Is there ANY rule enforcement on ECCIE ?

  • MrGiz
  • 01-23-2010, 05:09 AM
I really , really don't want to stir any shit... or begin any flame wars.... but....

#1 - I have no problems with Santa / MuffDVR! It has become fairly obvious that 90-something % of the Flock of Elves have brought high quality entertainment, at a reasonable price!! It's also quite obvious that many a dawg has enjoyed!! For providing the Elves... he should be commended!

BUT.... there is some obvious skirting of policy going on, here!
First... if he "Hires & Fires".... how can "The Elves" or "The GFEGirls" possibly be considered "Independent" ?!?! Shouldn't their reviews be posted in the Agency Forum? It's too late to try to convince anyone that they are truly independent... his own words say otherwise! There is an obvious contradictiction there!!
Second... If Annie is not allowed BCD access to the Men's Room and/or comment behind her girls' reviews.... why should he?
Third... How many times in the past, have we heard of a Referral Service, "Partaking of the Goods"?
Fourth... Annie's girls fit the same definition as the Elves! All communication for setting up time & place is handled by the girl.

I am not promoting Annie's girls over Santa's.... only using CC's as an example!

I am not asking for Santa/MuffDVR to be removed.... he is doing a fine job of providing young playmates to the area! But if other's are forced to play by the rules.... he (and his elves) should be too! By letting him have what's supposed to be illegal access.... it's giving him an unfair advantage! I am not naive or stupid enough to think he won't continue to have access to this "so-called" Private Men's Lounge! I don't really care! But I think his girls' reviews need to be moved to the Agency Forum!!

Big C.... we have had this discussion before (up in Arkansas) , and have disagreed. But this case is about as blatant as can be!! If you continue to disagree.... I would like you to explain the reason there are separate Independent and Agency Forums?

I welcome MuffDVR's comments, as well..... and please.... No Flames... by anyone!! I would like to have an honest , open , and realistic discussion!

annie@christophers's Avatar
It will fall on elve thanks for trying!
bodilly's Avatar

I agree with you but let me play devils advocate here.

I thought they would have locked him out of the Mens Room by now and have stated that privately with several people.You are correct his own words do warrant that action.

I could be wrong and probably am wrong maybe BIG C or HID can clear this up for us.

You mentioned the comparison to Annie so here is the Devil's part.
First Annie is not a man so that alone locks her out of the MENS ROOM.

Second santa/muffdivr is not a verified provider Annie is therefore she can not post in the reviews but can place ads which he can't.

Third none of the elves are members of this board and place all ads on backpage. They also post as independants which I know BIG C has stated his opinion many times about personal assistants,managers ETC.

Most guys don't know or care which area the review is posted in.

Just for the record the one time I saw one of Annie's girls I set everything up with Annie and didn't talk with the girl until I gave her directions to my place.

Like I said I agree with you that he probably is circumventing the rules of the forum.
I just like to look at all sides of a discussion.
Deaf ears, Annie? lol

oh boy... here we go

CajunGent's Avatar
I am a man of few words, so I will simply say. I agree with Giz.
And I, too, agree with Mr. Giz

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Oh, I don't think the issue is about him having access to the Locker Room. I think the issue that Annie is having that is agency reviews getting up in the independent section. As a woman, she really SHOULDN'T have access to BCD or Locker Room or whatever. But since Santa is a man, it makes sense that he'd have access to the Locker Room. Does that give him an unfair advantage over female agency owners because he can see "the rest of the story?" Probably not. Really, all that she needs to know is "Do you recommend" says yes or no.
============================== ====================

But anyway, yeah the rule is definitely being circumvented. DUH! I mean, how much more clearly EVERYONE can state it? Several people have made mention of this review policy. I thought that a moderator's position was to evenhandedly enforce the rules set in place. But it's OBVIOUS this issue is being skirted. I don't know WHY, but I'm just a mere peasant (lol). How soon til THIS thread gets closed?

I mean, it's so simple!! I just don't get it. I know power plays and DRAMA so much fun :roll eyes: , but instead of bickering back and forth, wouldn't it have just been easier to move the reviews and then everyone could just get back to screwing and then writing about it??
annie@christophers's Avatar
We have said to much and WILL be banished to another board! God i was just being able to use this one lol!!
We had a similar situation on the old board with Candi & her handlers. A consensus was reached that her reviews should be posted under the agency section. If that same logic holds true here, then Elf's should, indeed, be posted in the Agency section.

Were it one girl with a pimp / handler (Garcelle comes to mind), a case for posting as an "Independent" can be made.

But in the Elf situation, they are clearly and admittedly a GROUP of girls acting under central authority with the right to hire and fire.

I don't see any reasonable explanation for posting Elf reviews as independent. They CLEARLY are not!

I'm entirely in agreement with Giz here: all should play by the same rules. There is no "gray area" in this particular case - Elfs ARE agency girls.
. . . How soon til THIS thread gets closed? . . . Originally Posted by VeronicaMoore
We have said to much and WILL be banished to another board! God i was just being able to use this one lol!! Originally Posted by annie@christophers

deja vous all over again?
Hello guys and gals,

Just want to update you on ECCIE staff's position on this situation. Believe me, we have been watching very closely, and Big C has been handling this extremely well. You are not likely aware of the behind-the-scenes conversations taking place regarding this matter.

Sounds to me like MuffDVR is providing a very welcome service, but there has been growing concern regarding his forum permissions, as anyone would, and should, expect. The concern is justified, and MuffDVR's access has been adjusted accordingly.

You may continue to discuss this, but your concerns have been addressed. Staff thanks the New Orleans members for giving this matter visibility and helping us to reach closure so we can get back to top 5 priorities: Who, What, When, Where, and How.

St. C

ps. ain't goin' nowhere babe.
I like the for the follow up....well far......thanks.......
  • MrGiz
  • 01-23-2010, 07:58 AM
I see no reason for anyone to get overly excited or banned.... I just wanted to voice my opinion, and asked for a discussion.... that's all! Having said that... let me address a few points...

..... First Annie is not a man so that alone locks her out of the MENS ROOM. That is a "no-brainer" and was not a concern of mine!

Second santa/muffdivr is not a verified provider Annie is therefore she can not post in the reviews but can place ads which he can't. If I'm not mistaken... Annie is a "Sponsor Provider".... not a "Verified Provider".... big difference!! Which puts her in a direct comparison to MuffDVR, in my opinion.

Most guys don't know or care which area the review is posted in. That might be true... but totally irrelevant.... a rule is a rule! Originally Posted by bodilly
If silly crap (in my opinion) like the 30 day "no reply" rule is so eagerly enforced.... why not the clear distinction between Independent & Agency?

Annie.... there is no rule against disagreement.... there is plenty room for civil discussion!


P.S. - Uh-Oh..... didn't know of St Christopher's reply while posting! Oooops! Thanks!
annie@christophers's Avatar
My god why did they banish YOU... I will sport you around on my neck anyday!! OK..... I REALLY DIG HIS NAME!! annie p.s famous last words lol!!
  • MrGiz
  • 01-23-2010, 09:57 AM
If BoDilly is correct.... and most guys don't care which area a review is posted in.... why should it be a problem to post "Managed Girl's" reviews in the Agency Forum? It doesn't matter... Right?

We never see Independent girls, trying to get there reviews into the Agency Forums.... it's always the other way around! Why is that? It's because it does matter!

How much clearer can that be?

A simple solution is not to have an agency section and have all reviews go to one section and have a field for agency, indy, studio....

All reviews will get equal billing that way.

I still like having a separate SC section. That is a different aspect of the game in my opinion.