The DEMOCRATIC War on Women. Pregnant lawmaker Tammy Duckworth, disabled veteran and democrat, is asking to cast her votes for the leadership from her home in Chicago. Being pregnant and over 40 is not a picnic but Nancy Pelosi doesn't care. Nancy says that rules are rules....funny, she didn't feel that way when they were passing Obamacare. Still, rules are rules. Then again, the means of travel when the Constitution was ratified have changed. A dying man may have to leave his sick bed and take a coach for four or five days to make an important vote, if he made it at all. He could mail a letter but the same time applies and how do you really KNOW that he sent it. I think it is time for the Congress to update their resume for people who are truly in need. You know, pregnant women, dying reps, chemo treatment people, and....representatives who are serving their time overseas as a soldier (in other words, republicans). Shame on Nancy and her friends.