Bolton to Adam Schiff: Fuck You!

So after the "no witness" vote Adam Schiff's crew went to John Bolton asking him to take a deposition around what he heard President Trump in his conversations with Ukraine. His answer: No.

Adam Schiff admits it. At least Bolton is no Mitt Romney. I actually think much of this is about selling books.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Once again the Dim scriptwiters forgot to check their facts.
Got to wonder who leaked what to the NYT.
Perhaps the what was a failed movie script starring Schitt
Perhaps the who was a Dim scriptwriter and not the security clearance guy.
Every script the Dims put up is a total fail.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
these two paragraphs say it all ..

"So if that’s actually true, that means after all that, after all the nonsense that the Democrats pulled over it, Bolton wasn’t willing to speak up or isn’t able to back up the claimed report under oath.

So either he’s saving it all for the book or the report was only about teasing something that wasn’t real to hurt the president. All the liberals who had embraced Bolton over the claim are now flipping on a dime saying to boycott his book"

so once again the leftists embrace without question anyone who criticizes Trump without any fact checking whatsoever (NY Times) then turn on Bolton like a pack of jackals when he neither cooperates further in their schemes or simply won't (can't) back up his baseless claims.

now people see why Trump is not wrong when he claims "FAKE NEWS!"
LexusLover's Avatar
Bolton wouldn't enjoy prison.
WTF and WhosDummer would.
HoeHummer's Avatar
How do yous know “turdfly?”
LexusLover's Avatar
How do yous know “turdfly?” Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Your avatar. You left off the question mark.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Can you guys read?
Nowhere does it say anything new about Bolton other than he won't sign an affidavit. It doesn't confirm or deny any book content.
He said he would testify if subpoenaed. That hasn't changed. They tried to do it the easy way and he said no. Nothing has happened that changes what's in the book.

From your link.

"After the vote to acquit Trump, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., said it was "likely" Bolton would be issued a subpoena.

But Schiff said there had been "absolutely no decision made about whether to subpoena John Bolton or not subpoena John Bolton."

He said committee leaders would be meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to discuss "what next steps we should take."

On Thursday, Pelosi told reporters House Democrats would "continue to do our oversight" but had "no plans at this time" to subpoena Bolton."

No plan means no plan.
As far as book sales go, he got a huge advance. High sales are nice but he has already been paid a big chunk.
So after the "no witness" vote Adam Schiff's crew went to John Bolton asking him to take a deposition around what he heard President Trump in his conversations with Ukraine. His answer: No.

Adam Schiff admits it. At least Bolton is no Mitt Romney. I actually think much of this is about selling books. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The redstate article is bullshit.
It pretends acquittal by the senate, even though they made their minds up before the trial, means none of this happened.
The first impeachment trial to not call witnesses. What a joke.

LexusLover's Avatar
Can you guys read? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Did you have a personal one-on-one visit with Bolton?
rexdutchman's Avatar