A question out of curiosity about your bed.

I was drifting off to sleep the other night, when I thought "I wonder how people differ in their perfect bed & how they like to fall into slumber." So, I thought I would share mine and see if anyone else wanted to as well. I first of all must have a fluffy pillow-top mattress. I love my Nautica white sheets as they just tend to feel colder to the skin when I slide in. It has to be dark & super cool. I may play some jazz or classical just until the eyelids start to get heavy then it must be turned off. I like absolute silence & the slightest noise tends to wake me. I tam very hot by nature so I almost always kick one foot out of the covers. I also end up wrapping the covers in between my legs, and for this have become known as a "cover hog" a bit unfair I think...lol. I would love to hear how everyone else enjoys to "get their sleep on"!!
  • T-Can
  • 06-19-2010, 05:19 PM
No soup for you!!

Give me a carpeted floor and I will be happy as a ham (or is it lamb or something like that?) My setup is much like yours, felicity. (hint, hint)
CanDo only sleeps on the floor when Neo allows it! He's usually made to sleep standing up with his nose against the wall!! Have at thee!

Ha! I just jacked him for his 'have at thee'......

I gotta have the TV on. No sound, just on. I'm still skurred of the dark. I frequently flip the pillow over to get to the cold side. When I spend the night with Felicity she drools all over the pillows and then I flip it over to get to the dry side.
LOL..CanDo how can u have any soup if u don't eat?? ham, lamb what's the difference? The hinting always leads to wondering!
Dannie baby, I didn't know you were still skurred of the dark. I will always leave a light on for you!! LMAO @ standing in the corner nose against the wall!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Firm mattress -- the firmer the better. Preferably queen sized. Lots of covers. Dark and quiet. Fairly full pillow. 100% cotton sheets, preferably 350 thread count or higher, sateen finish. (Except in cold winter weather when soft flannel sheets are acceptable.)
tsrv4me's Avatar
Old Fashioned Bladder type water Bed No baffles ...always at same temperature ......can turn up the temp when very cold ...TV on and timer set for an hour after watching reruns of 2 1/2 men ...not many of those old water beds left in existence except mine ...T
Captain Caveman's Avatar
I just bought a new condo late last year. My bedroom faces Preston Road... and I didn't realize how noisy it would be at night. I have an iHome clock radio and I set the iPod to a two hour sleep timer. Helps me fall asleep and stay asleep.

Otherwise, I have a king size bed with a thick mattress. I like having the room cold when I sleep.