Who is Behind the Caravan?

lustylad's Avatar
Looks like far-left Hondurans with links to Cuba and Venezuela...

The Caravan to Nowhere

The march from Honduras echoes the 1980 Mariel boatlift.

Oct. 22, 2018 7:27 p.m. ET

These columns favor generous immigration and asylum for refugees. But when migration becomes a political weapon to foment border chaos, leaders have no choice other than to step in and protect national security. Exhibit A are the 4,000 or so Central Americans moving on foot through Mexico to the U.S.

Waves of humanity marching in lock step don’t materialize spontaneously and neither has this “caravan.” This march is organized and not necessarily for the benefit of the migrants. Mr. Trump has good reason to turn it back.

Not since the 1980 Mariel boatlift from Cuba has there been a similar attempt to overwhelm U.S. immigration law on the pretext of celebrating American freedom. Thousands of Cubans made their way to Florida when Fidel Castro temporarily lifted his Havana Curtain, and American boats of every shape and size sailed into the Caribbean to collect them.

But the sheer magnitude made it impossible to process the newcomers in an orderly fashion. Castro saw to it that criminals and the mentally ill also climbed aboard the boats. No one doubted the Cuban hunger to escape, but the unintended consequences of the mayhem were costly.

A Mariel replay now seems to be coming from Honduras. Though the details are murky, we do know that former Honduran congressman Bartolo Fuentes of the left-wing Libre Party has admitted to organizing this caravan.

Libre is the party of former president Manuel Zelaya, an ally of Venezuela and Cuba who in 2009 tried to override the Honduran constitution to remain in office despite a term limit. The Honduran congress, his own party, the Supreme Court, the national ombudsman and the Catholic Church opposed his power grab. He was removed by the military and never returned to power despite the efforts of the Obama Administration.

But Mr. Zelaya remains active in politics. While center-right President Juan Orlando Hernández has encouraged Hondurans on the journey to return home and even has offered them assistance, Mr. Zelaya is egging them on.

In a press release last week, he accused Mr. Hernández of a “submissive and lackey attitude” toward “the arrogant position of the empire” and criticized Mr. Hernández’s efforts to “deepen failed economic policies” like privatization. The opposition is now calling for street protests with a threat that if Mr. Hernández does not step down, the migration wave will continue.

Mr. Fuentes, who was detained in Guatemala last week and returned to Honduras, has said he did not expect the caravan to grow so large, which raises the question of where the financing for the marchers is coming from. Criminal organizations and governments like Venezuela would benefit from chaos at the U.S. border that embarrasses the Trump Administration before the election. Many nongovernmental organizations on the left also support the migrants’ “right” to the American dream.

The reality is that bowing to this migration blackmail would produce an American political backlash that would damage the cause of legal immigration and a humane refugee policy. Think of Germany’s Angela Merkel and the 2015 flood of Middle Eastern migrants. Mr. Trump is right to seek Mexican cooperation to make clear to the migrants that, whatever their plight, they cannot stampede over America’s southern border.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
and there ya go. more proof that the migration was staged for politcial reason.

a blatant attempt to over throw the Honduran govt. Zelaya apparently has not gotten over being removed from power.
LexusLover's Avatar
"Who" is in front of it? Willa!!!!

God's a real "bitch" sometimes!


BTW: This statement is factually inaccurate ...

....the 4,000 or so Central Americans moving on foot through Mexico to the U.S.
In several respects ....

1. "Central Americans"
2. "4,000"
3. "on foot"
I'm impressed with Mexico's cooperation in this case.

President Trump is right in taking measures to stop the caravan.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-24-2018, 05:58 AM
I'm impressed with Mexico's cooperation in this case.

President Trump is right in taking measures to stop the caravan. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Is he right about lying that Soros and Democrats were funding it?

Is he right to lie about ISIS terrorist traveling with them?

Or is it these right wign loons fault for being so gullible believing what they want to believe and not the truth?
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm impressed with Mexico's cooperation in this case. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Are you being sarcastic?

Of the NOW ESTIMATED 20 million ILLEGAL ALIENS in this country roughly 90%+ of the Latin American ILLEGAL ALIENS either came from Mexico or passed through Mexico. It's been ongoing for decades ... ALL MY LIFE TIME.

As we are posting the "caravan" is camped out IN MEXICO and is being provided shelter, food, water, and medical attention, as well as TRANSPORTATION, by MEXICANS.

Historically for decades, the Mexican Government has had an opened border policy to the South and have allowed persons into their country, date stamped their "papers," and gave them 3 days to get to the U.S. and out of their country.

Just to put in perspective: Veracruz was a German U-boat base during WWII based on A TREATY WITH THE NAZIS. Until 2017 the Mexican businessmen laughed at the U.S. while stuffing their U.S. bank accounts with DOLLARS!!!

Mexico doesn't want these folks or the 20 million in this country. They'd rather them be soaking up U.S. tax dollars and sending money back home to help their families stranded in Mexico so the Mexican Government won't have to support them. (There are Central American workers being transported to the West Coast of Mexico with housing provided to meet the worker shortage!!!!....what does that tell you about the "ILLEGAL ALIENS" or THE "CARAVAN"????)
normalguy21's Avatar

Advertise a free Menudo concert called the [ Re Heated Menudo] there come back tour .

Have it be in Canada with a infield swap meet jamboree and the caravan will double time it right through the good old USA and head straight for canada .

as soon as all have made it north of our border we anounce a FAKE pan dem ic and shut down the borders with no way they could come back south .


Lets see how there fucking health care system and 28 $ 6 pack of beer covers that shit !!!

123 _ YOUR IT !!!!!


That shit is always better reheated anyway who could resist ?
Are there any news reporters (spanish or not) asking "Where are you from?", "Where are you getting the money to do this?"

BTW, the logistics of keeping a large horde trekking the length of Mexico (2000 mi) is incredible. Only young to middle aged men can make it by foot. You can't make it with "only a backpack" or "pushing a baby stroller."

Better grab a Mexican bus and cut the journey to a few days. If that doesn't work hop a train.

No, the idea of a thousand+ person horde walking the 2000 miles is both a media creation but an organized effort by somebody or some group with a bunch of money.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-24-2018, 07:26 AM
Looks like far-left Hondurans with links to Cuba and Venezuela...

The Caravan to Nowhere

The march from Honduras echoes the 1980 Mariel boatlift.

Oct. 22, 2018 7:27 p.m. ET

These columns favor generous immigration and asylum for refugees. But when migration becomes a political weapon to foment border chaos, leaders have no choice other than to step in and protect national security. Exhibit A are the 4,000 or so Central Americans moving on foot through Mexico to the U.S.

Waves of humanity marching in lock step don’t materialize spontaneously and neither has this “caravan.” This march is organized and not necessarily for the benefit of the migrants. Mr. Trump has good reason to turn it back.

Not since the 1980 Mariel boatlift from Cuba has there been a similar attempt to overwhelm U.S. immigration law on the pretext of celebrating American freedom. Thousands of Cubans made their way to Florida when Fidel Castro temporarily lifted his Havana Curtain, and American boats of every shape and size sailed into the Caribbean to collect them.

But the sheer magnitude made it impossible to process the newcomers in an orderly fashion. Castro saw to it that criminals and the mentally ill also climbed aboard the boats. No one doubted the Cuban hunger to escape, but the unintended consequences of the mayhem were costly.

A Mariel replay now seems to be coming from Honduras. Though the details are murky, we do know that former Honduran congressman Bartolo Fuentes of the left-wing Libre Party has admitted to organizing this caravan.

Libre is the party of former president Manuel Zelaya, an ally of Venezuela and Cuba who in 2009 tried to override the Honduran constitution to remain in office despite a term limit. The Honduran congress, his own party, the Supreme Court, the national ombudsman and the Catholic Church opposed his power grab. He was removed by the military and never returned to power despite the efforts of the Obama Administration.

But Mr. Zelaya remains active in politics. While center-right President Juan Orlando Hernández has encouraged Hondurans on the journey to return home and even has offered them assistance, Mr. Zelaya is egging them on.

In a press release last week, he accused Mr. Hernández of a “submissive and lackey attitude” toward “the arrogant position of the empire” and criticized Mr. Hernández’s efforts to “deepen failed economic policies” like privatization. The opposition is now calling for street protests with a threat that if Mr. Hernández does not step down, the migration wave will continue.

Mr. Fuentes, who was detained in Guatemala last week and returned to Honduras, has said he did not expect the caravan to grow so large, which raises the question of where the financing for the marchers is coming from. Criminal organizations and governments like Venezuela would benefit from chaos at the U.S. border that embarrasses the Trump Administration before the election. Many nongovernmental organizations on the left also support the migrants’ “right” to the American dream.

The reality is that bowing to this migration blackmail would produce an American political backlash that would damage the cause of legal immigration and a humane refugee policy. Think of Germany’s Angela Merkel and the 2015 flood of Middle Eastern migrants. Mr. Trump is right to seek Mexican cooperation to make clear to the migrants that, whatever their plight, they cannot stampede over America’s southern border. Originally Posted by lustylad
Someone needs to show this to I B
LexusLover's Avatar
....the idea of a thousand+ person horde walking the 2000 miles is both a media creation but an organized effort by somebody or some group with a bunch of money. Originally Posted by gnadfly
... anyone forcing an "underaged" person to make that journey should have their "underaged" family members "separated" from by the CPS upon arrival in the U.S.

The same howling hyenas in the lamestream media would be shrieking bloody murder if Trump's kids let his grandkids walk across town!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
"Who" is in front of it? Willa!!!!

God's a real "bitch" sometimes!


BTW: This statement is factually inaccurate ...

In several respects ....

1. "Central Americans"
2. "4,000"
3. "on foot" Originally Posted by LexusLover

7,000 now according to news reports.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Someone needs to show this to I B Originally Posted by WTF
Don't worry so much. I read it. That article is antedated by other articles remarking on the Honduran politician's involvement, e.g. American Thinker. A discerning reader would notice that no where in the WSJ article does it say Soros wasn't or isn't involved. Quite the opposite. The organizations that Soros was financing in January are the same organizations he is financing today through his Open Society Foundations, and some of those organizations are still involved in facilitating these invasions.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You really need to stop insulting everybody who disagrees with you IBH.

“Only a (fill in the blank) would understand ... “

“A discerning reader would...”

The reverse language isn’t as clever as you think it is. It’s demeaning and insulting. Please stop trying to stretch the rules of civility. Intent is what’s being measured here,
I B Hankering's Avatar
You really need to stop insulting everybody who disagrees with you IBH.

“Only a (fill in the blank) would understand ... “

“A discerning reader would...”

The reverse language isn’t as clever as you think it is. It’s demeaning and insulting. Please stop trying to stretch the rules of civility. Intent is what’s being measured here,
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
One thing that no one in this forum will ever need is a lecture on civility from you.
Marshall2.0's Avatar
Don't worry so much. I read it. That article is antedated by other articles remarking on the Honduran politician's involvement, e.g. American Thinker. A discerning reader would notice that no where in the WSJ article does it say Soros wasn't or isn't involved. Quite the opposite. The organizations that Soros was financing in January are the same organizations he is financing today through his Open Society Foundations, and some of those organizations are still involved in facilitating these invasions. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You have to go easy on those who post avatars that make them look smarter than what they are...or not