Leftists think Biden’s a racist!!!

bambino's Avatar
So do I. I think his record, statements and relationships over 50yrs in government point to his racism.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So the dims are starting to eat themselves. Zombie cannibalism.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Kamala Harris called him as much during the debates and now he is considering her for VP and she would be proud to serve under the man she called a racist. Politicians, do any of them have principals that can't be compromised?
bambino's Avatar
He grew up in an era when America was totally different. He chummed around with segregationists and a klansman in the Senate. His racial statements over the years are well documented. Biden is a racist. It’s in his bones. And it shows with his recent comments. The truth is pouring out. Clyburn comments today trying to explain Biden’s last racist comments were pathetic and stupid. Even he’s having a hard time defending Biden’s comments. They’re indefensible. Serves Clyburn right.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Politicians, do any of them have principals that can't be compromised? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
That right there is why America elected a non-politician in 2016. About time we ran the business of America with an actual CEO type at the helm. Especially one that is not skimming from the grotesque and underhanded dealings of the bought and paid for politician class that have been selling out our country on the cheap to the commies.

Until he finishes draining that smelly swamp we need to keep him there, followed by Don Jr for a couple terms and a whole lotta less Demonicrats along the way. Of course, tossing a few coup plotters into GITMO for a dozen years or so would be a nice icing on the multi-tiered cake

Orange Man Good
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
He grew up in an era when America was totally different. He chummed around with segregationists and a klansman in the Senate. His racial statements over the years are well documented. Biden is a racist. It’s in his bones. ... Originally Posted by bambino

More proof of mid-stage Alzheimer settling in. He cannot recall what he had for breakfast today, but can spout out his racist diatribes from 40 years ago. We are just witnessing his core beliefs bubbling up through the years of spit and polish that was covering over them.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Delusion and despair boys! LOLLING!
  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2020, 02:58 PM
Back from the 'Band"!!!!
Learned much???
HoeHummer's Avatar
Back from the 'Band"!!!!
Learned much??? Originally Posted by oeb11
LOLLING! Just watching your country tear itself apart, thanks to Trump, the Orange Fever and the police state

I also learned that yous can dish it out but yous can’t take it, eh?

Just like Donald “The blacks love me” Trump.

  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2020, 03:20 PM
Op is correct - Biden is a Racist - his whole life has been dedicated to racist means and ways.

Biden's record on racism would immediately disqualify a Republican candidate for POTUS.

however, he is the best the DPST's have for nominee for POTUS. Which says a great deal about the DPST party - none of it good.

He needs to be blasted out of his basement and onto the stage to publically debate!!!!
  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2020, 03:22 PM
hh is on ignore - thank you.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
LOLLING! Just watching your country tear itself apart, thanks to Trump ... Originally Posted by HoeHummer

So you are trying to get someone to believe that the Antifa-gs ad OBLM marauders are voting for GEPOTUS Trump in 2020? The dickens you say...
HoeHummer's Avatar
hh is on ignore - thank you. Originally Posted by oeb11
Ell Oh Elling!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You want racism? Look no further than this.

In a set of tweets and in remarks in Texas on Wednesday, Trump bragged about his administration’s rescinding an Obama-era fair housing rule that was meant to combat housing discrimination. He characterized low-income housing as a detriment to the suburbs and claimed that Democrats were out to uproot and destroy suburbia — a cultural sphere that he equated to the American dream.

“You know the suburbs, people fight all of their lives to get into the suburbs and have a beautiful home,” Trump said during a talk in Midland, Texas. “There will be no more low-income housing forced into the suburbs. … It’s been going on for years. I’ve seen conflict for years. It’s been hell for suburbia.”

The division between urban and suburban America is closely tied to the country’s history of racial segregation. Even long after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, numerous studies and reports have revealed a long line of policies that have kept Black people out of white suburbs, as well as other forms of housing discrimination.

The connection between Trump’s aspersion on low-income housing in suburbs and racial segregation was not lost on his critics.

“Oh my. I mean, it’s not even a dog whistle anymore,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) wrote on Twitter. “Our President is now a proud, vocal segregationist.”

Yup. Don't want those black folks moving into our lily white neighborhoods and destroying our property values and bringing crime with them. Keeo them all in the cities.
  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2020, 03:32 PM
you left out Pelosi, Schumer, AOC and the DNC leadership .

Thank You - SR

Still - just denial and deflection.

The DPST's would rather Vote for Trump than admit Biden's senility and racism - so they just throw the 'shit' at Trump and hope something sticks.