An observation I have made during my years in the hobby is ....
... I find the majority of Providers to be more sincere and more honest than the majority of civilian women out there in the RW.
I too wish to salute and thank all the Providers who have blessed and graced me with their presence and their companionship. You have brought joy and happiness to my life. I am grateful for what you do and I believe that it is unfair that society and Big Government looks down on Providers and treats them like criminals. I believe that Providers deserve to be respected and treated well by society, I believe the hobby should be de-criminalized and made legal, and I believe that Big Government needs to stay out of our lives, our own "bodies" belong to "us" and it is immoral for Big Government to be "dictating" what we can or we cannot do with our own bodies.
I have friends in the RW that have married and are now divorced, the horror stories are just awful. These gentlemen went into a marriage believing and doing everything that society told them to do. They went to college, got married, had kids, bought a large 2 story home, raised their kids, paid their taxes, and they did everything that society expected them to do. Then by either chance or bad luck, their lives were destroyed by some divorce and the divorce courts. Many of them have lost everything.
When I was young, the guys would make fun of me for being socially awkward. I was the quiet nerdy guy with the big glasses that you made fun of in school, I was born a thinker. Somewhere in high school it dawned upon me that this "Social Pyramid Scheme" was a "Massive Fraud" ... and I decided to not marry and refused to follow the crowd or herd mentality. Instead I evolved from a thinker into a "doer" and focused my energies on bettering myself through self improvement, the pursuit of knowledge, rising in the corporate ladder, and making the most out of my life.
Others made fun of me ... because I chose to pursue knowledge instead of trivial distractions and what society dictated was "appropriate". More than a decade later, I see myself standing on solid ground ... while those who blindly followed the dictates of the "Social Pyramid Scheme" got screwed.
Most people do forget that the "Rules" of society were created by the Elites to keep the commoners and the peasants ... in their place.
The "Rules" were never created to help you, they were created to keep us oppressed, enslaved with debt, and living in ignorance.