So how exactly is "ECCIE" pronounced?

  • M800
  • 02-15-2010, 10:18 AM
I've been wondering, how does one pronounce "ECCIE"?

Is it it pronounced ECK-KEY, or is it ESS-EE?

Or perhaps something altogether different?
Im thinking Ekk-kee but could be wrong
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I think its E -C
Timk48's Avatar
Esseay, perhaps?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-15-2010, 01:13 PM
i never thought about it just say E.C.C.I.E. always just said A.S.P.D.
Im thinking Ekk-kee but could be wrong Originally Posted by hollyofhouston
I don't think you have ever been wrong.
chicagoboy's Avatar
The Knights Who 'Til Recently Said "Ni" should be consulted concerning the correct pronunciation.

[ame=""]YouTube- Monty Python and the Holy Grail - The Knights who say Ni Pt2[/ame]
boardman's Avatar
Mojojo's Avatar
Im thinking Ekk-kee but could be wrong Originally Posted by hollyofhouston
I've heard a few people call it this so im going to say your probably right. I just call it the E sounds like a hip name.

You check out that hot blond Holly on the E?

or Damn Holly on the E is finer than a mutha. . . .
notanewbie's Avatar
I have heard ecky like (B)ecky
Im thinking Ekk-kee but could be wrong Originally Posted by hollyofhouston
I have heard ecky like (B)ecky Originally Posted by notanewbie
Actually both of you are correct. I have spoken with The Original Becky on the phone as well as at the Dallas HH a couple of weeks back and that is how she pronounced it as did St. Christopher when I met him at the Dallas HH.
  • meryt
  • 02-15-2010, 11:47 PM
Like the ecce in ecce homo.
Wayward's Avatar
The tiny e, in your best Elvis voice. Look at that thread, man that thread is hu-u-uge!!
Trnch's Avatar
  • Trnch
  • 02-16-2010, 08:50 AM
I was with my buddy at a strip club, and we were have a hard time trying to pernouce it also. We slaughtered it in so many ways. We finalized it to the E-cy. As in "Easy".
chicagoboy's Avatar
Like the ecce in ecce homo. Originally Posted by meryt
That's so gay! (Somebody had to say it.)