Friday the 13th Story.....What's Yours?

PoppyToyota's Avatar
Geez am I tired! *I got back from my visit too MD Anderson this morning. *Yesterday was absolutely horrible. *Friday the 13th was in full swing for me. *It all started when I arrived at the hospital. *I go to where I have always went to get my MRI and they told me I was supposed to be at another building this time. *So I get on a shuttle, ride on a 30 minute route to go a few miles. *Houston roads are horrendous and beat me half to death. *Anyway I get to the Radiology Center and the tell me my account is in review. *After I argue with a lady on the phone for ten minutes she tells me I would be a cash only patient and payment was expected in full. *So I have to hop back on the shuttle take the ride back across country to talk to them and as soon as I'm about to knock on there door they call back and say sorry for the mix up your ok. *Then I have to ride back across town the whole damn route to the Radiology Clinic again. *Get there and start my MRI the idiot nurse pumped contrast in my arm to fast and collapsed the vien in my arm. *I thought someone stuck my arm in a fire pit. *Then she has to restock me in my other arm and I was so pissed at her from what she did that I scared her an she had trouble with the IV. *So both of my arms are still sore. *The only good thing that came out of the visit was that my tumor looks good, no growth, or shape changes. *I haven't slept but, maybe 6 hours the last two days. *I'm really tired but I just can't go to sleep. *Now that's one hell of a vent post!! lol
Well Poppy glad to hear your tumor is not growing. I had a great Friday the 13th compliments of SCS and Holly.
gman44's Avatar
I had a session for the 13th so all went well
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Glad your tests are still negatives.

I bracketed the 13th. The 12th was with Ms_Julia and the 14th I visited with Rebba (Rebeccaofdallas).
steverino50's Avatar
Glad to hear the news on the medical front. None of the rest matters. And welcome back to Dallas. Now go play.