Trump’s Solution To Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Allow Russia to have Ukrainian territory.

Trump has claimed he can quickly bring an end to the war as he seeks election again in 2024.

In the interview, he boasted of how Russia would not have dared to launch an attack during his presidency, and added: "I could have negotiated. At worst, I could've made a deal to take over something, there are certain areas that are Russian-speaking areas, frankly, but you could've worked a deal."

Interestingly, Hannity, when he played Trump’s comments, only played “I could have negotiated”. Why would he leave off the most important part of the sentence? Is that about respecting the audience, so don’t give them too much truth. Could that be he was concerned how the audience might receive the statement made by Trump? One can never tell with something you see on Fox.
Precious_b's Avatar
Russia had hostilities in Ukraine before donny hit office. Seeing that they weren't settled, they were going back. Regardless who was in office.

Only way I see long term that they would not have done this is by having them included in NATO. I don't see art of the deal guy doing that.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Trump is absolutely right. Parts of Ukraine are overwhelmingly Russian, like Sevastopol, and prefer to live in the Russian sphere of influence than under a US installed puppet regime in Kiev. It’s their decision to make, not ours. A negotiated settlement is by far the best outcome we can hope for, the alternatives are unthinkable.
So your argument is that since Parts of the US are overwhelmingly Hispanic, we should seed those areas when they reach some particular critical mass of Spanish speaking and culture.

Dumbest idea ever. But what would I expect from the Putinistas
If you support Russia taking over Ukraine then you support the spread of Communism. First Ukraine, then Poland falls, then Belarus. Then Russia is on Europe's front steps.
Precious_b's Avatar
EVERYONE GO BACK! Except, of course, those that are Native American.
If you support Russia taking over Ukraine then you support the spread of Communism. First Ukraine, then Poland falls, then Belarus. Then Russia is on Europe's front steps. Originally Posted by royamcr
How do you figure that? Neither country is truly communist.
So think Russia would just let them carry on like usual if they invaded and won?
So think Russia would just let them carry on like usual if they invaded and won? Originally Posted by royamcr
Let's wait till they win and see. It really doesn't matter both Countries are corrupt as hell.
Explain this corruption in detail.
Explain this corruption in detail. Originally Posted by royamcr
I am not going to explain shit. You need to do your own research so you'll have it first hand. First off why do you think America is getting involved with this conflict in the first place? I doubt it's a humanitarian effort.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
So your argument is that since Parts of the US are overwhelmingly Hispanic, we should seed those areas when they reach some particular critical mass of Spanish speaking and culture.

Dumbest idea ever. But what would I expect from the Putinistas Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Oh yeah, exactly the same scenario. Seed them to whom? Canada?

You’re grasp on the real world is tenuous at best. The only way Putin packs up and goes home is via US Soldiers and Marines, or overwhelming air power. God forbid we’re stupid enough to do either. Wanting a peace agreement isn’t pro Putin or Zelensky, it’s pro life. Tens of thousands of people die, on both sides, and potentially millions more if the US gets directly involved, because Putin and Biden have to swing their shriveled up, geriatric cocks at each other.
lustylad's Avatar
If you support Russia taking over Ukraine then you support the spread of Communism. First Ukraine, then Poland falls, then Belarus. Then Russia is on Europe's front steps. Originally Posted by royamcr
Wow. Just wow. This is ignorant on so many levels.

Russia isn't communist. It's 2023, not 1983. This is why I hate using isms to describe anything. If you must use an ism to describe Russia's economy, use the term "crony capitalism" ok?

Look at a map. You will notice Belarus lies between Russia and Poland. So to invade Poland, Russia would have to send most of its troops across Belarus. Simple geography tells us you have the sequence wrong. Belarus would have to "fall" before Poland. And Poland won't "fall" because NATO would rip the Russian army to shreds before it gets 40 miles into Polish territory.

Oh, and Russia is already "on Europe's front steps". Do yourself a favor and look at a map again. You will see that Russia already shares borders with Latvia and Estonia. Now look up Kaliningrad. It has a very interesting history and is now part of Russia. This means Russia also shares borders with Lithuania and Poland. All 4 of those countries are in NATO. And let's not forget Finland, a soon-to-be NATO country thanks to Putin. The Finnish border with Russia is over 800 miles long!

Ok, I'm done with you. Next time would you please try to do a little homework before you dispense your geo-political "wisdom" here? Thanks in advance.
Wtf...why don't the Russians go live in Russia Gop fucking cluess morans??? trumpy promised his master that the US would pull out of Nato if he could get him reappointed plus a few Russian hookers that he didn't have to marry and pay mucho mucho money and not love Canada so much
Wtf...why don't the Russians go live in Russia Gop fucking cluess morans??? trumpy promised his master that the US would pull out of Nato if he could get him reappointed plus a few Russian hookers that he didn't have to marry and pay mucho mucho money and not love Canada so much
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Trump has never on record ever made a promise to a foreign country, but guess who has.