Monthly Retainers? Does this happen? One girl, One Agreed "SALARY"?

Since I am rather new to this hobby....I've been doing a lot of research and "digging" per say.

I've seen and heard of some girls that are put on "RETAINERS" by one guy....who pay a monthly salary to them?
Does this really happen?

I sounds great and all....but kinda scary at the same time!
Wouldn't this be considered a KEPT WOMAN?
Does it benefit or degrade the girl involved?

Just curious....

daltxm4f's Avatar
Oh it benefits the girl.

I just won the Nigerian lottery, so I will retain you.
If they both agree to the terms, I don't see how it degrades the girl.
I guess what I meant by "degrade", if she is not allowed to see others?
Waitn for my sugardaddy, where are you???

It depends on how you look at it. If you view being exclusive to one hobbyist as 'degrading', then it might not be for you.

I am in an 'exclusive' hobby arrangement. I love it. Maybe it's not for everyone but I much prefer to see just one gentleman as opposed to seeing several on a daily basis. Some ladies like the variety of the hobby and that is fine. I am not one of those.

I like what was said in another forum:
It's nice to devote yourself to taking care of someone in the old fashioned sense, that women like the geisha and mistresses perfected - and I enjoy being supported in return for that. I love that the support allows me to take on a lot less office work so I can spend the time doing the things I love: testing a new recipe, making a new tea blend, reading a book, going to the theatre, writing a short story, helping out my friends. It allows me to create a life of hedionism in simple pleasure, which I'm quite addicted to. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill

Different strokes, I guess!
It works out well for most ladies, but so well for many guys. Have heard story after story after story about ladies who don't live up to their end of the agreement. They get very busy with other things. Not all ladies, mind you, but this does happen often. Which is my most guys don't do the sugar daddy thing. I have also heard stories about guys making unreasonable demands on a lady's time.

Not sure why you think that only having sex with the same person (instead of multiple strangers) is degrading.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Sweet Petite Ginger offers a monthly package, not exclusive, but rather a set fee per month paid in advance for (I think) an unlimited number or at least a very generous number of visits. I don't know how that has worked out for her. Sweet, sweet lady by the way.

How are you Sweet Petite?

I for one offer monthly packages for my regular clients and it is whatever session they do. So say if they do 2 hour sessions them they would pay up front at the 1st of the month and they would get 1 2 hour session for free so basicly they pay for 3 visits and get the forth for free when they pay upfrount.nIt works well for me.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
I too, am in a mutual exclusive relationship, she supplements her income with gratuities of thank you from her fellow providers.
wouldn't you know it that one got away.

It depends on how you look at it. If you view being exclusive to one hobbyist as 'degrading', then it might not be for you.

I am in an 'exclusive' hobby arrangement. I love it. Maybe it's not for everyone but I much prefer to see just one gentleman as opposed to seeing several on a daily basis. Some ladies like the variety of the hobby and that is fine. I am not one of those.

I like what was said in another forum:

Different strokes, I guess! Originally Posted by Dannie

I'm so jealous! I want to be like Dannie!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
When I started being an escort, I had this crazy idea that after a short time, that I would find 3 or 4 lovers that would somehow take care of me.

And I would take care of them. Overall, speaking of money is not pleasant for me and so with that, well, it just hasn't happened. Or the situation hasn't presented itself in quite that fashion.

One time my attorney told me that I was foolish to feel uncomfortable speaking about money. That attorneys and escorts needed to be very upfront speaking about fees. He was right, of course.

But I always thought that it would be perfect to have someone just wish to take care of me. And if it was more than one benefactor, that would be fine since I have a lot of affection to give!!!

It never worked out that way for me ... maybe some day!

But I wouldn't find it degrading at all. Quite the opposite. I would be willing to be VERY loving, giving and caring, with firm boundaries in place, for a special relationship with a patron. (I actually try to be that way with clients in general!!!)

Lucky Dannie.

I for one offer monthly packages for my regular clients and it is whatever session they do. So say if they do 2 hour sessions them they would pay up front at the 1st of the month and they would get 1 2 hour session for free so basicly they pay for 3 visits and get the forth for free when they pay upfrount.nIt works well for me. Originally Posted by Kaci Snow

I always say prepaid gets a discount! It has (and does) work well for me
with a couple of clients.

It's also nice when the money situation doesn't have to be dealt with at
every visit. It seems conducive to a more....shall we say.... intimate
visit. I'm not talking just physically either. It has, for me, provided the opportunity to develop a genuine friendship, which in turn makes for an even nicer visit for both parties.

Guess you could say I like the familiarity it "breeds".
DFK Hunter's Avatar
I always say prepaid gets a discount! It has (and does) work well for me
with a couple of clients.
Originally Posted by Dragonfly
That's really it then, it works for a "couple of clients", but not for most. And these guys that it does work for they don't speak up when this issue is raised elsewhere. The data that is out there indicates that the client, more often than not, doesn't get the service he payed for.

Now please don't get me wrong, Dragonfly, I'm not in any way shape or form implying you'd do that to a client. It's clear that you and Kaci deliver as promised. However, when looking at the hobby as a whole, these arrangements end badly far more often than not.

Hence, to any client who prepays, do ya feel lucky...?
In rare cases, like some of the ladies who have responded here, money becomes the tool that allows them to become close (within bounds) to someone. I was a SD for awhile. Helping her allowed her the time to spend with me when I wanted. After the 1st month, it never seemed like I was just paying for sex. I was doing something because I wanted to and it helped both of us out.

I think a level of trust has to be established over time for both sides to feel comfortable with any kind of prepaid or SD/SB arrangement. It has risks but can change the dynamics of the encounters quite a bit.