Painful Method To Prevent Rape

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Ladies, if getting raped has ever been a concern for you, you might want to read the following story.

A rape victim lamented to her doctor that she wished she "had teeth down there" after an assault prompted the doctor to invent a device that provides women with exactly that.

Ouch! Now, that's is hurting for certain!
CuddlyForest's Avatar
Threads and articles about the Rape-aXe seem to pop up all over the internet when it's a slow news day. Things been out for years.

The Rape-aXe is a latex sheath embedded with shafts of sharp, inward-facing barbs that would be worn by a woman in her vagina like a tampon. If an attacker were to attempt vaginal rape, his penis would enter the latex sheath and be snagged by the barbs, causing the attacker excruciating pain during withdrawal and giving the victim time to escape. The condom would remain attached to the attacker's body when he withdrew and could only be removed surgically[2], which would alert hospital staff and police. Like most condoms, Rape-aXe also usually prevents pregnancy and the transmission of HIV and sexually transmitted Infections.
Rape-aXe was unveiled on August 31, 2005 in South Africa. Mass production was scheduled to begin in April 2007.
In one case an ex-girlfriend used it when seducing an old boyfriend that had cheated on her. In another it caused the attacker to kill the women he was assaulting when he noticed his junk got barbed. Guy was on drugs, didn't really feel the pain too much and it led him to kill a women he may have otherwise let live. Obviously he was caught, but that didn't help her out much.

I'm all for it in terms of catching the predator, but let's face it.. It's not going to prevent rape. On the other side, there could be an untapped market for CEOs that are going to federal prisons! Think about it! $2 per device and you could resell them for $10-$20 a pop!

====CEO Butt Teeth™=====

-- Show them who's the boss! --
  • Bliss
  • 06-21-2010, 09:26 PM
I love the thought and imagination that went into this, and I know women in third world countries are being raped at an alarming rate, but.....I think it would just cause rage and make the attacker even more prone to violence and/or murder.

Are you sure there are reports of people already using this? I was reading about it last night and got the impression it wasn't on the market yet.

Women will use this on men they are pissed off at. The ultimate grudge fuck.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
My fear is that the rapist will push something else into the woman first to make sure she doesn't have this device inserted. It may indeed lead to even more violence against the woman during the attack.
I also started a thread on it in the KC market. Here is the link

If the mods want to merge it feel free.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Maybe there just isn't any totally fool-proof method to prevent rape, human nature being what it is.

I still remember the case of Lorena Bobbitt (with a shudder) who went to extremes and cut her husband's dick off with a kitchen knife after he raped her, but it was surgically reattached and he was back in business and even made some porn videos afterward.

Still, rape is a brutal crime and better preventive measures need to be developed.