.”

In February 2000, Trump staged a pro-am tennis tournament at Mar-a-Lago and appeared with Epstein, Maxwell, and his latest girlfriend, Melania Knauss, whom Epstein claimed to have introduced to Trump. Epstein’s claim was reported in The New York Times, which noted that “while Mr. Trump has dismissed the relationship, Mr. Epstein, since the election, has played it up, claiming to people that he was the one who introduced Mr. Trump to his third wife, Melania Trump, though neither of the Trumps has ever mentioned Mr. Epstein playing a role in their meeting.”

But in 2004, after a friendship of roughly 17 years, Trump and Epstein had a serious falling-out when Epstein sought to buy a spectacular oceanfront mansion in Palm Beach called Maison de l’Amitié (“House of Friendship”) that was being sold out of a bankruptcy auction. The property, a nearly 62,000-square-foot neoclassical palace, had once been owned by Leslie Wexner, the billionaire retailer who was so close to Epstein.

Epstein had his heart set on the house, but he planned to make at least one major renovation project once he bought it: He wanted to relocate the swimming pool, and he brought Trump to the property to give him advice on how to do it.

But before the sale was finalized, Epstein was horrified to see that Trump, who was still underwater financially from his Atlantic City bankruptcies, outbid him with an offer of more than $41 million for the property. The purchase was financed by Deutsche Bank, which was already holding dubious loans for Trump.

Epstein was apoplectic and became even more enraged when Trump soon thereafter put the house up for sale for $125 million. Finally, Trump sold the house to Russian oligarch Dmitry Rybolovlev for a reported $96 million in 2008—never having lived there—and Epstein threatened to sue him. The two men never spoke again.