Reviews, reviews, reviews! Question for our beloved Hobbyists

Ariel J adore's Avatar
How do you decide which providers to review?
I understand that some of you choose to never post reviews due to discretion/privacy, etc.
Those who post reviews, particularly for premium access - who, what and why do you post reviews on certain providers?

Was it the most amazing bbbj of your life? was it the worst experience and you're writing as forewarning? Do you not write them if they would be negative?

Do you send a full copy of the review to the provider?

These are things us ladies have little knowledge of and no access too

I'd love to hear your thoughts! :tramp oline:
I'll write and post a review of a first-time session with a lady and if I think that I have information about the lady and/or the session that will be valuable for others to know in making their buying decisions. It's also a fun mental exercise for me to cement the details of the session in my mind before moving on.

I'll post a new one on a previously-reviewed lady if something new occured during the latest session, like a doubles or an activity that falls in the "Wow, you didn't do THAT last time!!" category. Again, it's about sharing information.

If specifically requested, I have shared my comments prior to posting the review. If I understand correctly, sharing ROS comments for editing prior to posting is OK, but sharing them after posting is a violation of the Guidelines. (I hope I didn't just set myself up for some points!)

As for BBJs, we have many expert practitioners around here. As for the MOST amazing? Hopefully it's the next one!
pumpkineater's Avatar
Good question. Hmmm....

I write a review on a lady for my first time visit, especially if she is already a verified provider, so I can use it for PA access, but really more importantly I can use that review as a reference point for the next lady I want to see. Some ladies want 2 or 3 recent provider references to see you. So writing the review establishes that for me when seeing another lady.

I will write a review on a reviewed lady to add more credibility to her great work so that folks still go see her, so she stays around, so I can enjoy her again in the future. (sort of selfish...but hey, it's my money paying for the session! lol)

I write a review to let the community know about something really good (like the wow factor, of the previous poster), or to warn the community about something that is not good and may best be avoided.

bbbj--- the best one? Hopefully the next one, lol. Years ago in a hotel room in DFW area, this beautiful ebony princess rocked my cock that has never been equaled!

pyramider's Avatar
I have written over three hundred reviews hereabouts, now I am too damned lazy.
TinMan's Avatar
I mostly write reviews only on women I've seen for the first time. I do it primarily for the PA, but I also take seriously that I'm reporting on someone others may be interested in seeing. The latter is the reason I don't post reviews on the same woman over and over again. I'm not her paid publicist, after all.

The only time I won't write a review on a first-time visit, is if I had a mediocre time and it wasn't the woman's fault. I've had a few occasions where the woman just didn't do it for me, despite trying her best. I don't feel like I can recommend her, but unless I was truly surprised by something (e.g., she didn't look like her photos), I'm not going to throw a woman under the bus just because we didn't hit it off.

I don't like showing women my reviews before I post them. I feel I'm tactful and fair, but I'm not writing ad copy for a client, and I may have 1 or 2 critical comments even in the positive reviews I post.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-10-2015, 03:35 PM

Good question. I have a set of rubrics I tend to use, though there are always exceptions.

I ALWAYS would write a review if I though there was something I needed to warn people about. Fortunately it has been a very long time since I had to do that.

Other than that:

--I NEVER write a review if the lady prefers not to have reviews (that probably covers half or more of the ladies I've seen in the past few years).

--I ALWAYS write a review if a lady asks me to write one.

--If neither of these, I tend to write them for newer ladies, or ladies where I feel I have something to add to the body of knowledge about her. If all I am going to say is essentially, "Yes, just like the last 50 guys said, she is great!", then I probably won't.

When I do write a review I send it to her in advance. I make it clear the purpose for that is to correct MISTAKES I made, or to remove things that are too personal (specifics about her, where we went, where we met, etc.) or that are very much YMMV (staying over time, certain activities, etc.). One recently caught that she had given me her personal phone number and wanted me to use her work number instead, another drove a few hours to meet me--well outside her normal commute distance. Other than things like that I never change things just because they were not as positive as she would like--I try to stay factual and polite, but I will not post a dishonest review.