OH2 Whores.....

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-10-2022, 09:15 PM
Drama whores that is! How are the drama whores able to log in and gossip in there? The fat ass linebacker leader knows something that you people that can't login knows? She sucking CK's limp dick for special access?
  • elk45
  • 04-11-2022, 04:02 AM
I don't think we will ever get back in. I heard said to correct your browser settings to allow for OH2, but this defeats the purpose of protecting your computer. I could be wrong...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-12-2022, 11:13 AM
I have screen shots that they're in there posting gossiping daily, we allowed to post up public forum postings from OH2?

I'm thinking there's a special passage for the drama whores? CK was always into protection of the negative stuff, and would punish anyone reporting any bad service or theft
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I have screen shots that they're in there posting gossiping daily, we allowed to post up public forum postings from OH2?

I'm thinking there's a special passage for the drama whores? CK was always into protection of the negative stuff, and would punish anyone reporting any bad service or theft Originally Posted by BLM69
Do not forget about the guys who need their man card revoked, and there are many of them.

If you can only post positive experiences and make the negative experiences you pay for positive or don't post, then OH2 is not a real review board. If you can take pics and illegally post them of guys when you feel jaded by them with no consequences and then punishing/banning guys for posting negative but true intel on providers, that is not a equal partners on a board as OH2 proclaims.
The ladies on oh2 can share your personal information in the powder room and access the locker room to make sure no negative information is posted about them (even in private). If you post something privately they get organized to kick you out, call you a stalker and ban you. I just like pussy and talking shit about pussy. You shouldn't have to deal with that much risk and harassment to do so.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-12-2022, 12:40 PM
Then stupid drama whores don't understand that 2 can play that game, they're running a business to support themselves, what type of idiot would risk getting bad press that won't stop for some pats in the back from other air heads?

That fat ass Cunt linebacker leader better learn quick, they love posting private information in public of clients, they forget who holds the $ and how many other whores are around, tricks run the show dumb whore!
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
The ladies on oh2 can share your personal information in the powder room and access the locker room to make sure no negative information is posted about them (even in private). If you post something privately they get organized to kick you out, call you a stalker and ban you. I just like pussy and talking shit about pussy. You shouldn't have to deal with that much risk and harassment to do so. Originally Posted by Anthonylewis50

CK went full retard...he's now officially a snowflake.

A pimp that let's his hoes run the show...SAD.

It's obvious he's been getting in touch with his feminine side and taking notes from that beta bitch Will Smith.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
I have screen shots that they're in there posting gossiping daily, we allowed to post up public forum postings from OH2?

I'm thinking there's a special passage for the drama whores? CK was always into protection of the negative stuff, and would punish anyone reporting any bad service or theft Originally Posted by BLM69
You can't post screenshots, but you can report to what each gal is saying.

The guideline says you can't post private corespondance. There's nothing that says you can't post what the gals are saying over there. You're not revealing any locker roo, infoshare or powder room information from eccie.
All I see is two bitches that can't move on from getting banned on oh2
corona's Avatar
I think blm and lbg just need to grudge fuck and get it over with. Anyone else?
I think blm and lbg just need to grudge fuck and get it over with. Anyone else? Originally Posted by corona
Yes. I'm new to the website, and everytime I look for something oh2 related all I see is this guy bitching about oh2 and telling that CK is a simp. That attitude is really infantile and pathetic.
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
Now I kinda wanna fuck the guy above me.

My parody "I'm a whore and I know it" will be released on 4/20. JK
Precious_b's Avatar
BLM, you can always do the goose/gander bit.
But if you start posting stuff about them, they'll try to turn that mirror on you.

BTW, it's nice to be on a site where you can have a thread titled like this one.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-12-2022, 08:22 PM
Yes. I'm new to the website, and everytime I look for something oh2 related all I see is this guy bitching about oh2 and telling that CK is a simp. That attitude is really infantile and pathetic. Originally Posted by Rockstar94
You're very opinionated for a newbie, especially on OH2 drama, educate yourself on the simp site and report back to us, pathetic is the suckers that stand up for the pussy trick over there

The fat linebacker whore got me banned from there with lies that I was stalking her LoL, she didn't like my ONE post on Twitter, didn't take much crying to King simp from there, the whole moderation staff there are clowns
Oh2 has rules that you can't post your opinion about specific ladies,even in the locker room. Other negative reviews get censored by ladies too. If you can't post an opinion without being banned and labeled a bully or stalker, then oh2 isn't a review board or community to share hobby Intel. If oh2 isn't a review or message board, then it's just an ad site and there are plenty of ad sites not under cyber attack and where the ladies aren't posting your personal info.