LaVida's im a victim thread.

playingnthedark's Avatar
I actually chose not to comment in LaVida Im a victim thread until she mentioned my handle. She obviously required a response from me. So here it is.

The event written by LaVida are not accurate.

I believe my comment on this review motivated her post.
There was some additional comment in private tag that was shared with LaVide. She mentioned it in the beginning of her post.

I met LaVida on 4 occasions.

The First time was at a social. That social lead to a after party near 183 and Burnet rd with karaoke. It was a fun night with a lot of flirting. LaVida and I were the last to leave. I was walking LaVida to her car and she hinted several times that fucking would help sober her up. I could tell she wanted p4p. But she opted to fuck me in my car as long as I didn't tell anyone. She sucked and fucked me in my car. Then we went our separate ways.

The second time was January 11, 2017 was at a private social. This social was at a private residence. Throughout the night I was given a lots of attention by LaVida. Including (PDBJ) public display of a blow job. As this social wind down. LaVida and I had extreme foreplay on the couch. Ffireman was invited by LaVida on two separate occasions to join in, he declined. At some point we made our way to the bedroom. We fucked in the bedroom and did round 2 in the living room (Cfs). LaVida and I left this resident around 5:30 in the morning and went our separate ways. Again, I was ask not to tell anyone about our encounter.

- I did receive a pm the next day I would love to share.

The third time was January 14,2017. LaVida wanted my number again. So I made contact with her. We talked and decided to do dinner. LaVida's hotel was located near Mopac and Capital Texas Hwy. I live near Mopac and Duval. The Domain is between us. So as you can tell we a mins from each other. We did dinner at around 7:30pm. While at dinner we had a very interesting conversation about her. Over the course of our dinner we had 2 drinks each.

We later went to a bar in the Domain. We had 2 drinks each there. While drinking our first drinks and playing some table games. LaVida met 2 guys. She went over to them for about 5mins. I let her know if she wanted to hangout with them it was cool. She declined. She later let me know she was going to get a "package" from them. I didn't ask what it was. Some time has pass. We are now on our second drink and the guys summoned her over to them again. She leaves for about 4mins then comes back. By now its around 12:30am and we leave the bar then head to her hotel.

On arrival she invites me up to her room. Once there she goes straight to the restroom. I didn't think much of it other then I didn't hear the toilet flush. LaVida comes out and offers to make us drinks. We took maybe 2 sips. Before I knew it all of our cloths were off and she was sucking my dick. Next, the cover and we are fucking. At some point she is using her vibrator. We finish, I dump the condom and we fall asleep.

I wake up several hours later to use the restroom. I climb back in the bed in the spoon position. My dick is up agains her ass. I reach around and start playing with her clit. From there I continue to finger her. I can hear her soft moans and she starts pressing her ass against my cock. Now, Im whispering in her ear how wet and juice her pussy has become. I then reach for a condom put it on and continue to whisper how i want my cock deep inside her. LaVida moves her leg and we are fucking in the spoon position. She is moving her hips and ass until I finish. I then rip the condom off and though it on the floor. I go back to sleep.

The next morning I get up and get dress. We are talking about last night and how wet she got. I tell her we should have had morning sex, she agreed and start laughing. LaVida could not remember what she did with the vibrator. As she looking she sees the condom on the floor and ask me to dispose of it, so I do.

This is when it got strange as I was about to walk out the door. LaVida said " You are not my boyfriend. Why do you think its ok to fuck me". I was like, are you serious? Really, you are the one who invited me up here to fuck you. I then said, What the fuck is your problem. I then turned and walked out the door.

later that day I received this text-

" So last night I was pretty fucked up...disregard and forget everything I said Lol or at least please don't tell anyone the stuff I told you "

Im thinking Ok, She realize she was tripping. I later ask her if she's going to the social in Killeen/Temple. I did not get a reply.

The forth time was at this social in Temple/Killeen.This was later in the month of January. I was there and LaVida shows up. She never spoke a word to me. So I'm like ok no problem. But, when I was about to leave she ask Ffireman to get me. I ignore the request. LaVida comes out and say I need to talk to you. We can do it here in front of everyone or step outside in the back. I am totally confused. Sure we can talk. We go to the backyard. LaVida, say she felt taken advantage of and that Im not her boyfriend. Im thinking, what the fuck is wrong with her. I know Im not her boyfriend and don't want to be her boyfriend. By now I starting to think there is something else she wants.

So I ask, what is it you want from me? LaVida reply was .......... you can pay me my hour rate. I looked at her, turned around and left the social to head back to Austin.

I later went to a well know social in North Austin. Upon my arrival I had 3 different providers inform me LaVida was saying I Raped here. I was like, are you serious? Then they informed me of everything she had said.

I have no ideal why she is taking this approach. Other than to get the sympathy from other providers and her ass kissing Wks . We all know once a provider screams rape. Everyone want to pile on and give advise. That is not what happened and she knows it.

I have all the texts to verify what I am saying. I am aware that LaVida has deleted parts of our text conversations in an attempt to validate her claim. As you can tell by my post there a lot of pertinent detail left out.
I'm with you man... she is a looney . I've had
My share of her craziness and glad It didn't go any further
Lmao I was wondering what bullshit you had been telling everybody. Thank you.

Btw it's funny how much your guilt shows as you lie and try to discredit me. Btw I have not deleted any of your texts. I'm sure pieces of your own though may be missing in your phone.

Also the whole insinuating I met guys at a club for a package?!? lmao okkkkk.....Do tell what your trying to prove with a whole front story and end story and politely leaving out all of the details of how you waited until I was asleep to take advantage of me "Mr. Can I just sleep here because I'm too drunk to drive".

And I like how you are purposely trying to skew every aspect of the story to paint a poor image of me, just to make yourself look like the poor guy who's getting wrongly accussed. It's sickening how far you'll go, honestly.

You know damn well that text was about how I was talking to you about a past relationship at the restaurant, and I honestly shouldn't have talked to you about anything, if I had known you were as fucked up as you are.

And I never told anyone you raped me. I met with a provider to discuss renting in Austin and mentioned I was having a tough time dealing with some shit that happened to me. I vaguely mentioned something bad happened to me and she said I should talk to that person, when I said i did, she must have put together the fact that she seen me pull you aside. I didn't exactly want to go to the M&G, but she said that's where we would finish this conversation were were holding about rent. Guess she just wanted me to go to start shit and see a show, because she not once approached me that night and sat back as your friend attacked me. Which is when of course I indeed did tell the story, because there is no way that I will sit back and be called a liar, especially concerning that fact of how I was taken advantage of and yes by you.

Like I said I just wanted to forget about it. Why, because look at all of this. Did I involve the cops no. There are plenty of ways one could handle this but, no, I'm still being targeted by you and your friends. For what? You told on yourself, not me.

Your twisting everything about me, what was said and what happened. Keep playing the whole "wrongly accused by a druggie whore" act. It's sad, but don't worry you have plenty of friends here who support rape and suck up to you. Here's your limelight. I mean you have been talking this crazy shit about me for months now. I'm quite amused this angle is the one you came up with. But like I said, I'm sure you'll get a few likes.
I'm with you man... she is a looney . I've had
My share of her craziness and glad It didn't go any further Originally Posted by LosMeteYZaca
Lol we've never even met. But ok.
That's my point . We've never met and I'm glad. U did me
Dirty but I never mentioned it. That's why we never met
Wow, all because you wanted to get my incall address to not show like a creeper and I called you out on it, your mad and willing to agree eith a stranger who raped me to feel vindicated about yourself. Do you feel better? Would it make you feel better if the OP had instead shared his thoughts on exactly how he felt as he waited until I was sleep and told me I didn't need to be awake for what he was about to do. I bet that would have made your night as well....smh. just like the election brought out the characters, this topic has surely exposed the dark side and those who revel in it on this board. Lol keep digging. I didn't do anything wrong. So your feeble attempts at trying to attack me are amusing at best.
Ok. Sorry if u were taken advantage of. U did not deserve it . I'm gonna go watch the end of this game
Now. Have a good night
Still Looking's Avatar

I actually chose not to comment in LaVida Im a victim thread until she mentioned my handle. She obviously required a response from me. So here it is.

The event written by LaVida are not accurate.

I believe my comment on this review motivated her post.
There was some additional comment in private tag that was shared with LaVide. She mentioned it in the beginning of her post.

I met LaVida on 4 occasions.

The First time was at a social. That social lead to a after party near 183 and Burnet rd with karaoke. It was a fun night with a lot of flirting. LaVida and I were the last to leave. I was walking LaVida to her car and she hinted several times that fucking would help sober her up. I could tell she wanted p4p. But she opted to fuck me in my car as long as I didn't tell anyone. She sucked and fucked me in my car. Then we went our separate ways.

The second time was January 11, 2017 was at a private social. This social was at a private residence. Throughout the night I was given a lots of attention by LaVida. Including (PDBJ) public display of a blow job. As this social wind down. LaVida and I had extreme foreplay on the couch. Ffireman was invited by LaVida on two separate occasions to join in, he declined. At some point we made our way to the bedroom. We fucked in the bedroom and did round 2 in the living room (Cfs). LaVida and I left this resident around 5:30 in the morning and went our separate ways. Again, I was ask not to tell anyone about our encounter.

- I did receive a pm the next day I would love to share.

The third time was January 14,2017. LaVida wanted my number again. So I made contact with her. We talked and decided to do dinner. LaVida's hotel was located near Mopac and Capital Texas Hwy. I live near Mopac and Duval. The Domain is between us. So as you can tell we a mins from each other. We did dinner at around 7:30pm. While at dinner we had a very interesting conversation about her. Over the course of our dinner we had 2 drinks each.

We later went to a bar in the Domain. We had 2 drinks each there. While drinking our first drinks and playing some table games. LaVida met 2 guys. She went over to them for about 5mins. I let her know if she wanted to hangout with them it was cool. She declined. She later let me know she was going to get a "package" from them. I didn't ask what it was. Some time has pass. We are now on our second drink and the guys summoned her over to them again. She leaves for about 4mins then comes back. By now its around 12:30am and we leave the bar then head to her hotel.

On arrival she invites me up to her room. Once there she goes straight to the restroom. I didn't think much of it other then I didn't hear the toilet flush. LaVida comes out and offers to make us drinks. We took maybe 2 sips. Before I knew it all of our cloths were off and she was sucking my dick. Next, the cover and we are fucking. At some point she is using her vibrator. We finish, I dump the condom and we fall asleep.

I wake up several hours later to use the restroom. I climb back in the bed in the spoon position. My dick is up agains her ass. I reach around and start playing with her clit. From there I continue to finger her. I can hear her soft moans and she starts pressing her ass against my cock. Now, Im whispering in her ear how wet and juice her pussy has become. I then reach for a condom put it on and continue to whisper how i want my cock deep inside her. LaVida moves her leg and we are fucking in the spoon position. She is moving her hips and ass until I finish. I then rip the condom off and though it on the floor. I go back to sleep.

The next morning I get up and get dress. We are talking about last night and how wet she got. I tell her we should have had morning sex, she agreed and start laughing. LaVida could not remember what she did with the vibrator. As she looking she sees the condom on the floor and ask me to dispose of it, so I do.

This is when it got strange as I was about to walk out the door. LaVida said " You are not my boyfriend. Why do you think its ok to fuck me". I was like, are you serious? Really, you are the one who invited me up here to fuck you. I then said, What the fuck is your problem. I then turned and walked out the door.

later that day I received this text-

" So last night I was pretty fucked up...disregard and forget everything I said Lol or at least please don't tell anyone the stuff I told you "

Im thinking Ok, She realize she was tripping. I later ask her if she's going to the social in Killeen/Temple. I did not get a reply.

The forth time was at this social in Temple/Killeen.This was later in the month of January. I was there and LaVida shows up. She never spoke a word to me. So I'm like ok no problem. But, when I was about to leave she ask Ffireman to get me. I ignore the request. LaVida comes out and say I need to talk to you. We can do it here in front of everyone or step outside in the back. I am totally confused. Sure we can talk. We go to the backyard. LaVida, say she felt taken advantage of and that Im not her boyfriend. Im thinking, what the fuck is wrong with her. I know Im not her boyfriend and don't want to be her boyfriend. By now I starting to think there is something else she wants.

So I ask, what is it you want from me? LaVida reply was .......... you can pay me my hour rate. I looked at her, turned around and left the social to head back to Austin.

I later went to a well know social in North Austin. Upon my arrival I had 3 different providers inform me LaVida was saying I Raped here. I was like, are you serious? Then they informed me of everything she had said.

I have no ideal why she is taking this approach. Other than to get the sympathy from other providers and her ass kissing Wks . We all know once a provider screams rape. Everyone want to pile on and give advise. That is not what happened and she knows it.

I have all the texts to verify what I am saying. I am aware that LaVida has deleted parts of our text conversations in an attempt to validate her claim. As you can tell by my post there a lot of pertinent detail left out. Originally Posted by playingnthedark

Default Just another reason for you to talk shit
So this is dedicated to the asshole who thought it was ok to have his way with me (Months Ago) once I was intoxicated and asleep. This is also to the shit starter who I vaguely confided this to, no names used, who thought it would be a fun topic to put out there, even after I told her I just wanted to forget it and not to bring it up, who also seemed to find pleasure in watching people take sides, alienate and ridicule me. This is also to the bitch that decided that she would call me a liar, and side with the asshole and then try to fight me.

Can you guys, and all of your friends with an opinion go about your lives hobbying, fucking and sucking instead of taking the time out to try to discredit me to anyone who will listen. Spreading rumors, hate and discontent. Calling me crazy lol. Funny, didn't know everyone else was there that night to feel so entitled and sure that they're right. Funny, that I had heard things of this nature happening before to others who ended up having interactions with this group. Funny, how someone needs to eliminate "competition" by starting this mess. Funny, how one needs to be in the spotlight, and attention by being the one who sticks up for men even if they are dead wrong. Funny, how this same situation can happen to others, and your friends but then it's all "boo-hoo, fuck him girl, I'm here for you" then lol. Funny, how I decided not to put myself in that situation again, nor be around such B.S., but folks love to pretend it's more than that, and exaggerate details. Funny how my clients tell me how much shit you talk about me lol. Months later and you guys still hate me that much lmao. Y'all want something to talk about, here. Y'all are going to talk anyways it seems. I never brought this up before because when I did bring it up vaguely at a meet to discuss renting possibilities, I brought it up without using names only because it was bothering me, and I had no-one to really talk to about it, who could understand. This person took this information and put it out there to purposely start shit. The thing is, I'm so through with this shit talking lol. I know y'all are trying me on purpose. I can see through yalls elementary tactics though. Y'all will try to say everything you can to get someone to side with you and it's pathetic. Especially the females involved. Ask yourself why you are trying to take sides against something that has nothing to do with you and you weren't there to act as if you are so sure and right. Who are you trying to impress and be accepted by? Lol and I hope you don't feel that threatened by my presence enough to really call someone in my situation a liar. If you want to be liked and have the spotlight, feel free. But don't start telling people who are dealing with situations such as mine that they are liars and spreading your hate and discontent just so you can get more likes. To the guys who side with the asshole, do tell me what your getting out of the situation by taking sides with a liar lol....? Anywho, I'm done with this rant. I already know there will be so much hate on this thread and so many more attacks on me. So before you get to typing, calling me crazy and other names, ask yourself what it is you're getting out of it. When you try to take the topic away from the facts by trying to discredit me and skew people's view on me, it honestly shows how much you don't want people to hear the truth. I purposely left everyone unnamed in this thread BTW. Why?!? Because as it has already been shown, if it comes to light, that someone would take advantage of someone, some females will choose to not believe you, in hopes of pleasing the crowd of male onlookers and eliminating competition I suppose. Secondly the person responsible for such despicable acts will be put on a pedestal with the other males and protected by those who agree with his actions and need to feel accepted in this community. Thirdly I don't need to name names, because after I post this, I'm sure those people will probably lash out and make themselves known.

I also apologize to the people who think some of my screening is a bit much. Due to these events and others I have experienced before and since then, I take extra precautions in who I choose to see, especially with newbies. Also safety and cleanliness have always been a big thing to me, I do realize since these events I have gotten a bit more anal about it all, lol. It's a good thing, but can be a burden at times I know. Please understand that though I chose to not talk about this situation and pretend everything is ok, it still became apparent in my obsessive way of making sure all time spent was done safely and clean. Also it has made me a tad bit more cautious and anxious when meeting someone for the 1st time. So to anyone who was wondering about these changes in me, I hope this thread can clear it up. Also before you decide to burn me at the stake, please know I have never hurt or done anyone wrong in this hobby. Nor do I wish to be in this B.S. drama. This thread is to put it out there for those who can't seem to stop bringing it up and talking about it. I feel since this is going around, I should put the truth out there, since I'm never around to add my input anyways. Maybe after everyone attacks me some more, you can move on. That's what you want right....for me to be attacked more and ridiculed right? Well here's a thread for you to finally, openly do it. Now you can go heat up your tea. -xo
Buddys Place's Avatar
This is nuts! I would avoid this Chica like the plague!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
This is nuts! I would avoid this Chica like the plague! Originally Posted by Buddys Place
It's all He said/She said. Ain't nobuddy thar but them two, so nobuddy kin know fer 100% shure who's tellin' tha troof an' who's a-lyin'. Yew kin only bee-lieve who ya wanna bee-lieve.

This is why Ah jacks off a lot. A hole fukkin' lot. Ah knows fer 1,000,000% shore thet Ah gots mah Rosie's consent an' Rosie knows Ah ain't ne'er gittin' rid o' her!
Buddys Place's Avatar
Pretty soon "consent" will be regulated by the government.
harkontume's Avatar
my head hurts
HunterGrace's Avatar
The facts:
1) LV invited PID to sleep in her bed
2) LV had sex a few times with PID prior this encounter
3) PID is huge and there's no way a woman could sleep through him fucking her yet she didn't tell him to stop
4) LV asked for the tribute to pay for the session after the fact
5) PID knows LV is a provider yet he had a session with her and did not pay her.
6) Since PID initiated the session, he should have paid her fairly

This is clearly not a rape. It rather a theft of service. I know PID to be an honorable yet cheap guy and if he doesn't have to pay, he won't.

PID: pay up and appreciate the fact that it wasn't more expensive had she made a rape claim with the LE.

LV: quit claiming rape. You would have had no issue had PID left you some bread on the nightstand. Am I right?

The facts:
1) LV invited PID to sleep in her bed
2) LV had sex a few times with PID prior this encounter
3) PID is huge and there's no way a woman could sleep through him fucking her yet she didn't tell him to stop
4) LV asked for the tribute to pay for the session after the fact
5) PID knows LV is a provider yet he had a session with her and did not pay her.
6) Since PID initiated the session, he should have paid her fairly

This is clearly not a rape. It rather a theft of service. I know PID to be an honorable yet cheap guy and if he doesn't have to pay, he won't.

PID: pay up and appreciate the fact that it wasn't more expensive had she made a rape claim with the LE.

LV: quit claiming rape. You would have had no issue had PID left you some bread on the nightstand. Am I right?

" Originally Posted by HunterGrace
Theft of service? What service did she agree to provide?

He testified that there was no service offered. He testified that there was no consent. He testified that he knew she was incapacitated. He thereafter testified that he used his sexual organ to penetrate her despite her physical condition and her lack of consent. PITD made a very poor decision to reduce his testimony to writing; sealed his fate right there. The 5th Amendment is your friend; should have exercised his rights.

Slam dunk case of sexual assault.

Edited to Add: PITD posted a comment 5-6 minutes after I originally posted my response. I obtained a screen shot of that post. In that post, PITD again put his foot directly in his mouth and further incriminated himself. Apparently, PITD works with management at ECCIE because the post was immediately removed. This absolutely raises serious questions. I have also saved a screen shot of this particular edit.
If she could control her alcohol consumption, we wouldn't be reading any of this long winded he said/she said.
Guess we know who not to invite to parties with alcohol