Encounter: Tian tian

Jderr69's Avatar
Date: 8/30/2018
Name: Coco
Phone: 315-708-6658
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Liverpool
State: New York
Address: Old liverpool road
Hair Length and Color: Dark brown maybe middle of back
Age: 30?
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Short asian even wearing heels she was short. Hair was all over like she stuck her finger in light socket. Maybe c breast big long eraser nipple probably biggest I've seen
Recommendation: Yes
Yeah I had her for a massage about a year and a half ago at one of the Liverpool spas, I think it was BoBo. She was wearing a tutu with hair all messed up. Sexy in a Staff Edit DD kind of way. No door on the room so I assumed FS not on the menu. I’d try her at this spa except $220 total is too much. But my yellow fever is mounting so maybe $170.

Thanks for sharing!
joelove69's Avatar
nice review