Ten Reasons why to put all your money in hobbying than investing it...

10. Piles of stocks, bonds and statements can be a fire hazard.

9. You won't bore people at parties with tales of your brillant investment strategies.

8. Numbers are boring unless they are a gal's measurements.

7. Accountants are generally not very good looking.

6. You might end up donating some money to a politician.

5. Taxes, yes taxes.

4. Watching your dick rise is more interesting than watching the stock market rise.

3. Money spreads far more diseases than escorts do. (Actual fact!)

2. You stimulate both the economy and yourself.

1. And the number one reason why you should put all your money in escort rather than invest:

You can't take it with you.

Stimulate someone today.

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About 90% of our Congress seems to agree.