Being popular is NOT always a good thing!

Just a couple of random thoughts.. they are worth the paper they are written on

but in light of everything, #1 it might be a great time for everyone to refresh and update their screening even with a past trusted client.. never hurts to do the dinner thing off the clock just to ensure things are kosher per say.. not creating paranoia.. but remember all it takes in one person you trust to flip..and it will encompass even more people at that point...remember, if you get yourself in a mess..please only allow yourself to remain in not drag others in, for everything you think you have to lose by not "cooperating" and turning over on someone, giving up access to your accounts etc.. imagine what you will cost others by being a coward..that same wife and kids and job that you are afraid of losing because of your life will put others at risk due to your selfishness and cowardness..shame on whoever chooses that a time of LE involvement, the adult thing to do is take your lumps, take the punishment and move on.. not drag others into your drama.

This isn't a promotion or a plea to see "old timers".. We were all "new" at one time and its the way this world works, new girls come in..the professional "old timers" never miss a beat, never notice the newbies..they just keep on keeping on..makin money and pleasin men.. however being popular does have its drawbacks.. I remember the thrill of being heavily reviewed(insert fat joke please), it swells the head slightly, boost the ego.. however remember being POPULAR and WELL REVIEWED..also means your name is in the forefront much more often, it also puts a big bullseye on your back. With that new found attention comes new found responsibilities.. a responsibility to remember that everyone and their grandpa will be wanting to see you, you must screen and double screen.. if you are listening with open ears..taking it all in.. adjusting as are not one we ladies have to worry about.. the ones that are defensive..the ones that are quick to boast about their spotless record and habits and their know it all attitudes..those ladies we have to worry about as they put us at risk with their poor habits. Keep in mind, a lady like that can get busted, make bail, go thru trial etc without this community ever knowing about it..they can also flip, turnover on everyone here and aid the LE in setting up others, due to their popularity and the interest they garner due to the reviews...

I am not promoting staying away from new girls..I am merely stating that its time to think with the head on your shoulders and not the one dangling in your shorts.. Remember while you may not care or have much to lose..some do, remember that while your attitude as a provider may be, not to listen, to view a post like this as some ole jaded provider bitchin, some jealous "hater" complaining and trying to cost girls business..we will read about yout in an alert..or we will see a news story and ponder if thats you we are reading/hearing about in a prostitution sting..and the whole time i can only hope that you don't put others at risk with your foolishness..because in the end..anyone thinking they are to good to learn, to flawless to get caught or have this hobby all figured out after just a couple of years.. is a fool.

Gentleman..i wish you safety.. I recall how fun it is to get calls from horny men chomping at the can't book them fast enough..screening always gets done..but as one coed thread points out..we always have to question just how good that screening is..and is that persons habits putting us all at risk..eagerness, popularity, greed.. are what the AUNT ELLIE wants.. competition is good..but is also bad when someone lets their guard down for a split second in an effort to make that 1 more appointment.. guys think wisely, popular doesn't equal professional..that well reviewed flavor of the month is not always the girl you should trust your info with.

It's not can see who you want.. I would encourage some ladies to rethink how they advertise (i.e if they don't know your rates by ain't as popular as you think, if they don't know your menu by now..once ain't as hot as you think just yet) and if they do so in a H.O.T area..not just LR..but most major areas of AR is somewhat hot..especially in regards to CL/BP.. for christ sakes..GET THE F'k off CL/BP..give it a freakin rest..quit risking others with your total lack of ability to realize its NOT SAFE..certainly its less safe than eccie.

Keep in mind as well.. the "tradional" methods of screening are not always working anymore.. our favorite aunt ellie is quite wise to the method, has work arounds.. should the hobby dry up? HELL NO.. should everyone be playing safer.. well you should have been doing that years ago..a bust here and there shouldn't make you wise up suddenly..

LR...has been H.O.T for a few years.. as long as their is a BP/CL it will stay that way, and as long as some of them drag ass onto eccie with their carelessness..eccie will be at a greater risk then years past.. my personal opinion

and finally..ya its long... keep in mind..any disclaimer, "money is for time" thing..will NOT keep you from being arrested.. they will in fact arrest you..the LE is NOT worried about a conviction..thats up to the prosecuter..they just want the headline for making the will get to ride downtown, be booked etc.. it may or may not stick..but a disclaimer, not discussing money, not having the money handed to you..none of that will keep you from being arrested.
My first instinct was to quit hobbying altogether. But DeAnna is right. No need to go off the deep end. Just be safer.

And, she points out something I didn't realize until just now: screening is a two-way process. I always thought (mistakenly) that the ladies screened. But it needs to be both the ladies and the gents that screen.

That being said, I've decided to postpone any hobbying for at least a week...and maybe longer, depending on what the atmosphere is like next weekend.

Despite what DeAnn says, I'll be sticking to those ladies who are Preferred. Now that really limits the choice. Because with those who are visiting, there are only 25 listed right now. And that is for the whole state. But I think it will pay off in the long run.

never hurts to do the dinner thing off the clock just to ensure things are kosher per say
DeAnna--just what did you mean by the above? [Glad MX was fun!!]
charles.. i simply ment that doing the dinner thing off the clock is perhaps one way to better ensure safety.. even if it was a gent I have seen before.. blowing an hour or so on dinner before retiring for some adult fun would certainly waste alot of aunt ellie's time and perhaps deter unwanted attention.. do i suggest that every time i blow an but our fav. aunt ellie is looking for a quick thing, wham bam move on... taking an hour to eat, conversate would go a long ways in making some ladies feel more secure about the gent and POSSIBLY ensuring he has not been flipped and helping LE... just perhaps me over thinking things..but its one avenue to better ensure mine and the gents safety in these hotter times. More likely than not, our "aunt" is not going to waste 2+ hrs on dinner and a date to make 1 bust.. alot easier prey for them out there.

And i understand sticking to the preferred ladies.. understand though, that a preferred lady may be one of those that was busted of the 2 that were, a preferred lady may be one of the ones that might flip or turnover on people.. once again, not paranoia..just playing devils advocate..hell I may not be safe.. but the fact i was on a boat for 5 freakin days in a country that any american could feel rich in (geez that was an experience).. ensures it was in fact NOT ME.. lol..

once was just food for thought.. i always agree that screening is sorta a two way street.. guys gotta double check that they are seeing someone well as the girls do.. not to the stage of being paranoid and not being able to enjoy..but not just hobbying willy nilly either..
  1. Thanks for explaining the thought behind the dinner date.
  2. I agree that preferred ladies are not necessarily safe. As a matter of fact, no one is 100% safe. You go in having done the best you can to protect yourself, and hope nothing goes sour.
And now you know the rest of the story.... and now you also know why a post in coed a few weeks ago was just and the concern by long time providers of the carry over of BP/CL girls was and is warranted..

nuff said
Again, I say...they are not only targeting those that advertise on CL/BP.

My LE 'client' informed me in an email before our meeting, that if his well-checked references weren't good enough...that he would have P411 within a week.

They were very concerned about--and made it plain-as-day--that several of the long-standing ladies on the board are of interest to them.

They want to BUST. They do not discriminate and show no preferential treatment between sites such as BP/CL and P411. They take pride in infiltrating ALL of it....and the more respected the site...the more they desire access.
Again, I say...they are not only targeting those that advertise on CL/BP.

My LE 'client' informed me in an email before our meeting, that if his well-checked references weren't good enough...that he would have P411 within a week.

They were very concerned about--and made it plain-as-day--that several of the long-standing ladies on the board are of interest to them.

They want to BUST. They do not discriminate and show no preferential treatment between sites such as BP/CL and P411. They take pride in infiltrating ALL of it....and the more respected the site...the more they desire access. Originally Posted by Girl Nexxxt Door
Gives me the shivers. Almost as good as emasculating me. Guess my hobbying goes on hold for a long time.

Wish LE would go after REAL criminals. I guess these pussies can't do that...they have to prey on the fairly helpless. Bet that makes them feel real big.

[BTW, looks like this is as close as I'm going to get to being under GND. LOL]
Im not here to bust anyones sucks what happened..hopefully things work out.. but i stand by my statements.. the 2 busted i know for a fact utilize CL and came from CL and continued to use CL.. i will say and say again..and said in other threads..being reviewed here does NOT make a girl safe, nor just merely means some CL guy is reviewing some CL girl on eccie.. bottom line.

I also point out that i have said for a long time, they are on to the screening process, its that simple, but fact remains, the interest and "date" did not come from an ECCIE persona.. it was not scheduled under an ECCIE persona.. so i have a hard time believing that eccie is to blame..but CL ads and taking references from less than professional girls is partly to blame..hence the thread a few weeks back about accepting references from certain people

we never had as many problems until CL girls began jumping the gate into eccie.. suddenly..problems..

A point was made in another thread ..i didn't post and erased my post for a reason.. perhaps i should have spoke my mind at that time..

I'm not pointing a finger nor making heart truly goes out.. but i have also said that NO AMOUNT of screening makes one safe.. if you think somehow by your statement of they are wanting to target the LONG STANDING ladies i.e insinuating me or someone with the longetivity of me.. i have nothing to worry about..I am at no risk sense i long ago quit seeing guys in arkansas.. ask the numerous ones that have contacted me recently.. vague responses to PM's.. never really commiting to my location..never allowing the guy to know if i am in arkansas, florida, touring, what I am doing.. I live by the best way to negate the risk is to not be involved at all.. since 2008 thats what I have decided to do in arkansas.

I sincerely hope you make it thru post means you no ill will.. I do want to point out, you most likely will be convicted, it will go on your record.. you may beat it, but most likely once they drag this out for about 4 or 5 months..countless court appearances.. its not that money was involved..its not any of that.. its the fact an ad was placed with your likeness in the pics.. you in fact showed up based off of a call from that ad.. they may not get you for prostitution..but conspiracy to commit or something of the sorts.. misdemeanor, fine, and stay out of trouble and it will all go away..I do not know from experience..i did not SLEEP at a holiday inn last nite..but did fuck a guy in one
I have to put my nose in.

Publicly discussing ongoing legal matters and/or trying to get into a legal discussion about someone else's a no no.

NO, I don't have legal degree. But I know enough to know what is and isn't my business and what should and should not be posted on a public board.
So in this time of our ECCIE ladies arrests we should prob. take action of
Laying LoW from new calls if they can't give us what we want or if they have not seen a provider we actually know locally in our area and see our regulars!!

So in this time of our ECCIE ladies arrests we should prob. take action of
Laying LoW from new calls if they can't give us what we want or if they have not seen a provider we actually know locally in our area and see our regulars!!

Originally Posted by MissDreams
Somewhat...But what I think DeAnna was saying is that NO ONE is 100% safe. Especially now, since you have no idea who has been turned and who has not. Men tend to get around and may have seen and been compromised by a provider who is cooperating w/ LE.
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT.. was a NEW GUY that called..and gave both girls EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED!! references, passed screening, looked legit!!

so going with the theory that you shouldn't take a new call unless the guy can give you exactly what you want is sorta foolish since ellie will be able to do just that!!! And now they have atleast one KNOWN girl that is cooperating with them, thus eliminating the strategy of that method..and the other girl..gnd is a well reviewed known girl, who while may not be cooperating.. is still another knock against the theory of only seeing guys that are from known girls.

ITS A FREAKIN time to lay low period, especially from callers you have never met.. greed will get someone every time!!

charles..your catchin on im not creating paranoia..nor am i paranoid.. we all put ourselves at risk being in the hobby..

however.. in case some missed it.. was was a KNOWN provider locally actually 2 known providers locally that were busted.. thus the theory of only seeing men that have seen providers we actually know does not keep one helps and is a step in the right direction.. but is also what LE is hoping for in that the provider lets her guard down..

if i was gonna see a guy.. it would be from him using a reference of a girl i was VERY VERY close to that i can say 100% has not been involved in LE.. new guys..that may make it a little more hard for you to play but given the be it..
remember its not beyond LE's time and efforts to write reviews, make post, and in general become part of this community..

but the main point is.. no one should be doing much of anything different then you was before, if in fact your screening is at the level it should be ... trusted vouches from trusted ladies, from trusted hobbyiest.. if your changing something, then you were part of the problem of lax screening..

And with a flipped provider and/or a flipped makes things little more tough..

trust is a funny thing in this world.. once again not trying to make a paranoid world, trying to point out that theories such as using "known" providers as references is not even close to a sure fire way.. since it was a "known" girl that got busted.
willro's Avatar
nevermind... as DeeLuv always says.
  • sadie
  • 03-07-2010, 11:06 AM
Laying low is an excellent idea and give the backpage ads a REST FFS!! If a local client has a local reference you are unsure of...DON'T SEE HIM. A p411 account without a history doesn't mean much.Don't assume because a provider writes you back comfirming a reference he is SAFE. RESEARCH HER. Has she been established long with reviews from known clients on several boards? Google all of her information. Ask for specific details. Check her website...recent hobby activity..alerts in her state. Ask for five recent references in addition to his persoanl information if you need to!! Otherwise stick with only the clients you TRUST and know would contact you if they were to run into trouble.

The hobby has enough risks as it is and opening pandoras box thru lack of tight screening..advertising on even MORE UNSAFE websites only rips the seams further.

Stay save everyone.