Protests in Monroe county n near by

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Protests in Monroe county n near by

I have taken note of pic;s in the new of protests, peaceful n not

City of ROC protesters seem a mix of folks all mixed up

towns n near Monroe county
protesters look to be segregated by RACE errrr WTF
Republican towns a bit
Democrat towns a lot, its like protesting for the same thing, but can't stand each other at all

can somebody explain this please ????

have a idea for all protests
protesters should be segregated by how willing to riot
so when/if the shit hits the fan, the cops have a easier time knowing who ta bust and who will RUN home
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I'm staying away from most of the city

but from driving in towns and from news pic's
republican areas protesters stay on sidewalk
democrat areas on the road blocking traffic. errrrr WTF get the fucking off the road will ya

mmmmm also
republican areas seem like just something ta do to get out of the house
democrat areas look to be angry/upset

protesters in democrat areas need ta learn ta smile and the road is not a fucking playground